It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 298 Everyone Runs Away With Others

Chapter 298 Everyone Runs Away With Others

Jiang Lian glanced at Su Mu, and saw that he had no intention of stopping him at all, and had no choice but to let Shen Yun follow Han Chenxi to leave.

After Shen Yun left, Jiang Lian looked at Su Mu who was staring at Shen Yun's back, but never stepped forward to stop him, and kicked him bitterly.

Surprised, Su Mu looked at Jiang Lianlian.

"What are you looking for? Everyone has run away with others. Is it useful to just look at it? If you don't want her to go, chase her back." Jiang Lian said excitedly to Su Mu. If possible, she would like to catch up and help Su Mu stop.

"Godmother, I should respect her own choice." Su Mu looked at the direction Shen Yun left and smiled bitterly.

"Tsk, it's fucked up, it's more cowardly than your father." Jiang Lian clicked his tongue in disgust, pushed Su Mu away, and walked towards Su Mu's house angrily.

Shen Zengyi walked up to Su Mu, sighed softly, shook his head, and followed Jiang Lianlian towards Su Mu's house.

Su Mu looked at the figures of the two, then looked at the direction Shen Yun was leaving, turned on his toes, and walked towards his home.

Jiang Lian, who was walking in front, rolled her eyes helplessly when she saw Su Mu following behind.

Really stubborn, more stubborn than his father was.

At Su Mu's house, Su Liedong and Han Ci were already sitting in front of the sofa waiting for Jiang Lian and them.Seeing Jiang Lian push the door open and come in, she made fun of her.

"What's going on, come to my house for dinner and we have to invite you to come."

"No, it doesn't mean that you know that Su Mu is back, and you want to dress up nicely to meet my godson."

"It's all here, let's eat." Su Liedong stood up, noticed that Shen Yun hadn't followed, and asked Su Mu suspiciously, "Where is Xiaoyun, why hasn't Xiaoyun come?"

Su Mu was silent for a moment and said. "She went out to dinner with friends."

"Ah, it's almost time for dinner, why did you go out? It's okay to eat at home with friends." Hearing what Su Mu said, Han Ci also stood up and asked Su Mu.

Jiang Lian looked at Su Mu with a smile on the side, wanting to see how he would answer.

"They still have something to discuss, so they ate outside. Let's eat first."

Han Ci looked at Su Mu and reluctantly agreed. "All right, let's eat first."

Han Ci arranged for them to be seated, all of them were not polite, and they were not restrained.

Su Mu didn't have much appetite, so he ate a couple of casual bites, and went upstairs to his room.

"Don't eat?" Han Ci looked up at Su Mu's back and asked him.

"I'm full." Su Mu replied and closed the door of the room.

Sensing that Su Mu's mood was not right, Han Ci lowered his head and asked Jiang Lianlian gossipingly, "What's the matter? Did the two quarrel?"

"I don't think so." Jiang Lian shook his head, "The two of them don't seem to be reconciled."

Han Ci said "Ah" in disbelief, looked up at Su Mu's room, and still couldn't believe it, "No way, hasn't Su Mu been back for several days? Why haven't they got back together? I still think the two We’ve been living together in a two-person world for several days.”

"This is also my guess, not necessarily accurate. Let's observe first."

"I think it will work." Han Ci nodded, agreeing with Jiang Lianlian's thoughts.

Su Mu sat by the window, staring blankly at the other side.

Shen Yun's window was not closed, and he could see her room with the display inside exactly the same as before.The only difference from the past was that no girl saw him lying on the window any more, and immediately ran over and lay on the window, looking at him.

Thinking back to the past, Su Mu suddenly smiled.

While eating, he tried his best to restrain himself from thinking about Shen Yun and Han Chenxi being together, but the more he didn't think about it, the more the picture entered his mind.

I want Shen Yun's smiling face when chatting, I want Chen Yun to act like a baby to him when he encounters a dish he doesn't like, I want the way Shen Yun's mouth is full of oil when he eats, and Han Chenxi gets up to wipe the corners of her mouth for her.

The more you think about it, the more outrageous it becomes, but the more you think about it, the more real it becomes. Shen Yun and Han Chenxi's life together in the future will be like this.

Close your eyes and don't let yourself think about what you have and what you don't have.He opened his eyes again, his eyes were clear, he glanced at the opposite side, got up and closed the window, and drew the curtains.

The moment Su Mu drew the curtains, the door opposite opened.

When Shen Yun walked into the room, the first thing he saw was the other side.

Looking at the other side with the curtains closed, he lowered his eyes in disappointment, does he hate himself so much?He didn't even want to look at her room.

She slammed the door shut, came to the window angrily, and drew all the curtains.

Since you don't want to see me, I don't see you either.

Pulling the curtains seemed to have exhausted all of Shen Yun's strength, and he sat down on the chair, staring at the photo frame on the table in a daze.

The photo in the photo frame is the only photo with Su Mu in her room, and it was the photo they took when they went to the haunted house.

After Su Mu disappeared three years ago, she returned home, looked at the room full of Su Mu's photos, and put away all his photos in a fit of anger.

But I still couldn't bear it, and finally left this photo on the table, so I can see it as soon as I enter the door.

The sound of the mobile phone message interrupted Shen Yun in a daze, picked up the mobile phone, and it said that Han Chenxi asked her to see the patient's symptoms.

Shen Yun took a rough look, and he was basically sure that the person was suffering from depression caused by too much pressure.

"I took a general look just now, and I can basically confirm that it is depression, but the specific situation needs to be seen in person to make a conclusion." Shen Yun told Han Chenxi the situation she analyzed.

"Okay, it's up to your time, I'll arrange a meeting." Han Chenxi replied quickly, and he should have been looking at his phone all the time.

"En." Shen Yun looked at the dialog box, hesitated for a moment, and decided to ask Han Chenxi, "Have you eaten yet?"

Just to anger Su Mu, she purposely talked about going out to eat with Han Chenxi, but before turning the corner, she looked back at Su Mu's indifferent appearance, and suddenly lost the desire to eat.

All the way to the restaurant, Shen Yun was in high spirits.

Seeing Shen Yun's appearance, Han Chenxi didn't pay attention to him at all, so he simply let her come back first.

Shen Yun didn't refuse, and came back straight away, she was really not in the mood to eat.

"It's a pity that I haven't eaten the dishes made by our restaurant."

"Next time I invite you to eat again."

"That's what you said, don't go back."


Shen Yun agreed to come down, turned off the phone, picked up the photo frame again, looked at it for a while, put down the photo frame, got up and went to wash.

When Jiang Lian returned home after dinner, she knew she was back when she saw Shen Yun's shoes on the shoe rack by the door.

Go upstairs and knock on Shen Yun's door.

Just when Shen Yun came out of the bathroom wiping his head after taking a shower, he heard a knock on the door and started to open the door.

After dinner, Jiang Lianlian and Su Liedong went back, Han Ci sat alone on the sofa thinking about Su Mu, and finally decided to get up and go upstairs to ask Su Mu clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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