It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 295 You are dead, I may still come for a while

Chapter 295 You are dead, I may still come for a while

The four walked out of the community and passed by a white car.

Han Chenxi looked at Shen Yun and Su Mu on the side of the road, the car didn't stop, and just passed them.

When Shen Yun saw the car, he looked at it twice.

"What are you looking at?" Su Mu noticed Shen Yun's movements, looked back, and asked Shen Yun.

"The car just now looks like Han Chenxi's car." Shen Yun looked back again, but the car drove far away and he couldn't see the figure.

Su Mu withdrew his gaze, lowered his head and said "Oh."

Han Chenxi parked the car at the gate of Han's house, got out of the car, and walked into Han's house.

Pushing open the door, I saw Han Qisheng sitting on the sofa with a cane in both hands, with a gloomy face, and when he saw Han Chenxi, he gave a cold drink.

"Nizi, kneel down for me."

Han Chenxi stood at the door, and when he heard Han Qisheng's words, he snorted coldly, "You called me here because you want to see me kneel?"

"You clearly know why I called you here? You didn't come for such a big event as your grandfather's death. Are you worthy of his usual cultivation of you?" Han Qi raised his voice and slapped the ground with his cane. snap.

"Hahahaha" Han Chenxi suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and withdrew his smile and looked at Han Qisheng, "This is the biggest joke I've heard this year. How did he cultivate me? What? To cultivate my ability to live independently?"

Han Chenxi paused for a moment, then continued, "Besides, it's none of my business if he dies. If you die, I might come to see you."

"Asshole, cough, cough." Han Qi stood up angrily, and coughed while clutching his chest.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back first, and let me know when you die next time." After finishing speaking, Han Chenxi turned around and left.

"Come back, come back to me." Han Qisheng yelled at the door a few times, stepped back angrily, sat on the sofa, and coughed hard.

Hearing the voice behind him, Han Chenxi didn't stop in his footsteps.

"Master." Hearing the voice, Uncle Li hurriedly ran to Han Qisheng from the hall and patted him on the back.

"Ahem, it's okay." Han Qisheng coughed a few times and waved his hands.

When Han Chenxi returned to the car, he didn't drive away in time. Instead, he opened the car window, leaned forward with his arms, and lit a cigarette.

Because of his status as an illegitimate child, the old man has not been treated by that old man, he does not recognize himself as the Han family, and Han Qisheng is not allowed to bring him back to the Han family.

Now that he is dead, it is not in a hurry to be happy, how could he come to burn incense and mourn for him.

Taking the last puff of cigarette, Han Chenxi pinched off the cigarette butt, slowly exhaled an eye circle from his mouth, and drove the car away.

After Han Ci returned home, he locked himself in the room and could not come out.

Su Mu was a little worried and wanted to go up to have a look, but was stopped by Su Liedong.

"Forget it, let her wait by herself."

Su Mu glanced at Su Liedong, stopped, sat down again, and asked Su Liedong, "Dad, tell me, what happened between you and my mother?"

Su Liedong looked ahead, remained silent for a while, and then asked Su Mu and Shen Yun, "How much do you know?"

"We heard that the godmother cut off her father-daughter relationship with her father in order to be with you." Shen Yun looked at Su Liedong, afraid that he might accidentally say something wrong.

"That's about it." Su Liedong pondered for a while, then nodded, staring at the front, lost in memory.

"Your mother and Han Qisheng are actually half-brothers and sisters. The old man of the Han family and your mother's mother is also your grandmother. They were married by the fingertips of the family, and they have your mother together.

Before the old man of the Han family married your grandma, he had already made a personal decision with a woman for life.But after marrying your grandmother, I never contacted that woman again, but suddenly one day, that woman found the old man of the Han family with a big belly, and asked the old man of the Han family to divorce your grandmother and marry herself.

The old man of the Han family didn't agree, but he still arranged a place for the girl, and he would usually come to the place to bring some supplements for the girl.

However, paper cannot keep fire after all.The matter between the two of you was discovered by your grandma. She came to the residence alone to find out the authenticity, only to see the old man of the Han family hugging the woman's shoulders, teasing the infant child in her arms.

At that time, your grandma was already eight months pregnant, and after being stimulated by the scene in front of her, she gave birth prematurely.

Later, your grandma passed away when your mother was only three years old because of postpartum depression.Within a few days, the old man of the Han family brought the woman and the child who was not a few months older than your mother back to the Han family.

At that time, your mother held a grudge against the old man of the Han family.In the end, because of me, your mother broke out again and severed the father-daughter relationship with the old man of the Han family. "

Listening to Su Liedong's words, neither Su Mu nor Shen Yun spoke.

This plot is really too bloody, if it didn't happen to him, Shen Yun would have listened to it as a joke.

"Why did the old master of the Han family not allow you to be with the godmother?" Shen Yun asked Su Liedong curiously. In terms of appearance, character, family background, Su Liedong was very strong in everything.

"Because it's not the family he was optimistic about before." Su Liedong paused for a moment, then suddenly looked at Shen Yun and Su Mu, and asked, "Do you know who the old man of the Han family agreed with before?"

"Who is it?" Su Mu and Shen Yun asked Su Liedong curiously at the same time.

"The Shen family, Shen Zengyi."

"My dad? (Godfather!)" Shen Yun and Su Mu were shocked at the same time, and instantly felt that the bloody drama in the world was nothing more than that.

"Yes, your father. But at that time, your father had already made a private decision with your mother." Su Liedong looked at Shen Yun and said.

Shen Yun digested the news just now, glanced at Su Mu, and sighed, "Fortunately, my dad is not like the old man of the Han family."

"That's not true, but Han Ci almost married Shen Zengyi back then, and both of them held a wedding." Every time Su Liedong thought of this, he was still very concerned.Although later he knew that the wedding was a fake wedding to force him to take action.

"The story between you is really wonderful." Listening to Su Liedong's story, Su Mu felt as if he had finished watching a romantic drama.

Comparing it with myself, is it possible that the bloody romance drama can still be inherited?Began to become your own dog blood?
"Okay, that's enough. I'm going to cook for you instead. Your mother must be crying now. Every time she finishes crying, she gets bored and hungry. Su Mu, Chen Yun, go to the room to see Tell your mother, I'm afraid she'll faint from crying."

"Okay." Shen Yun and Su Mu nodded, got up and walked upstairs at the same time.

Su Mu came to the door of the room and knocked on the door.

After about a while, Han Ci opened the door from the inside, saw the two of them, and turned back to the room.

(End of this chapter)

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