It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 327 Don't meet again in the future

Chapter 327 Don't meet again in the future
"I am very grateful that you took care of me two years ago, but I have always only regarded you as a friend, and I have never thought of anything wrong. I like Shen Yun from the beginning to the end." Su Mu paused, looking at Qi Xiwen.

"I hope you can understand that you can't force it to like this. I don't like you, and I know you can understand it. Your recent behavior has completely disturbed my life. If you continue like this, there must be no need for us to do it again in the future." We met."

After Su Mu finished speaking, he got up and paid the bill without waiting for Qi Xiwen to speak, and left.

Qi Xiwen stared at Kong Luoluo, Su Mu's words echoed in her mind over and over again.

"There is no need to meet in the future, and there is no need to meet again in the future."

Thinking about it, Qi Xiwen suddenly burst out laughing in a low voice. The voice first came from his throat, and then it became louder and louder. Tears grew more and more like the voice.

Su Mu, Su Mu, I have been chasing you for so long, and you won't see each other if you say no, what do you think of me?
Fortunately, there were not many people in the store early in the morning, but everyone present, without exception, was looking at Qi Xiwen.

"Sorry, miss, I hope you can keep your voice down in public." The waiter came to Qi Xiwen and reminded.

Qi Xiwen stopped smiling, didn't even wait for coffee, and left with her bag.

Shen Yun stayed in the hospital until night before coming back, when he got out of the elevator, Shen Yun saw Su Mu squatting in front of the house.

"You're back!" Seeing Shen Yun, Su Mu quickly stood up.

However, due to squatting for too long, his legs were numb from squatting, and he staggered a bit, holding on to the door behind him to stabilize his figure.

"Uncle." Seeing Su Mu, Xiao Bao let go of Shen Yun's hand and rushed out to hug him.

"Hey, Xiaobao." Su Mu picked up Xiaobao and answered.

"What are you doing squatting here?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu in astonishment.

"I have something to tell you." Su Mu looked directly at Shen Yun and said.

Shen Yun didn't speak, and opened the door, looking at Su Mu.

With joy on his face, Su Mu entered the room, bent down and put Xiaobao on the ground, and said to her.

"Xiaobao, go to the living room to play for a while, and I will have a conversation with your mother."

"Okay." Xiaobao looked at Su Mu, nodded, and ran towards the living room alone.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Shen Yun put a glass of water in front of Su Mu, sat on the sofa, and looked at Su Mu.

"I went to find Qi Xiwen today, and I made it clear to her that she should not come to me in the future. I had relapsed a few times before, and it was quite serious. I was ordered not to leave the hospital, and I stayed on the hospital bed all the time. It’s eyes full of white, nothing, thinking you can’t see you, so I agreed to her request to teach me how to draw.” Su Mu got up and sat next to Shen Yun, when he was talking excitedly, he wanted to hold Shen Yun’s hand , but the palm stretched out halfway and then retracted.

"I only had a pure friendship with her before, and I had absolutely no other ideas. In my heart, I always had only you." Su Mu looked into Shen Yun's eyes, wanting to prove his heart to her.

Shen Yun stared at Su Mu and didn't speak for a moment. Just when Su Mu thought she would not forgive him, Shen Yun suddenly spoke.

"Su Mu, how much have you lied to me? I don't want to live a life of speculation and forbearance every day, and I don't want someone to pop up out of nowhere one day, saying that she is your teacher, friend, or even a confidante."

"No, absolutely not." Hearing Shen Yun's words, Su Mu shook his head quickly, "I have told you all the stories before, and the rest of the story is that I finally compromised and agreed to the school's request. I worked as a professor in the school. During this period, due to the relapse of the disease, I went back and forth to the hospital four times.

When I was teaching at school, I met Qi Xiwen, and I don't know who she learned about my past from.Later, when I had a serious illness, I stayed in the hospital all the time. At that time, she also proposed to teach me to paint.

Later, when my condition became more stable, I couldn't control my thoughts about you, so I wanted to sneak back to China and see you.You will know the next thing. "

Su Mu told Shen Yun everything in one go, and stared at her, wanting to see her reaction.

It's a pity that Shen Yun didn't respond, and listened to him finish the whole story very calmly.

"So, don't be angry, okay? I promise there will never be a next time." Su Mu leaned forward, grabbed Shen Yun's cuff, and looked at her aggrieved.

Shen Yun pulled the cuff from Su Mu's hand and looked at Su Mu, "You really just gave up like that?"

Su Mu withdrew his eyes and stared at the water glass in front of him. His eyes were sharp for a moment, his eyes were gloomy, his voice was hoarse, and his tone was full of hatred.

"Of course not. I must make them pay for my life in the early hours of the morning."

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu, leaned forward and held his hand. "Then what are you going to do?"

Su Mu blinked, suppressed the gloom in his eyes, and turned to look at Shen Yun.

"I am slowly collecting evidence, and there are still some key evidences that are hidden, and I have no way to find them at the moment."

"No matter what you do, I will always be by your side." Shen Yun held Su Mu's hand tightly and looked at him seriously.

"En." Su Mu shook Shen Yun's hand back and nodded solemnly.

"Then since I've finished talking about my business, tell me about your business." Su Mu's voice changed suddenly, and he withdrew his hand to look at Shen Yun.

"What can I do? I have been working hard for three years, taking care of Xiaobao and taking care of the family. What can I tell you?"

"I've heard about you and that Han Chenxi. You had a blind date with him back then." Su Mu folded his arms and looked at Shen Yun carefully.

The situation changed so quickly that Shen Yun was caught off guard and looked at Su Mu with a guilty conscience.

"Then you haven't come back for three years, and you haven't even heard of it. You can't let me wait for you forever, why?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu with indifference and confidence, as if you could do anything to me.

"It's my fault, I was wrong." Su Mu didn't argue with Shen Yun, but admitted his mistake in time, otherwise he would be the one who suffered in the end.

"I have nothing to do with Han Chenxi. We just met at the airport when we came back from a business trip, and then we got in touch. Occasionally we would have dinner together, take a walk or something." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu playfully, and deliberately teased him with words.

"Do you still eat, take a walk, and occasionally?" Sure enough, Su Mu looked at Shen Yun incredulously, full of jealousy.

"Yes, can't you? You are only allowed to talk about love, poetry and painting with that Qi Xiwen, why can't I have dinner and walk with Han Chenxi?" Shen Yun leaned on the sofa and looked at Su Mu provocatively.

"How can it be the same? Qi Xiwen and I are friends." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and explained anxiously.

"We are also friends." Shen Yun raised his eyebrows and said.

(End of this chapter)

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