It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 293 First Went to the Two-Player World

Chapter 293 I Went to the Two-person World First
The two came to the house as quickly as possible. Shen Yun stopped the car and said, "Here we are."

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun with a complicated expression, "Are you sure that Xiaobao's motion sickness is not caused by your driving?"

After speaking, Su Mu slammed open the car door, squatted on the side of the road and retched.

Shen Yun came over with concern and handed Su Mu a bottle of water.

Su Mu took the water, drank a few sips, felt his stomach finally feel better, wiped the corner of his mouth, and said to Shen Yun.

"go in."

"Okay, do you need me to help you?" Shen Yun looked at the pale Su Mu and asked him.

"It's okay, I drank a few sips of water and felt much more comfortable." Su Mu shook his head and walked into his home.

The house was extraordinarily quiet. Su Mu opened the door, and the sun shone into the living room from the outside, hitting the shadow beside the sofa.

There was a person sitting on the sofa, with his back to the door, and when he heard the door opening, he didn't turn his head back immediately, and spoke calmly.

"came back?"

Su Mu nodded, thinking that he couldn't see, and said "hmm" again.

"Dad, I'm back." Su Mu called out to the man, and suddenly knelt down straight on the ground.

Shen Yun followed behind, watched Su Mu's movements, walked out of the room without speaking, and closed the door by the way.

Su Liedong, who heard the sound behind him, turned his head immediately, looked at Su Mu who was kneeling on the ground, and burst into tears instantly.

"What are you doing, get up quickly." Su Liedong got up and was about to help Su Mu.

"Dad, I'm sorry for making you worry." Su Mu looked at Su Liedong, put his hands on the ground, and kowtowed.

"Get up, your mother and I never blamed you, as long as you come back." Su Liedong trembling his hands, helped Su Mu up.

"I'm getting old." Su Mu looked at the wrinkles on Su Liedong's face and the gray hair on his head, feeling guilty.

"I'm almost 50 years old, can you still expect me to be as young as you?" Su Liedong smiled shyly, and pulled Su Mu to sit on the sofa.

"Your mother was left in the hospital to deal with things and hasn't come back yet." When he spoke, Su Liedong's eyes never left Su Mu. "You're thinner, much thinner."

"I haven't lost much weight. I've gained weight in the past few days when I went home."

"Why didn't you tell us as soon as you came back? According to Xiaoyun, you came back two days ago."

"Oh, I just came back to deal with too many things, I forgot to tell you."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Su Liedong patted Su Mu's hand and said with emotion.

Han Ci knew that Su Mu was coming back, and the hospital was always absent-minded when dealing with things. Jiang Lian couldn't stand it anymore, and asked her to come back first, so he could help her.

Han Ci was also unambiguous, dropped the things in his hands, ran out of the hospital, and returned to the community as quickly as possible.

"Godmother." Shen Yun, who was leaning against the car boredly, saw Han Ci's figure, and immediately got up and called her.

"Hey, I'll go in first." Han Ci responded and walked inside without stopping.

Shen Yun leaned against the car again. If she read correctly, when Han Ci came over just now, she was already crying.

Han Ci stood at the door, her heart was pounding, she was a little nervous.

Pushing open the door, looking at Su Mu on the sofa, tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"Mom." Su Mu stood up, called out to Han Ci, and quickly came to Han Ci's side, holding her arm.

"Baby." Han Ci looked at Su Mu, raised his hand to touch his face, and suddenly hugged him.

"What have you been doing for the past three years? You haven't answered your phone calls or responded to your messages. Do you know that we are all worried about you?" Han Ci said louder and louder, and his crying grew louder.

Shen Yun, who was standing outside the door, heard the crying in the room, and his eyes were reddened uncontrollably.

Su Mu, do you know that we are all thinking of you.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm not filial." Su Mu was infected by Han Ci, and his eyes were moist.

"What are you doing, the child has finally come back, so don't cry." Su Liedong saw Han Ci crying so sadly, worried that she would not be able to breathe again and fainted.

"Yes, I don't cry, I can't cry." Han Ci let go of Su Mu, and raised his hand to wipe away his tears, but the more tears he wiped away, he couldn't finish it no matter how much he wiped.

"Mom, don't cry, it won't look good anymore." Su Mu took out two pieces of paper and wiped away her tears.

"Stop crying, Mom, stop crying." Han Ci took the tissue and wiped his face indiscriminately.

"What happened to you in the past three years, how are you doing? Mom went to J University to find you, and they told me that there is no one like you in their school."

"I have been doing well in the past three years. Our school is like this. Once I graduate, all the information will be destroyed." Su Mu picked the question and answered it lightly.

"Okay, as long as you're fine." Han Ci didn't hear it, and heard Su Mu say yes, that's fine.

Han Ci asked Su Mu a lot of questions again and again. If possible, she would like to know all about Su Mu's three years of life.

After returning from Han Ci, Su Liedong was squeezed aside and couldn't get in the conversation, so he could only listen to the chat between the two.

Suddenly remembering, he glanced at the door and asked Su Mu.

"Did you come back by yourself? Not with Xiaoyun?"

"Oh, look at my mind, Xiao Yun has been outside, I forgot to call her in." Su Liedong said, Han Ci suddenly thought of Shen Yun at the door.

"You really don't know to remind me. Go and call Xiaoyun in." Han Ci slapped Su Mu's arm, telling him to call Shen Yun in quickly.

Su Mu got up, walked outside the door quickly, and called Shen Yun.

He never forgot about Shen Yun at the door, but just now his mother kept asking him questions, and he really couldn't stop talking about Shen Yun.

Shen Yun was sitting in the car, blowing on the air conditioner.It's too cold outside, she originally wanted to go home directly, but she came in a hurry, she forgot the key.

Su Mu came over and knocked on the car window.

Shen Yun lowered the car window, looked at Su Mu's red eyes, and knew that he had cried just now.

"Go in, it's too cold outside." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and said.

"Okay." Shen Yun agreed, turned off the air conditioner, and got out of the car.

He went back to the room with Su Mu and called out Han Ci and Su Liedong.

"Godmother, godfather."

"Hey, Xiaoyun, come and sit down quickly. It's all my godmother's fault, she left you outside just now." Han Ci took Shen Yun's hand and let her sit next to him.

"It doesn't matter, I am willing to wait outside." Shen Yun smiled and shook his head.

"It's true for you young couple. Su Mu came back and didn't tell us about such a big event. Did he inform us after going to a two-person world first?" Han Ci looked at Shen Yun and then at the person beside him. Su Mu teased.

Hearing Han Ci's words, Shen Yun and Su Mu glanced at each other at the same time, their eyes met, and they avoided it at the same time.

"Godmother, don't make fun of us." Shen Yun smiled, lowered her head in embarrassment, neither denying nor acknowledging Han Ci's words.

(End of this chapter)

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