It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 326 When Will You Get Married

Chapter 326 When Will You Get Married

Before Shen Yun was dazed, Su Mu called again.

Shen Yun waited for three seconds, then answered the call.


"Where are you now?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun in a low voice, with a hint of temptation in his tone.

"Mr. Su, does where I go have anything to do with you?" Shen Yun sneered, talking about Su Mu.

After she finished speaking, she regretted it, but what she said was water that was thrown out, and there was no way to take it back.

"It's nothing to do with me, I'm sorry, I was the one who was worried." Su Mu was stunned for a long time before turning back to Shen Yun.Teacher Su's three words, like a sharp sword, pierced his heart fiercely.

"I didn't mean that." Hearing Su Mu's sad tone, Shen Yun wanted to explain to him, but didn't know how to speak.

"It's okay, I understand. I called to see if anything happened to you. Now I know that you are all right." Su Mu interrupted Shen Yun, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Listening to the beeping sound from the phone, Shen Yun was absent-minded for a long time. She really didn't mean to choke with Su Mu.

It's just that when answering the phone, his mouth is faster than his brain, so he speaks out first.

Taking back the phone, he lowered his head just in time to find Xiaobao staring at him, Shen Yun smiled and rubbed her hair.

Tell her she's fine.

After Su Mu hung up the phone, he didn't leave directly. Instead, he squatted in front of Shen Yun's door for a long time, his legs were numb, and he raised his hand to hold the doorknob before standing up.

Back in his room, Su Mu sat on the sofa in a daze, then picked up his cell phone and called Qi Xiwen.

Shen Yun brought Xiaobao to the hospital, and before entering the ward, he heard deafening crying.

"What's the situation?" Shen Yun pushed open the door, and saw Xie Linfeng frantically coaxing the child, but Yao Siqi, who was supposed to be lying on the hospital bed, was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is sister-in-law?" Shen Yun looked around the ward, but still did not see Yao Siqi, and asked Xie Linfeng.

"She went to the bathroom and threw her to me. How can I coax the child." Xie Linfeng held the child's back with one hand, rocked it back and forth, and coaxed her.

"Is she hungry, or did she poop again?" Shen Yun thought of the day when the nurse said that the child cried because he was hungry and pooped.

"Neither, she just offended me. It doesn't matter how her mother touches her, as long as she sees me, she will cry, let alone if I touch it." Xie Linfeng looked at Shen Yun, frowning together.

"Enen, enen." Shen Yun came to Xie Linfeng, called Xie Muen's name, and coaxed her.

Xie Muen, who was crying, suddenly stopped crying when he saw Shen Yun, and stretched out his little hand towards Shen Yun.

Shen Yun looked at Xie Linfeng in surprise, stretched out a finger, and put it in Xie Muen's hand.

Xie Muen grabbed Shen Yun's little hand and giggled.

"I..." Xie Linfeng opened his mouth, but still didn't say the last word.

"Is this little girl at odds with me? You can coax me anyway, I'm your father." Xie Linfeng shook his arms and looked at Xie Muen.

Facing Xie Linfeng's face, Xie Muen suddenly opened his mouth and began to cry again.

"Don't cry, why are you crying again." Hearing the cry, Xie Linfeng quickly shook his arms and coaxed her.

"How about I come?" Shen Yun glanced at Xie Linfeng and said.

"Give it to you." Xie Linfeng glanced at Xie Muen who was still crying, and handed Xie Muen into Shen Yun's arms.

With stiff arms, Shen Yun took Xie Muen. The baby was too small, and Shen Yun didn't dare to use force, for fear that he would hurt her accidentally.

As soon as Xie Muen touched Shen Yun, he gradually stopped crying, wrapped his fingers, looked at Shen Yun and smiled.

"It is said that the daughter is the lover of the father in the previous life, so I am afraid that she is not the enemy of my previous life." Xie Linfeng looked at Xie Muen who was smiling and happy, and said depressedly.

"Maybe, she's not used to it yet." Hearing Xie Linfeng's words, Shen Yun smiled, picked up his tongue, and teased Xie Muen.

Xiaobao stood on tiptoe and grabbed Shen Yun's arm, wanting to see Xie Muen.

Shen Yun stiffened his arms, squatted down slightly, and gave Xie Muen a look at Xiao Bao.

"Hey, you guys are here!" Yao Siqi came back from the bathroom, opened the door and saw Shen Yun and Xiaobao, she was pleasantly surprised.

"That's right." Shen Yun kept his eyes on Xie Muen, nodding his head once and for all, teasing her.

"She actually told you. There are so many people here these days, and they cry when they see everyone, but they don't cry when they see you." Yao Siqi came to Shen Yun's side and teased Xie Muen with her.

"This child will definitely have vision in the future, and he will definitely find a peerless handsome guy to come back." Yao Siqi grabbed Xie Muen's little hand and asked her, "If it's really not possible, we will urge your aunt to get married quickly. We will live with your aunt's child Together, okay?"

Shen Yun lowered his head and smiled, but did not answer.

"In the final analysis, when do you plan to marry Su Mu?" How could Yao Siqi be fooled like that, and asked Shen Yun.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you get married all of a sudden?" Shen Yun lowered her head and didn't look into Yao Siqi's eyes. She was too embarrassed to say that it was very likely that she didn't even have a boyfriend.

Yao Siqi looked at Shen Yun formally, opened her mouth, and just about to speak, Xie Muen in her arms suddenly burst into tears.

"Don't cry, don't cry, mom hugs. Mom will help you talk about auntie, let auntie get married quickly." Yao Siqi hugged Xie Muen from Shen Yun's hands, and it can be seen from the way Yao Siqi hugged the child very well skilled.

...Is it because of this that people cry?Shen Yun looked at Yao Siqi wronged, she would not take the blame.

Su Mu asked Qi Siwen to meet at a cafe near University B. He arrived at the cafe ahead of time, ordered a cup of coffee first, and waited for Qi Xiwen.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I might be busy with the art exhibition recently." Qi Xiwen came to sit down opposite Su Mu and explained to him.

"It's okay." Su Mu took a sip of coffee, put down the coffee cup, and raised his hand to greet the waiter.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" The waiter came to Su Mu holding the menu and asked him respectfully.

Su Mu pointed in the direction of Qi Xiwen and asked the waiter to ask her.

"A glass of American style is fine." Qi Xiwen looked at the waiter, smiled and nodded.

"Okay, wait a minute." The waiter bowed slightly, turned and left.

"You came here today to apologize to me, right?" Qi Xiwen put his face on the table with his hands in his hands, looking at Su Mu happily.

"No, I'm here to explain to you." Su Mu shook his head slightly, and looked at Qi Xiwen seriously.

Hearing Su Mu's words, Qi Xiwen withdrew his smile, leaned on the back of the chair, and looked at Su Mu evasively.

"I do not want to hear."

Su Mu looked at Qi Xiwen, regardless of whether she wanted to hear it or not, she spoke directly.

(End of this chapter)

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