Chapter 294

"Okay, okay, look, you're still shy." Han Ci repeatedly agreed, teasing Shen Yun.

Turning to look at Su Mu, the sentimental emotion hit again, holding Su Mu's hand, with tears in his eyes.

"It's good to come back, I'm really afraid that I won't see you again in the future. Tell me, if you really don't come back in the future, how will I live in the future?"

"What frustrating words are you talking about?" Su Liedong listened to Han Ci's words, and spoke of her disapprovingly.

"Stop talking, Xiao Mu, you haven't seen what your grandfather looks like yet, so I'll take you to see him for the last time." Han Ci wiped away his tears, stood up, and swayed.

"Mom." Su Mu called out anxiously, and quickly stepped forward to support her.

Seeing this, Shen Yun quickly stood up and supported Han Ci's arm.

"It's okay, I just stood up suddenly and fainted for a while." Han Ci stabilized his body and reached out to stop Su Mu and Shen Yun from helping her.

Su Mu and Shen Yun followed Han Ci to the hospital, but when they arrived at the hospital, he had already been taken away.

In the end, Su Mu still didn't see what his so-called grandfather looked like.

As a family member, Su Mu was dressed in black and stood in the middle of the mourning hall. Hearing the cries of the people around him, he didn't feel sad at all.

Although he had never met the so-called grandpa, he had also heard Han Ci tell the story of his parents, and he didn't even have a good impression of the so-called grandpa.

Compared with the crying heartbroken people around him, he seemed out of place.

Su Mu raised his head quietly, glanced at the photo in the middle of the mourning hall, was stunned for a moment, and lowered his head.

Standing outside the crowd, Shen Yun looked at Su Mu who lowered his head in the middle. Although everyone was dressed in black, Su Mu was still so eye-catching in the middle.

Turning his head to look at the photo in the middle of the mourning hall, the old man on it was wearing a military uniform with no smile on his expressionless face. Through the photo, one can see how serious he was before he was born.

The crowd dispersed, and Shen Yun came to Su Mu's side and held his hand.

Sensing Shen Yun beside him, Su Mu held her hand tightly and turned to smile at her.

"I am fine."

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu, smiled at him, closed his hand, and didn't let go.

The two stood at the back of the crowd holding hands, watching waves of mourners coming outside the door.

"Su Mu." Shen Yun opened his mouth and called out to Su Mu in a low voice.

"Huh?" Su Mu responded.

"Your grandfather"

Before Shen Yun finished speaking, Su Mu knew what she wanted to say, and nodded "Yes".

Shen Yun pursed his lips and stopped talking. He looked up at the photo in the mourning hall again, and felt that the person in the photo was much kinder.

After mourning, the two followed the crowd to the cemetery to bury the person.

In front of the tomb, a group of people stood neatly together, and the two leaders looked solemn.

"Since we're all back, let's go home." Han Qisheng leaned on a cane, stared at the tombstone in front of him, and said to the people beside him.

"What are you going back for?" Han Ci also looked at the front and asked Han Qisheng instead.

"Dad left some things for you at home, go back and get them."

Han Ci lowered his eyes, and after a while, agreed.

"it is good."

Han family,

Han Qisheng and Han Ci sat on both sides of the sofa, Su Liedong sat next to Han Ci, and Su Mu and Shen Yun sat on the other side of the sofa.

Originally, Shen Yun didn't want to come, but Su Mu pulled her hard and refused to let him go.

Shen Yun looked at Han Qisheng, then at Han Ci and Su Liedong, none of the three spoke, and the atmosphere was tense for a while.

With his hands underneath, he gently tugged at the corner of Su Mu's clothes. Su Mu turned his head towards Shen Yun, waiting for Shen Yun to speak.

"What did you ask me to do? The atmosphere is too embarrassing." Shen Yun approached Su Mu's ear and asked him in a low voice.

Su Mu approached Shen Yun's ear, and raised his hand to cover his mouth, "It's because of embarrassment that I dragged you to accompany me."

Shen Yun stared at Su Mu, stretched his hand behind his back and pinched his waist.

Su Mu let out a "hiss", which attracted everyone's attention to him.

"This is my nephew Su Mu, right?" Han Qisheng asked Han Ci.

"Yes, Su Mu. The one next to me is my goddaughter and my future daughter-in-law, Shen Yun." Han Ci nodded, pointing to Shen Yun and Su Mu to introduce to Han Qisheng.

Shen Yun opened his mouth, just about to refute, but seeing the pride on Han Ci's face, he endured it and did not speak.

Smiling awkwardly at Su Mu, he moved to the side.

Feeling Shen Yun's movements, Su Mu glanced down at Shen Yun, but didn't speak.

"Oh, niece and daughter-in-law."

Shen Yun smiled and nodded to Han Qisheng.

"Didn't you say that that person left something for me? Where is it?" Han Ci didn't want to talk any more nonsense, and asked Han Qisheng simply and rudely.

"It's upstairs in the study, let's take a look." Han Qisheng raised his crutch and pointed to the upstairs, and Han Ci got up and walked to the study.

Han Ci opened the door of the study, looked at the familiar display in the room, and burst into tears.

Close the door of the room, walk to the desk step by step, pick up the photo frame on the table, the photos inside have been torn up and put together again, the face of the person in the middle is blackened with a marker pen, it is impossible to see who it is.

Putting his hand on the photo frame, touching the blackened face on it, teardrops slapped and dripped on it.

This photo is from her original room, the graffiti on it was also blackened by her, and she also tore up the photo.

Unexpectedly, they were still stuck together after being picked up by him.

An envelope was placed in the center of the table. Han Ci put down the photo frame and picked up the envelope.

Her name was written on the top of the envelope. Han Ci looked at the envelope and raised his hand to open it, but he tore it several times, but he still couldn't open the envelope.

Enduring it, Han Ci put the envelope in his pocket, took another look at the study, turned around and opened the door to leave.

Han Ci came down from upstairs, attracting everyone's attention, Su Liedong and Su Muchenyun immediately stood up and waited for Han Ci to come down.

"Have you found anything?" Han Qisheng put his hands on the crutches and stood up, asking Han Ci.

"I found it." Han Ci came to Su Liedong's side, stood up, and said to Han Qisheng.

"If there's nothing else, we'll go first."

Su Liedong smiled at Han Qisheng, glanced at Su Mu and Shen Yun, and the four started to walk towards the door.

"Xiaoci" Han Qisheng looked at Han Ci's back and suddenly stopped her.

Han Ci and Su Liedong stopped at the same time, Shen Yun and Su Mu also stopped behind them, and turned to look at Han Qisheng.

"Dad also left you 30% of the shares in the company. As long as you want, you can come and take it away at any time."

Han Ci didn't look back, he looked up at the ceiling and let out a breath.

Su Liedong looked at Han Ci distressedly, and held her hand from below.

Han Ci turned to look at Su Liedong, smiled at him, and said, "No, I'm doing pretty well now."

After finishing speaking, he took Su Liedong's hand and walked out the door, followed by Su Mu and Shen Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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