It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 314 One Sap Can't Make a Loud Fart

Chapter 314

As soon as Zhu Yiyi left the set, there was a commotion outside, everyone was shouting Zhu Yiyi's name.

Shen Yun visited Zhu Yiyi's class a few times, and he has seen this kind of scene several times, and he is no longer surprised by it.

Zhu Yiyi warmly greeted the fans, and said softly to the fans, "My baby can only be appreciated by those present, so pay attention to coding when shooting!"

"I know." The fans knew that Zhu Yiyi was referring to Shen Yun, and they agreed repeatedly, and even some fans who often took photos with Zhu Yiyi knew Shen Yun.

Zhu Yiyi greeted and received letters along the way, and walked for more than ten minutes for the 5-minute journey.

Back in the RV, Zhu Yiyi accepted her smile and looked at Shen Yun with probing eyes.

"I heard that you reconciled with Su Muna kid?"

After all, what should come can't escape, Shen Yun knew that he would accept Zhu Yiyi's cross-examination when he came today, looked at her, smiled flatteringly, and nodded.


"So, I told you a lot that day, and that's how you reflected?" Zhu Yiyi asked Shen Yun back.

"No, I really thought about it that day, and I made it clear to him that night. But we got back together again the next day." Shen Yun was a little guilty when she said it, but she really thought about it.

"Really? Then do you know why he left three years ago? What did he hide?" Zhu Yiyi pointedly asked Shen Yun sharply.

"Uh, I don't know yet." Shen Yun blinked and got stuck.

"You don't know anything, so you forgive him so easily? You are worthless." Zhu Yiyi poked Shen Yun's forehead with hatred. Since it was Shen Yun's choice, she had no choice but to say it again something.

Shen Yun tilted his head back, and came back quickly, taking advantage of the situation to hug Zhu Yiyi, "I knew Yiyi was the best! It's not like you don't know Su Mu's character, he must have his own ideas."

"I just know him too well. He's just a dumb gourd. He can't fart a loud fart with a single stick. If you don't force him, he will definitely not say anything." Zhu Yiyi said anxiously, already incoherent in anger.

"As an actress, pay attention to your own image." Shen Yun was amused by Zhu Yiyi's words, and patted her on the back to calm her down.

"Hmph, I don't care, I won't forgive you if you don't invite me to barbecue today." Zhu Yiyi snorted proudly, turning her face away.

"Ah, but we have already decided where to eat, the Japanese grocery store where Han Chenxi went." Shen Yun said coquettishly, and pulled Zhu Yiyi's arm to act coquettishly at her.

"Well, if it really doesn't work, a Japanese grocery store is also fine." Zhu Yiyi couldn't resist Shen Yun's coquettish behavior, turned her face to one side, pursed her lips, and couldn't help laughing.

"Yiyi is the best, I love you." Shen Yun took Zhu Yiyi's hand and kissed her face.

"Really, I've never seen you act like a baby before, but the older you get, the more you will act like a baby." Zhu Yiyi covered her face, unable to hide her smile anymore.

"Oh, let's go, Han Chenxi and Yiyin must have been waiting there for a long time." Shen Yun was embarrassed by the words, and pulled Zhu Yiyi out.

"Your patient today is Lin Yiyin?" Zhu Yiyi knew that the main purpose of Shen Yun's visit today was to see a doctor. Apart from herself and Mu Sibai, Chen Yun didn't know the third person in the entertainment industry.

"Can't I be a friend I just met?" Shen Yun smiled, knowing that he couldn't hide anything from Zhu Yiyi.

"Yes." Zhu Yiyi did not expose Shen Yun, nodded, pulled Zhu Yiyi out of the RV, and shouted to the fans not far away, "I'm going out for dinner with my baby, you guys go home quickly."

Albert had been waiting in Zhu Yiyi's nanny's car for the two to get off. Hearing Zhu Yiyi's voice, he quickly asked the driver to drive the car in front of Zhu Yiyi.

Seeing Zhu Yiyi coming in, she quickly turned around and said to her earnestly, "Can you be more careful when you talk outside next time, you know that there are many rumors about the two of you on the Internet now."

"I know, you've said it many times, it's long-winded." Zhu Yiyi reluctantly agreed, and turned to complain to Shen Yun, "You see, he usually bullies me like this."

"He is doing it for your own good, but what are the rumors about the two of us on the Internet?" Shen Yun asked Albert curiously.

"That's all, let's say we are a couple. When I was filming, my girlfriend came to visit the set. I guess your visit today will definitely cause another disturbance."

"Then should I explain it to you?" Shen Yun asked Zhu Yiyi.

"No, let them write. Writing about you is better than writing about other scandals in my circle, and I am very happy to form a CP with you." Zhu Yiyi teasingly picked Shen Yun's chin, and threw a ball at her. winking.

"You see that there are already announcements about the two of you on the Internet. You are in a special situation recently, don't you know?" Albert swiped his phone, looked at the announcement about Zhu Yiyi on Weibo, and turned around and said Zhu Yiyi.

"Oh, it's nothing more than some painless black notices. It's okay." Zhu Yiyi waved her hand indifferently. She had read it online, and the most serious thing was making fun of her nationality.

But she clarified this a long time ago, but some people can't help but pretend not to see her.

"In short, you should be more careful in your work recently. I always feel that things are not that simple. You have too many black drafts recently." Albert, judging by his keen sense of being an agent for many years, he always felt that someone was sincere. I want to mess with Zhu Yiyi.

"Oh, I got it! I promise that from tomorrow onwards, I won't go anywhere except filming in the theater, okay?" Zhu Yiyi pointed at Albert with three fingers to promise, and asked him.

Albert was speechless after being blocked by Zhu Yiyi, and turned his head to look forward.

When they arrived at the Japanese grocery store, Zhu Yiyi and Shen Yun got out of the car, and Albert asked Zhu Yiyi to call him after eating, and then he came to pick her up.

Zhu Yiyi responded casually, and dragged Shen Yun into the Japanese grocery store. She hadn't eaten all afternoon, and she was about to starve to death.

Entering Han Chenxi's box, only Lin Yiyin and Yang Qi were inside.

"Miss Shen, the friend you mentioned is Teacher Zhu." Yang Qi saw Shen Yun and Zhu Yiyi coming in hand in hand, and stood up quickly.

"Ah, brother Qi and Yinyin are also there." Zhu Yiyi saw Yang Qi and Lin Yiyin, and walked over to greet them familiarly.

The two people filmed the same scene on the set, and the relationship is not bad.In fact, Zhu Yiyi still likes Lin Yiyin very much, but Lin Yiyin is too quiet and usually doesn't like to talk. When the two of them are together, Zhu Yiyi is usually the one talking.

"Well, Xiao Yun called me over." Lin Yiyin nodded and said.

"Where's that kid Han Chenxi? Why are you two alone? Maybe it's because there are too many people and you don't want to pay the bill." Zhu Yiyi sat opposite Lin Yiyin and asked them.

(End of this chapter)

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