Chapter 292
"Don't bother, no matter what, I won't like you." Su Mu looked at Qi Xiwen indifferently, put down his water glass, walked to the door, opened the door, and said to Qi Xiwen.

"I have something to do later, so I won't entertain you."

Qi Xiwenlai stayed on the sofa, talking to Su Mu, "What else do you have to do later, are you going to report at B University?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Su Mu directly vetoed Qi Xiwen without looking at him.

"Su Mu." After being bullied continuously, Qi Xi stood up angrily and shouted Su Mu's name angrily.

"Can you treat me better? I'm here to deliver medicine to you."

"Well, thank you." Su Mu nodded, and said thank you without emotion.

Qi Xiwen looked at Su Mu angrily. When had she ever been wronged like this, she got up and picked up her bag and was about to leave.

After Shen Yun closed the door, he sat on the sofa alone and didn't know or think about anything.

"Mom." Xiaobao rubbed his eyes and walked out of the room.

"Hey." Shen Yun stood up, came to Xiaobao, and hugged Xiaobao.

"Xiaobao, are you hungry? How about going to wash up and eat now?"

"it is good."

Xiaobao nodded, turned around and went back to the room to wash up.

There was a knock on the door, and Shen Yun got up to open the door.

Su Mu stood at the door, saw Shen Yun open the door, and smiled at her cautiously.

"The time for the report of Big B has been brought forward. I may not be able to teach Xiaobao to draw in the morning, and I have to go to class in the next few days. I may not be able to teach Xiaobao to paint until Saturday and Sunday."

"It's okay, I've troubled you for the past few days, and you still have to come to teach us after the class over there." Shen Yun's tone was indifferent, with some identity and alienation.

Su Mu's smile froze on his face, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then smiled bitterly.

"It's okay, no trouble."

"Oh, that's right. I haven't told the godmother about your arrival. I told the godmother last night that you are back. But I'm afraid she will be too excited to see you, so I let her come to me first."

"Okay, come over as soon as I finish my work." Su Mu understood what Shen Yun meant, and agreed.


After Shen Yun finished speaking, the two looked at each other and remained silent for a few seconds.

"Then I'll go first." Su Mu pointed behind him and said to Shen Yun.

"Okay, then be careful on the road." Shen Yun smiled.

Su Mu nodded, looked at Shen Yun, then turned and left.

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu's back and closed the door.

Su Mu lowered his eyes, heard the sound of the door closing behind him, stopped, and stood there holding his chest.

Although yesterday I had already made the psychological preparation for Shen Yun to ignore me, but seeing Shen Yun's intentional alienation today, my heart still hurts.

Shen Yun closed the door, leaned against the door, slid down and squatted down.

Su Mu, if you want to stop liking you, then I will.

"Mom." Xiaobao came out of the room after washing, saw Shen Yun squatting below, and hurried over to hug her.

"Mom is fine. Mom just got tired from standing and wanted to squat down and rest for a while." Shen Yun wiped away tears, stood up, dragged Xiaobao to the dining table, and brought breakfast by herself.

I don't know when the godmother and the others will come. I told her yesterday that when Su Mu came back, she was so excited that she wanted to come immediately, but she was stopped by Shen Yun. She came late at night. Don't worry, let them come back the next day.

As usual, after dinner, Shen Yun took Xiaobao to work.Before leaving, I called Han Ci and asked when she would come.

"I may not be able to pass, Xiaoyun, can you go home with Xiaomu?" Han Ci's voice was hoarse, as if he had cried just now.

"Okay, I'll call him right away. Godmother, tell me what happened first? Is it serious?" Shen Yun heard Han Ci's crying, and asked Su Mu anxiously.

"Su Mu's grandfather passed away."

Shen Yun was stunned, Su Mu's grandfather?She had never seen or even heard Su Mu mention that he had a grandfather.

However, she heard from her mother that it was not easy for the godmother and godfather to be together at the beginning. The godmother's father did not agree with the godfather and godmother being together. In order to prevent the two of them, he locked the godmother in the room for her A marriage is arranged.

The godmother disagreed, and tried every means to stop the marriage, even forcing her to die, but it was of no avail.

Later, I heard that the godmother announced in public at the wedding scene that she had severed her father-daughter relationship with her father and escaped marriage with her godfather.

Is that the person who stopped the godfather and godmother, passed away?

"Okay, godmother, don't worry, I'll call Su Mu right away." Shen Yun agreed, hung up Han Ci's phone, and called Su Mu.

At this time, Su Mu just got out of the car and came to the gate of b. Hearing Shen Yun's exclusive ringtone, he immediately answered the call.

"Su Mu, can you go home? Just now, the godmother said that your grandfather passed away."

"What?" Su Mu was a little shocked, but still complied.

After talking to Wang Kaile and Wu Kexiang, he stopped a taxi and went back to find Shen Yun.

After Shen Yun notified Su Mu, he immediately called Xie Linfeng and asked him to help take care of Xiaobao. The place with many people is really not suitable for Xiaobao.

Xie Linfeng readily agreed, but he may not be able to go to the clinic, and Yao Siqi's due date is approaching, and now he is not at ease even if he leaves.

There was no other way, Shen Yun had no choice but to contact the person who made the appointment, postpone it for a while, and make an appointment next time.

During this period, Su Mu had already returned, and Shen Yun really couldn't escape, so he could only ask Su Mu to give Xiaobao to Xie Linfeng.

Xiaobao was still reluctant at first, but when he heard that Xie Linfeng had made a lot of delicious food and waited for her at home, he gave in.

"Mom, wait for you." Xiaobao came to Shen Yun, hugged her and said a word.

"Okay, mom promises you, I'll come back to see you as soon as I'm done, okay? Come back and take you to buy delicious food." Shen Yun knelt down and kissed Xiaobao's forehead.

"Okay." Hearing that there was something to eat, Xiaobao readily agreed, let go of Shen Yun, and followed Su Mu to Xie Linfeng's house.

Su Mu took Xiaobao by the hand, sent her to Xie Linfeng's house, and came back immediately.

Coincidentally, Shen Yun also coordinated everything, and used his usual rest time to make a new appointment for them.

After everything was explained, the two quickly packed their luggage.Su Mu followed Shen Yun to the parking lot, saw her come to a white BMW, opened the door skillfully, and put everything in.

"Do you have a car?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun in surprise. He had been watching that Shen Yun always took a taxi or took a bus when traveling, and thought she didn't buy a car.

"There is a car, and I bought it specially for Xiaobao. However, she would be afraid of motion sickness when she rides by herself, so I haven't been here much." Shen Yun buckled up his seat belt and answered Su Mu's question.

(End of this chapter)

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