Chapter 337
Those reporters finally all left, Shen Yun took back his mobile phone, turned around and went back to the ward.

Seeing Xiaobao curled up on the hospital bed trembling all over, Shen Yun's eyes darkened, and he ran over quickly, hugged Xiaobao's body, and called Xiaobao's name over and over again.

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao, don't be afraid, Xiaobao, mother is here. Don't be afraid, Xiaobao, mother is here." Shen Yun rubbed Xiaobao's body back and forth to calm her down.

Xiaobao gradually calmed down, and her trembling body also gradually calmed down. Her hair was already messed up when she was afraid, and the loose hair was hanging beside her face. She looked up at Shen Yun pitifully.

"Mom." Xiaobao's voice was hoarse, his tone was mild, and he was crying, which made Shen Yun's heart break.

"Xiaobao." Shen Yun hugged Xiaobao into his arms, hearing Xiaobao's suppressed crying in his arms, the circles of his eyes turned red.

Xiaobao hasn't had this kind of situation for a long time, but now his condition has finally improved, and he returned to before liberation overnight.

Su Mu looked at the mother and daughter hugging each other distressedly, and walked over to pat Shen Yun on the back.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm bothering you." Zhu Yiyi lowered her head guiltily, moved in front of Shen Yun with small steps, and bowed her head to admit her mistake.

"This has nothing to do with you. It's their fault if they make a mistake." Shen Yun looked up at Zhu Yiyi and comforted her.

"These people are really too much, I will definitely make those newspaper reporters pay the price." Zhu Yiyi clenched her fists, she could see all those reporters clearly.

Just as she was thinking, Albert called. As soon as Zhu Yiyi answered, she scolded her face to face.

"Zhu Yiyi, did I tell you not to act rashly, who told you to come out at will?"

Zhu Yiyi glanced at the crowd, turned around and walked out of the ward to the corridor.

"They are all involved with Xiaobao, why can't I come out? Is it possible to let them slander Xiaobao? Besides, if you don't let me act rashly, what are you doing?" Zhu Yiyi suffocated in her heart and said With Albert.

Albert was silent for a while before he said, "I have already discussed with the company, and immediately sent a lawyer's letter to sue all those who spread rumors. Especially those reporters who went to the hospital today, I just watched the video , I read all those newspapers clearly, and I didn't miss any of them."

"These people should sue, let these people taste the taste of a lawsuit." Zhu Yiyi held the phone tightly, she would not let any of these people go.

Heh, do you really think that she has been an actress all these years for nothing?I really thought the entertainment industry was so easy to mess with.

"Something happened." Lin Yifan looked at the news on the Internet and said to Mu Sibai.

"I know, remember these reporters, I want their companies to follow me." Mu Sibai closed the phone and said to Lin Yifan.

"This, isn't it? There are so many media companies, and we still have to cooperate in the future." Lin Yifan looked at Mu Sibai in embarrassment, because of this, it shouldn't be possible.

"Oh, yes, then let their company temporarily suspend for a while." Mu Sibai pretended to suddenly realize, and looked at Lin Yifan.

Lin Yifan opened his mouth, and reluctantly responded, and got up to get ready for work.

"Remember, don't let her know." Mu Sibai called Lin Yifan to stop, and added another sentence.

"I know." Lin Yifan answered clearly, walked out of the room, glanced at Mu Sibai in the room before closing the door, and complained silently in his heart.

If I had known this, why bother.

When Zhu Yiyi returned to the ward, Xiaobao had already fallen asleep, but it could be seen that Xiaobao was sleeping very restlessly, and kept holding Shen Yun's hand.

Shen Yun was sitting beside the hospital bed, patting Xiao Bao's back again and again, as if to comfort Xiao Bao.

"Where's Su Mu?" Zhu Yiyi looked around, but didn't see Su Mu.

"I went out, maybe I went to the bathroom." Shen Yun looked at Zhu Yiyi and said.

"Baby, I'm sorry for causing you and Xiaobao to suffer so much." Zhu Yiyi came to Shen Yun's side, lowered her head, and grabbed the corner of her clothes.

"I've said it all, it has nothing to do with you. The most important thing for you now is to take care of your own affairs first. Don't worry about our affairs." Shen Yun took Zhu Yiyi's hand, telling her not to feel guilty.

"Then I have to go back first, Albert will pick me up right away, I will go back and deal with everything before I come to you." Zhu Yiyi looked at Shen Yun and said.

"Okay, you go back first." Shen Yun nodded, telling Zhu Yiyi to go back first.

"Let's go." Zhu Yiyi said to several people in the room, turned and left.

Opening the door, I bumped into Su Mu who came back, and the two stood in place at the same time.

"What did you do? It's been so long since you came back. I'm leaving." Zhu Yiyi saw Su Mu and said to him.

"Oh, I think you haven't eaten yet, so I went out and bought you some food." Su Mu showed Zhu Yiyi the bag in his hand.

"Okay, eat slowly, I'll go first." Zhu Yiyi glanced at the bag, said to him, smiled and waved, and left the ward.

Su Mu glanced at Zhu Yiyi's back, went back to the ward, put the bought food on the table, and called them to come over for dinner.

As soon as Zhu Yiyi arrived at the gate of the hospital, Albert's car drove over.

Zhu Yiyi got into the car, closed the door, nodded to Albert, and said, "Let's go."

Albert nodded, stretched out his hand forward, and motioned for the driver to drive.

Shen Yun and Su Mu didn't stay in the hospital for long, they chatted with Xie Linfeng and the others for a while after eating, and then came back.

Su Mu put Xiaobao on the bed, closed the door, went to the living room, and sat next to Shen Yun.

"Don't go to the clinic these days, I'm worried."

"It's okay, they can't do anything to me." Shen Yun smiled, reassuring Su Mu.

"It's okay, do you know how that video came about? They put a pinhole camera at the door of the clinic." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun with a serious expression.

"No wonder, I always felt that someone was following me a few days ago." Shen Yun nodded clearly, recalling the previous feeling, it seemed that she guessed right.

"What? Someone is following you." Su Mu was startled, frowned, and grabbed Shen Yun's arm nervously.

"Well, it's safe, but it's just for that day." Shen Yun patted Su Mu's hand to reassure him.

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing." Su Mu frowned nervously, and looked at Shen Yun angrily.

"I thought I felt wrong at the time, so I didn't care anymore." Shen Yun lowered his head and peeked at Su Mu with his eyes open, trying to be cute and get Su Mu's forgiveness.

"You are trying to scare me to death every day. I think one day, you will scare me to death before I die of illness." Su Mu took Chen Yun to no avail, and tapped Shen Yun's forehead.

"Bah, bah, bah, if you say one more dead word, I'll beat you." Shen Yun raised his fist, widened his eyes, and threatened Su Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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