Chapter 328 Something Happened

"That's different, Han Chenxi is happy." Su Mu stopped in the middle of speaking, and realized that Shen Yun was deliberately teasing him.

"What are you happy about? Why don't you continue talking?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu and teased him deliberately.

"Okay, you are teasing me on purpose, right? Do you want to see me jealous." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun with a smile, put his hand on Shen Yun's waist, and tickled her.

"Hahaha, don't scratch me." Shen Yun shrank into a ball with a smile, avoiding Su Mu's hand.

"Let you deliberately tease me, dare you?" Su Mu knelt on both sides of Shen Yun, fingers still scratching her waist.

"Don't dare, don't dare." Shen Yun smiled tears, and his body rolled back and forth on the sofa.

"Do you know what's wrong?"

"Wrong, wrong." Shen Yun grabbed Su Mu's hand, not letting him move.

Then Su Mu stopped, retracted his arms, put his arms around Shen Yun's waist, and lay down on the sofa.

Little Treasure looked back and saw Su Mu and Shen Yun who were hugging each other, and quickly covered his eyes and turned around.

Don't watch what you shouldn't, don't watch it if you don't, children can't watch it.

"Have you eaten tonight?" After a short rest, Shen Yun asked Su Mu who was behind him.

"Not yet, I haven't eaten all day." Su Mu grieved and rubbed Shen Yun's waist dishonestly.

"You haven't eaten all day? You probably stayed with Qi Xiwen all day, right?" Shen Yun turned around quickly and looked at Su Mu.

"How is it possible? I left after I finished speaking, and I didn't finish my cup of coffee." Su Mu hurriedly explained.

"You're smart, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you." Shen Yun smiled with satisfaction, sat up and asked Su Mu.

"Anything is fine, as long as it is made by you, I like it." Su Mu looked up at Shen Yun and said with a smile.

Shen Yun gave Su Mu a blank look, and got up to cook for him.

Su Mu lay on the sofa with nothing to do, turned on the camera, and took pictures of Shen Yun cooking.

Just at this moment, a message popped up on the top of the phone.

"Zhu Yiyi had a secret meeting with a man late at night, and the suspected love affair was exposed."

Su Mu raised his eyebrows and clicked on the news, but he never thought that the man inside was Han Chenxi.

There is also a picture of Shen Yun visiting the set a few days ago, saying that Zhu Yiyi is going on a date with her boyfriend under the guise of a friend visiting the set.

"The current entertainment news is really too nonsense." Su Mu pointed to the news and said to Shen Yun with a smile.

While talking about Su Mu, he slid down, saw the scolding in the comments below, and realized the seriousness of the problem, slowly put away his smile, and his expression gradually became serious.

"What's the matter?" Shen Yun didn't know why, and heard Su Mu's words, and replied him.

"Something happened." Su Mu murmured in a low voice, entered Weibo, and searched for Zhu Yiyi's related events.

"Ah, what?" Shen Yun didn't hear what Su Mu said, and asked him.

"Zhu Yiyi has an accident." Su Mu looked at the current situation, and Zhu Yiyi cursed on the Internet, saying that she was deceiving the audience.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yun hurried to Su Mu's side without washing his hands when he heard Su Mu's words.

"Look." Su Mu handed the phone to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun took the phone and flipped through the news, the more he turned down, the more serious his expression became.

"How could this happen? How could these people believe this kind of news." Shen Yun put down his phone and started calling Albert, but the phone kept showing that he was on a call, so it could be seen that something was wrong.

Shen Yun made several phone calls one after another, but he was still on the phone.

While in a hurry, Shen Yun suddenly thought of Lin Yiyin, and started to call Lin Yiyin, and when he heard the beeping sound coming from inside, his heart was full of anxiety.

"Hurry up and answer the phone."

"Hello?" Finally, Lin Yiyin answered the phone.

"Yinyin, is Yiyi next to you?" The two people's names are somewhat similar, and when they say it together, there are some twists and turns.

"I'm sorry, I didn't go today because the crew is on vacation." Lin Yiyin sat on the bed and looked at Han Chenxi who was opposite.

"It's okay, sorry to bother you." Shen Yun hung up the phone in disappointment, and continued to call Albert.

I don't know if Zhu Yiyi is filming now, what if I call and disturb Zhu Yiyi's filming.

Lin Yiyin stopped the sound of hanging up, slowly put down her phone, and stared at Han Chenxi.

"I'm sorry, I drank too much yesterday." Lin Yiyin lowered her head in shame, biting her lower lip in annoyance.

Memories of last night flooded into my mind, and I wanted to die.

"Well, I can tell." Han Chenxi sat on the sofa and nodded helplessly.

If it wasn't for drinking too much, who would sleep until the next night before waking up.

"I'm really sorry, sorry." Lin Yiyin lifted the quilt, kept apologizing to Su Mu, and bowed.

"Okay, you're already asleep, what are you talking about?" Han Chenxi frowned, and interrupted Lin Yiyin impatiently, "Did Xiaoyun call you just now?"

"Yes." Lin Yiyin looked at Han Chenxi and nodded.

"Why is she calling you?" Han Chenxi asked Lin Yiyin urgently, wanting to know what Shen Yun said.

"She asked me about Zhu Yiyi." Lin Yiyin lowered her eyes and answered obediently.

"Zhu Yiyi? What's wrong with Zhu Yiyi?" Han Chenxi looked puzzled. He was chatting with Zhu Yiyi last night, and there was no problem.

"I don't know either." Lin Yiyin shook her head, she had just woken up and hadn't had time to watch the latest news.

While talking, the phone rang again.

Lin Yiyin took a look, it was Yang Qi calling.

"Brother Qi." Lin Yiyin answered the phone and called Yang Qi.

"Were you so intense last night? It's already night, why don't you come back?" Yang Qi was talking, teasing Lin Yiyin.

Lin Yiyin glanced at Han Chenxi, and whispered to Yang Qi, "Brother Qi, don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, I understand, I understand." Yang Qi looked clear, and suddenly thought of the real purpose of his call, "What happened to you yesterday? Wasn't Han Chenxi with you? Why did he have a fight with Zhu Yiyi?" Gossip."

"Ah? Who are you having an affair with?" Lin Yiyin glanced at Han Chenxi again, and asked Yang Qi.

Han Chenxi was lying on the sofa with his legs folded on the armrest of the sofa. Seeing Lin Yiyin looking at him again and again, he knew that what she was discussing was related to him.

"Oh, Zhu Yiyi and Han Chenxi, the hot searches have exploded, and Zhu Yiyi is being scolded on the Internet. Let me tell you, don't meddle in this matter, and be careful not to get caught up in the fire." Yang Qi was the first to warn Lin Yiyin that this matter is not a foregone conclusion , not to participate prematurely.

"Ah, what's going on, let me see." Lin Yiyin was also in a daze at the moment, not knowing what happened.

Lin Yiyin hung up the phone, clicked on Weibo, and there were endless news about Zhu Yiyi.

"What's the situation?" Lin Yiyin looked at the news on Weibo, opened her mouth in shock, and looked at Han Chenxi again.

(End of this chapter)

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