Chapter 299 Same as before

Su Mu opened the door, saw Han Ci, let her in sideways, and sat back on the bed by himself.

"What are you doing?" Han Ci looked around Su Mu's room and noticed the window where he had drawn the curtains.

"Playing with the phone." Su Mu showed the phone to Han Ci, and he could probably guess what Han Ci wanted to ask, so he asked what Han Ci wanted from him knowingly.

"I came here just to ask you, what's going on with you and Xiaoyun now, and how I heard about it"

"Mom, I'm really tired today. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Before Han Ci could finish speaking, Su Mu interrupted Han Ci directly.

"No, I'm just here to ask, can't you sleep after you finish talking?"

Su Mu yawned, put on the headphones, pretended not to hear what Han Ci said, and ignored her.

Seeing Su Mu's obvious lack of cooperation, Han Ci knew that there was nothing he could ask today.

"That's fine, then you have a good rest, I won't bother you." Han Ci told Su Mu, then opened the door and left.

Su Mu heard the sound of closing the door, and glanced at the door to confirm that Han Ci had really left before taking off the earphones.

Shen Yun led Jiang Lian into the room, closed the door, threw the towel on the table, walked to the stool by the window and sat down, letting the wet hair drip down.

"Oh, why don't you wipe your hair while it's still dripping? With the hair dryer, I'll blow it dry for you, or you'll get a headache tomorrow morning." Jiang Lian looked at Shen Yun's hair that was still dripping, and said Shen Yun Yun, while leaving to find a hair dryer.

"You don't need to look for it, Mom. I just like this kind of hair, just let it dry naturally." Shen Yun brushed his hair carelessly, and the water droplets flew up and down along the hair in an arc.

"You like it like this. Don't cry and complain about your headache if you have the ability." Jiang Lian came behind Shen Yun with a hair dryer and began to order her to blow-dry her hair.

"Tell me about you, you're in your twenties, you're the mother of a three-year-old, and you're still so frizzy when you do things, you can't even blow-dry your hair well."

"Oh, Mom, I've said it all, I deliberately didn't blow my hair." Shen Yun turned around helplessly and looked at Jiang Lian.

The hot air from the hair dryer hit her face so badly that she couldn't open her eyes, and she turned around immediately.

"All right, all right. Turn around."

Shen Yun turned her head obediently, enjoying Jiang Lian blowing her hair.

"What's going on with you and Su Mu?" Jiang Lian asked Shen Yun just in time.

"What?" The blower was blowing too loudly, so she didn't hear what Qingjiang Lianlian said.

"Let me tell you, what's going on with you and Su Mu." Jiang Lian paused for a moment, then continued to ask, "Is there something wrong with you?"

In fact, she wanted to ask Shen Yun if he hadn't gotten back together yet, but she was worried that Shen Yun would be sad, so she didn't ask, and put it in a tactful way.

When Shen Yun heard Jiang Lianlian's words, his smile froze in place, and he lowered his eyes slightly. After a while, he answered Jiang Lianlian's words.

"What kind of situation can I have with him, it's still the same as before."

"You said the same as before, do you mean the same as before he left or the same as after he left?" The hair was almost blown, Jiang Lian put down the hair dryer, picked up the comb on the table to help Shen Yun comb his hair.

"The same as before is the same as before, how can there be so many times before." Shen Yun was a little irritable, answering Jiang Lianlian's question.

"No, what you said is the same as if you didn't say it. If you don't tell me, how would I know which past it was." Jiang Lian asked Shen Yun persistently.

Shen Yun was helpless, and turned to look at Jiang Lian, "Mom, are you free? Have you finished your latest design draft? I heard that this year's exhibition is very big."

"I, don't worry about my affairs, I know what I know." Jiang Lian was speechless when asked by Shen Yun, and stammered a few words, talking about Shen Yun.

"Then don't worry about my affairs, I know it myself." Shen Yun looked at Jiang Lian arrogantly, and answered her in her own words.

"Oh, it's strange that you draw inferences." Jiang Lian was unable to refute what Shen Yun said, so she choked and pointed at her forehead helplessly.

"Okay, Mom, I know everything about me, so you don't have to worry."

"Don't worry, do you think I can not worry? How can I not worry about you now. "

Shen Yun yawned, and looked at Jiang Lian with tears in his eyes, "Mom, I'm sleepy."

"All right, all right, then go to sleep, I'll go back first." Jiang Lian replied, glanced at Shen Yun, then got up and left.

Shen Yun heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the door closing behind him.

It seems that it is time to discuss with Su Mu how to explain their personal affairs to their parents clearly.

Jiang Lian, who had just returned to the room and sat down, received a call from Han Ci.

"Hello, Han Ci."

As soon as the phone was connected, Han Ci's anxious voice came from the microphone, "Lian Lian, have you asked Xiao Yun what's going on with them?"

"I asked, did you ask?"

"I asked, but it didn't say anything." As soon as Han Ci mentioned this, he felt a little frustrated, and asked for a long time without asking anything.

"I did say it, but it's the same as not saying it." Jiang Lian sighed, it seemed that the two of them had colluded and didn't say anything.

"Hey, these two children, how old are they? It's not easy to worry about. You said it's all back, so you can just take your household registration book and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate." Jiang Lian sighed, really I don't understand what the children are thinking now. After waiting for three years, can't they just get married when they come back?
"What you said is simple. I haven't seen you for three years. There must still be some estrangement in my heart."

"That's true." Han Ci thought for a while, and felt that what Jiang Lian said was very reasonable.

"Tell me, if we do this or that tomorrow, will it promote the relationship between the two of you." Jiang Lian thought of an idea to ease the two, and asked Han Ci's opinion.

"I think this is okay." Hearing what Jiang Lian said, Han Ci had already started to think about tomorrow's scene in his mind, which must be perfect.

"Then we'll do that tomorrow."

The two hit it off immediately, and smirked into the microphone together, causing Su Liedong and Shen Zengyi to look at the smirking woman beside them with speechless expressions.

Han Ci felt the gaze beside him, glared at Su Liedong, put down the phone, turned off the bedside lamp, and got ready to sleep.

"What expression do you have? Hurry up and go to bed." Jiang Lian slapped Shen Zengyi's arm, put down the phone as well, turned off the bedside lamp, got under the quilt, and began to sleep.

The next day, Jiang Lian met at Han Ci's house, discussing today's plan passionately, and from time to time let out a clear (depressed) crisp (heart) pleasant (sick) ear (crazy) laugh.

Su Mu was woken up by the sounds of the voices downstairs, especially the laughter, which was so contagious.

(End of this chapter)

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