Chapter 313 Waiting for You to Come Back
"Don't move, the painting will be finished soon." Su Mu said, finishing the last stroke on Xiaobao's face.

"Okay." Put down the pen, looked at Xiaobao's face, picked up the phone to take a picture, and sent it to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun, who was helping Zhu Yiyi pick out snacks in the supermarket, heard the notification sound of the news, took out his mobile phone and clicked on the photo.

In the photo, Xiaobao opened his eyes in a daze, and his face was painted as a kitten, with red and yellow paint on it.

When Su Mu bought paints, he specially bought children's paints for Xiaobao, which was non-irritating, so he didn't have to worry about any bad reactions on Xiaobao's skin.

Shen Yun clicked to save the photo, and sent a video to Su Mu.

Su Mu answered the video and handed the phone to Xiaobao.

"Mom!" Xiaobao shouted excitedly at Shen Yun while holding the phone.

"Hey, Xiaobao, where did you go to play today?" Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao's smiling face, like a very excited kitten.

"Let's go sketching." Xiaobao answered Shen Yun's words.

"Really? Let mom see, what did you draw?" Shen Yun chatted and threw snacks into the shopping cart, all of which Zhu Yiyi usually likes to eat.

Xiaobao switched the camera and took pictures of his own paintings for Shen Yun to see. While taking pictures, he asked Shen Yun, "Mom, do you look good?"

"It's beautiful, it's very beautiful, and my mother will hang it up for you when I go back." Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao's paintings. She didn't have much artistic talent and didn't know how to appreciate them, but she could still see that Xiaobao's painters were better than before.

Su Mu watched Xiaobao chatting with Shen Yun anxiously from the sidelines. He wanted to chat with Shen Yun, but he couldn't take the phone back from Xiaobao.

If he had known that they could chat for so long, he would have chatted with Shen Yun first when he answered the video.

"Well, okay, goodbye, Mom." Xiaobao said, and handed the phone to Su Mu.

"Uncle, here it is."

Su Mu took the phone happily and looked at Shen Yun.

"Why do you have so much paint on your face?" Shen Yun saw that Su Mu's face had more paint than Xiaobao's, and there were crooked curves drawn on his cheeks, probably Xiaobao also wanted to draw a beard for him, But it didn't draw well.

"It's all drawn by Xiaobao. Look at my hands, my face, and my neck." Su Mu stretched the back of his hand in front of the phone and complained to Shen Yun.

"Hahaha, it's pretty pretty." Shen Yun suppressed a smile and comforted Su Mu.

"Hmph, you're the only one in the supermarket?" Su Mu snorted unhappily, looked around Shen Yun, and asked her tentatively.

Knowing what Su Mu meant, Shen Yun smiled and said deliberately, "No, there are a lot of people in the supermarket."

When Shen Yun said no, Su Mu's face collapsed immediately, and when he heard what she said behind him, his smile appeared again, knowing that Shen Yun was deliberately teasing him.

"What are you doing, instead of eating, go to the supermarket to buy snacks?"

"No, I bought it for Zhu Yiyi. Coincidentally, the one I went to see was filming the same movie as Yiyi." Shen Yun pushed the shopping cart to the bar to check out, and explained to Su Mu.

"That's really a coincidence. You won't come back for dinner tonight." Su Mu asked Shen Yun affirmatively. As soon as she heard that Shen Yun was going to see Zhu Yiyi, she knew that they must have dinner together.

"Yes, you and Xiaobao don't stay out too late, go back quickly."

"Understood, I didn't come back after eating out, and let us go home quickly. Xiaobao, do you think your mother is a villain?" Su Mu said to Shen Yun in a strange way, and asked Xiaobao.

"No, mother is the best person. Uncle said that mother is bad, and uncle is bad." Xiaobao crossed his arms and snorted coldly at Su Mu.

Not getting the answer he wanted, Su Mu smiled, and lightly poked Xiao Bao's forehead with his finger, "Little ghost."

"Hahaha, let's make you feel embarrassed, let you call me." Hearing Xiaobao's answer, Shen Yun laughed at Su Mu.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I have to pay the bill."

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back."

"Okay." Shen Yun replied with a smile, and hung up the phone.

Listening to the conversation between the two, the cashier couldn't help but look at Shen Yun a few more times.

"Xiaobao, pack up and let's go eat." Su Mu hung up the phone and said to Xiaobao.

"Okay." Hearing that he was going to eat, Xiaobao agreed crisply, quickly packed his things, and carried his schoolbag.

"Your mother left us to eat alone with others, and we can't treat ourselves badly. How about uncle taking you to eat delicious food?" Su Mu reached out to pick up Xiaobao, hugged her in his arms, and asked her.

"Okay, go eat something delicious." Xiaobao agreed with his arms around Su Mu's neck.

Shen Yun came to Zhu Yiyi's set with two large bags of snacks, and when he saw a cup of milk tea in hand, he knew that his order had arrived.

Since he came to visit the set, he definitely couldn't just bring snacks for Zhu Yiyi.

Zhu Yiyi should have finished filming and changed her private server. She was discussing something with the director in front of the computer. When she saw Shen Yun coming, she waved to her and ran over.

"Baby Yunyun, I knew you bought the milk tea. I love you so much, okay?" Zhu Yiyi put her arms around Shen Yun's neck and kissed her face twice.

The people around looked at Shen Yun and started discussing more enthusiastically, what is the background of this girl, she came to walk with Lin Yiyin with Mr. Han in the afternoon, and hugged Zhu Yiyi again this evening.

Ignoring the gossip around, Shen Yun showed Zhu Yiyi the snacks he bought.

"Look, I'll give you a lot of delicious food."

"My God, why did you buy her so many snacks?" Albert looked at the two big shopping bags in Shen Yun's hands, and started to have a faint headache. How long would it take Zhu Yiyi to lose the calories of these snacks.

"Li Goudan, baby Yunyun bought it for me, you are not allowed to take it away this time." Zhu Yiyi stood in front of Shen Yun, looking at Albert fiercely, as if she could pounce on him and bite him if he took a step closer. .

"No, anyway, if you end up getting fat, it's you who want to lose weight."

"..." The sentence of losing weight hit Zhu Yiyi's heart, she rolled her eyes at Albert, and pulled Shen Yun back to her car.

Just as Albert raised his foot to follow, the director grabbed his arm.

"Manager Li, who is that guy? Why haven't I seen him before? Could it be the newly signed artist of the Han Group?" The director pulled Albert and asked Albert with a smile.

"No, she's not an insider, but she's an acquaintance." Albert calmly withdrew his arm from the director's hand and said to the director.

"So, does she have any plans to enter the entertainment industry?" The director continued to ask Albert with some regret.

People nowadays are all monkeys and monkeys, so Albert might not know what the director meant.Shen Yun knew the president of the Han family and had a close relationship with Zhu Yiyi. If he could get in touch with Shen Yun first, he would definitely gain a good impression in front of the Han family and Zhu Yiyi in the future.

Seeing through the director's heart, Albert smiled distantly and said, "Sorry, no."

(End of this chapter)

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