It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 338 Let's Get Married

Chapter 338 Let's Get Married

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, I won't die. I still want to accompany you to my old age, I still want to watch Xiaobao go to school, I still want to marry you and have children." Su Mu stopped Shen Yun's shoulder and let She leaned in her arms and looked ahead with burning eyes.

Remember what the doctor said this morning.

"Why has your condition deteriorated so badly? Has your mood fluctuated a bit lately?" The doctor held the film in his hand, frowned, and looked at Su Mu worriedly.

"Doctor, I just want to know how long I have left?" Su Mu asked the doctor, clutching his aching chest.

He found that the heartache has become more frequent recently, and he has been taking more and more medicine recently.

"This," the doctor looked at Su Mu in embarrassment, not knowing how to speak.

"It's okay, you said."

"There are still three years at most. If it is short, it may not be more than one year." The doctor looked at Su Mu.

Hey, what a pity, a young guy.

Su Mu tightened his hands in his pockets, nodded, pulled his lips, and forced a smile.

"okay, I get it."

"Su Mu." Shen Yun raised his head and looked at Su Mu.

"Huh?" Su Mu withdrew his gaze, looked down at Shen Yun with a smile, and responded.

"Let's get married." Shen Yun got up from his arms, stared into Su Mu's eyes, and said seriously.

Su Mu froze in place, blinking his eyes, not knowing how to answer.

Fate is always playing tricks on people. He just wanted to propose to Shen Yun, but was told that there was still a year left.Now, what on earth should he do?Reason told him not to drink Shen Yun any more, but selfishly wanted to agree to Shen Yun.

"If, I mean if, I only have one year to live, what would you do?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun with a hoarse voice.

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu, lowered his eyes slowly, bit his lips, smiled with the corners of his mouth up, turned his face to the other side arrogantly, sucked his nose, and said.

"That depends on whether you agree to marry me."

"What if I don't agree?" Su Mu tried to ask Shen Yun.

"Then I'll pester you every day to marry me until you're done." Shen Yun still kept his face away, not looking at Su Mu, and quickly raised his hand to wipe away the tears on his cheeks.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun's back, his eyes slowly turned red, he suddenly lowered his head and smiled, took a deep breath, adjusted his voice, and asked Shen Yun again, "Then what if I promise you?"

"Then I'll be a widow." Shen Yun pretended to be relaxed.

"Shen Yun." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun's back and called her emotionally.

"Hahaha, I lied to you. Su Mu, why are you still so easy to be deceived, hahahaha." Shen Yun turned around suddenly, covered his stomach with one hand, and pointed at Su Mu with the other, tears came out of his laughter.

"If you die, I'm not a widow. I'm not that stupid. I'm in my prime now, and I don't want to be buried in your hands. Without you, I'll find another one." Shen Yun pretended to be relaxed, his eyes were red looked at Su Mu.

"Okay." Su Mu suddenly smiled, looked at Shen Yun, and agreed.

"?" The sudden hello caught Shen Yun by surprise, and he froze for a moment, realizing what Su Mu was saying, he suddenly laughed, and threw himself on Su Mu.

Su Mu quickly raised his arms and hugged Shen Yun's waist, protecting her body.

"You promised me? You promised me? You really promised me?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu over and over again, as if he didn't believe it.

"Well, yes, I promise you." Su Mu smiled and nodded, answering Shen Yun over and over again.

"It's great. Su Mu, we'll go get the certificate tomorrow." Shen Yun held Su Mu's face excitedly, and kissed it on his stomach.

"Tomorrow?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun in surprise.

"Yes, tomorrow, can't you?" Shen Yun nodded and looked at Su Mu suspiciously.

"But I have a class tomorrow, so I can't ask for leave, or next Monday."

"Ah, it's been so long." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu discouragedly. It's only Tuesday and we have to wait five days.

"It's only five days, bear with it, and it will pass."

Shen Yun pouted unwillingly, she didn't want to wait so long.

"Isn't it the day after tomorrow?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu.

"The day after tomorrow, are you free?" Su Mu smiled and asked Shen Yun.

Shen Yun lowered his head discouragedly, then shook his head, and said, "No time."

"Okay, it's only been five days, and you're still afraid that I won't be able to escape." Su Mu wrapped his arms around Shen Yun's shoulders and hugged her in his arms.

"Besides, I ran away, you still have this." Su Mu raised his hand and touched the necklace on Shen Yun's neck, and said.

"Yes." Shen Yun raised his arms to hug Su Mu back, put his chin on Su Mu's shoulder, and nodded.

Shen Yun came out of Su Mu's arms and stared at Su Mu.The two looked at each other, suddenly Su Mu lowered his head and kissed Shen Yun like a storm.

Zhu Yiyi returned to the hotel and immediately issued a statement, specifically mentioning Shen Yun and Xiaobao, telling them not to disturb them.

In addition, it was mentioned at the end that all the reporters who were at the hospital gate today will be sued.

Albert stared at the phone for a moment, looking at the wind direction on the Internet.

"These reporters, you just plan to sue?" Albert turned around and asked Zhu Yiyi.

"Heh, why are people like them qualified to be reporters?" Zhu Yiyi smiled, looked at Albert, raised an eyebrow, and asked Albert meaningfully.

Albert immediately got what Zhu Yiyi meant, nodded, and gave Zhu Yiyi an ok gesture.

After so many years of being around, I still have connections, and I still have the ability to make these people lose their jobs easily.

Albert finished the call with a sullen face, glanced at Zhu Yiyi, took back the phone, came to her side, and said, "We are late, they have already been fired."

Zhu Yiyi closed her eyelids slightly, paused for a moment while playing with her mobile phone, and asked Albert "Who?"

"The man didn't say anything, so he knew that everyone was fired, and those entertainment companies were closed for rectification."

Zhu Yiyi tilted her head and smiled, and said, "This person is more ruthless than me, I like it."

Albert glanced at Zhu Yiyi and didn't speak. He probably guessed who this person was.

"Do you know who is messing with me behind my back?" Zhu Yiyi didn't continue the topic just now, but changed the topic and asked Albert.

"Well, you are so cute." Albert has already guessed the mastermind behind the scenes, but he has no evidence, and he just found evidence today.

"Oh, I should have guessed it was her." Zhu Yiyi smiled, she should have thought of it long ago.

Chu Keren, the second female lead she is currently filming, has taken her everywhere to suppress her before, and she has been completely crushed by her again in this show, so she probably wanted to black her out a long time ago.

Zhu Yiyi picked up the phone, clicked on Chu Keren's WeChat profile picture, and sent her a voice message.

"Chu Keren, we'll see you on the set tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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