It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 312 Has a childhood sweetheart boyfriend

Chapter 312 Has a childhood sweetheart boyfriend
"At that time, extras were played, and they made a cameo appearance." Shen Yun smiled embarrassedly, and brushed his hair.

"You don't even know it. At that time, many people liked you and thought that you would enter the entertainment circle later, but you disappeared in the end."

"Really? I really don't know." Shen Yun was a little shocked. She had heard from Cui Ying before that many people asked about her news, but she always thought it was a flash in the pan and didn't care that much.

"Yes, I went to your school's forum to search for your information. I also knew that you had a childhood sweetheart boyfriend who was also very handsome." When it came to Shen Yun, Lin Yiyin was obviously a little excited.

"You know all of this?" Shen Yun was shocked, and suddenly felt that she had no secrets, and she could find her information with a random search on the Internet.

"Of course, did you ignore your expressiveness in University B, and now University B is telling good stories about the two of you?"

"It turns out that we are so hot, I didn't feel it before."

"I think they said, you are too cold, and you usually look like no one is allowed to enter, they dare not talk to you." Lin Yiyin looked at Shen Yun and shook her head, "Sure enough, you can't just trust the words on the Internet. Seeing is believing, you are very gentle, and you are really beautiful, even more beautiful than in the video."

Shen Yun was embarrassed by Lin Yiyin's continuous praise, stood up, and changed the subject, "Since we're done talking, I'll call Han Chenxi and your manager to come in."

"Oh, good." Lin Yiyin nodded and stood up.

Because Wang Kaile was absent today due to business, after Su Mu came out of the principal's office, he took Xiaobao directly to the place where she was thinking about sketching.

Taking out all the sketching things, Su Mu hugged Xiaobao and pestered her not to let her go down.

"Xiaobao, what did you call me just now, call it again."

"No." Xiaobao pushed Su Mu's hand and smiled shyly.

"Call me again, call me and I will let you go down to draw. Okay, okay!" Su Mu begged, shaking Xiaobao's body.

"No." Xiaobao shook his head, unwilling to say anything.

Su Mu had no choice but to put Xiaobao down and let her paint.

Little Treasure ran to the drawing board, ignored Su Mu's inner sadness, took out the brush and began to draw.

Su Mu sat beside Xiaobao, took out the tablet from his bag and put it on his lap, asked Xiaobao for a piece of paper, borrowed her brush, and drew along with him.

From time to time, Xiaobao would poke his head to see what Su Mu drew, but every time Su Mu stretched out his hand to stop him, and he couldn't see what he drew at all.

He peeked again and again but didn't see it, Xiaobao pouted unhappily, and took a paintbrush to draw a line on the back of Su Mu's hand in retaliation.

Su Mu's eyes widened, and he looked at Xiaobao in disbelief, making Xiaobao giggle.

Looking at Xiaobao who was rolling forward and backward with a smile, Su Mu picked up the paintbrush and tapped on her nose.

Xiao Bao raised his hand to touch his nose, but spread more paint on it.

"Uncle is bad." Xiaobao looked at the paint in his hand, and was about to paint on Su Mu's face with the brush.

Su Mu didn't hide and let Xiaobao paint his face, and he also picked up a brush and painted her face with paint.

Back and forth, the good sketching turned into a game of painting each other's faces.

Shen Yun opened the door and called Han Chenxi and Yang Qi into the lounge. When Yang Qi saw Shen Yun, he anxiously asked about Lin Yiyin's situation.

Shen Yun raised his eyebrows in surprise, unexpectedly, Yang Qi cared about Lin Yiyin.

"Don't worry, as long as Yiyin treats her well, she will be fine. Mr. Yang, let me trouble you with something."

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will help."

"It's nothing, I just hope you don't put so much pressure on Yiyin, don't take over jobs for her so frequently, it's best to let her have a chance to breathe."

"This." Yang Qi looked at Han Chenxi. Some of Lin Yiyin's jobs were not what he wanted to take, but mainly because of the request from the company, and he couldn't refuse.

Looking at Yang Qi's eyes, Shen Yun also looked at Han Chenxi.

Both looked at him, Han Chenxi looked at Lin Yiyin, and said, "I'll talk to Manager Li when I get back, and ask him to rearrange Lin Yiyin's work schedule."

"That's fine." Hearing what Han Chenxi said, Shen Yun felt relieved.

Shen Yun glanced at the time, Zhu Yiyi was about to get off work, and looked at Lin Yiyin, "Have you guys not eaten yet? It's just right, let's go have dinner together, and Mr. Han treats you."

"Is this okay?" Lin Yiyin looked at Han Chenxi, as if asking for his opinion.

"You are really good at making friends for me." Han Chenxi looked at Shen Yun and said with a smile, then immediately responded, "Let's go, together."

"That's really great, thank you Mr. Han, thank you Dr. Shen." Seeing that Han Chenxi agreed to come down, Yang Qi immediately beamed with joy. Being able to have dinner with Han Chenxi is really a once-in-a-century experience.

"Then you go first, I'll meet a friend first, and I'll look for you later." Shen Yun said to the three of them.

"Okay, I'll send you a message when we arrive." Han Chenxi knew that Shen Yun was going to find Zhu Yiyi, so he agreed.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Shen Yun said, and left the lounge first.

"Mr. Han, shall we go first?" Yang Qi saw that Shen Yun had left, walked up to Han Chenxi, and asked him.

Han Chenxi looked at the back of Shen Yun leaving, looked away, glanced at Lin Yiyin and Yang Qi, turned and left, "Let's go."

Watching Han Chenxi leave, Yang Qi hurriedly pulled Lin Yiyin to follow.

"Yinyin, tell me the truth, do you know Mr. Han?" Following behind Han Chenxi, Yang Qi asked Lin Yiyin in a low voice.

"Brother Qi, what are you talking about? How could I know Mr. Han?" Lin Yiyin looked up at Han Chenxi's back, and said Yang Qi.

"That's also strange. Since he and you don't know each other, why did he bring a psychiatrist here to see you after he knew you were sick? Could it be?" Yang Qi looked Lin Yiyin up and down, and said close to her ear, "He sees fuck you?"

"How is it possible." Lin Yiyin glanced at Han Chenxi again, lowered her eyes, and said, "Brother Qi, why are you such a gossip? Maybe it's because my contract is about to expire, and I don't plan to renew it. Help me I found a psychiatrist, so we got together and parted."

"Yinyin, don't worry, as long as you and I are here, I will definitely guarantee you to renew your contract." Yang Qi looked at Lin Yiyin disapprovingly. Although he had coached many artists before, Lin Yiyin was the first one he had coached in the Han family. An artist, who has been with him for several years, also has feelings.

"Brother Qi, I have wronged you these years, and you should have developed better." Lin Yiyin looked at Yang Qi, feeling a little moved.

Although Yang Qi is usually unreliable, he really has nothing to say to her. Before, directors and producers took advantage of her, and it was Yang Qi who helped her down.

(End of this chapter)

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