Chapter 342
Shen Yun stood up, and Su Mu looked at her inquiringly.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Shen Yun noticed Su Mu's gaze and explained to him in a low voice.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" With that said, Su Mu was about to stand up.

"No, I'll go by myself." Shen Yun held Su Mu down, and got up to the private room by himself.

In the bathroom, Shen Yun came out of the bathroom, turned on the tap, and began to wash his hands.

Li Sha came out from behind, came to Shen Yun's side, and also turned on the faucet.

"Is Shen Yun right? Zhu Yiyi's friend?" Li Sha raised her head and asked Shen Yun through the mirror.

"Is there something wrong?" Shen Yun turned off the faucet, shook his hands twice, and glanced at Li Sha.

"Oh, it's okay. I just want to know that you raise children for others, does Su Mu know?" Li Sha also shook her hands twice, took out her mobile phone from her bag, and asked Shen Yun.

Shen Yun, who was wiping his hands, paused, then continued to wipe his hands slowly, and raised his eyes to look at Li Sha, "The matter of our husband and wife's family has nothing to do with you, right? Teacher Li."

Before Li Sha could speak, Shen Yun threw the paper into the trash can and continued to speak.

"Why? Maybe you have some unreasonable thoughts about my husband. I'm so sorry, you have no chance in this life. In the next life, you can fight for it before I show up."

Choked by Shen Yun speechless, Li Sha chopped off angrily, turned around and left angrily.

Shen Yun looked at Li Sha's angry back, raised his eyebrows, and followed her out.

Back in the private room, a hill was piled up in front of Shen Yun.

Seeing Shen Yun sitting down, Su Mu approached her ear and asked her in a low voice, "Did you say Li Sha? I saw that her face turned green when she came back."

Shen Yun tilted his head and glanced at Su Mu, "Why, do you feel distressed?"

"That's right." Su Mu nodded, and immediately picked up the water glass and poured Shen Yun a glass of water. "You must be thirsty after talking so much. Drink more water to moisten your throat."

Shen Yun took the water, looked at Su Mu, and smiled.

Li Sha glanced at Shen Yun and Su Mu who looked like no one was on the sidelines, rolled her eyes, and complained in her heart.

Sure enough, friends who are vixen will be so seductive.

After dinner, Su Mu and Shen Yun chose to walk back. It's not far anyway, and they just happened to be able to take a walk.

Taking advantage of Xiaobao's absence today, they have this leisurely time.

"Su Mu, does that colleague of yours dislike Yiyi?" Shen Yun held Su Mu's hand, shaking back and forth in a great mood.

"Which colleague?" Shen Yun asked suddenly, but Su Mu hadn't reacted yet. After a while, he knew that Shen Yun was talking about Li Sha. "Oh, you're talking about Li Sha?"

"Well, she's in the bathroom today. From what she said, she doesn't seem to like Yiyi very much." Shen Yun nodded, thinking back to Li Sha's eccentric look, he felt uncomfortable.

"Leave her alone, she's like this, she doesn't like anyone." Su Mu suddenly thought of what Li Sha said a few days ago, and said to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun nodded, agreeing with Su Mu's words.Suddenly thinking of something, Shen Yun stopped and asked Su Mu.

"Su Mu, do you suggest that I take Xiaobao?"

"What's on your mind? Xiaobao is your child, of course it's also mine." Su Mu bent his fingers and tapped Shen Yun's forehead in reverse.

I really want to open Shen Yun's head and take a look, what is he thinking inside.

Shen Yun covered his forehead and looked up at Su Mu.

"I'm not afraid that you have some uncomfortable thoughts in your heart."

"Shen Yun, in your heart, who am I, Su Mu?" Su Mu stared at Shen Yun angrily, angry at her and himself.

"Su Mu, that's not what I meant. I believe in you. I just thought that if you have any thoughts, I'm sorry to tell me." Seeing that Su Mu was angry, Shen Yun took Su Mu's arm and hurriedly explained to him.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and saw her aggrieved appearance. If he got angry again, it would seem that he didn't know what to do.

"Hey, I'm not angry, and I know what you mean. Shen Yun, look into my eyes and listen to me." Su Mu helped Shen Yun's shoulder and forced her to look at him.

"For you, I have never regretted it. If I say I regret it, I regret that I didn't have firm beliefs at the beginning, let that person enter the laboratory, and didn't find you in the end.

For Xiaobao, she is your child as well as mine, she has never been special, she is a part of our family. "

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu moved, and hugged him fiercely.

"Su Mu."


"Su Mu."


"Su Mu, I love you."

"I love you too."

After Zhu Yiyi learned from Chu Keren that she knew about herself and Mu Sibai, she hurriedly sounded a wake-up call to Albert and Lin Yifan, telling them to be on guard against Chu Keren's revelations.

After Lin Yifan received Albert's call, he discussed the matter with Mu Sibai.

"I want to make it public." Mu Sibai spoke suddenly.

Lin Yifan raised his head abruptly, and looked at Mu Sibai in disbelief, as if to confirm whether he was hallucinating.

"Did you speak just now?" Lin Yifan asked Mu Sibai uncertainly, wanting to confirm again.

"I said, I want to make it public." Mu Sibai looked at Lin Yifan and spoke again.

"You, you, aren't you joking?" Lin Yifan stood up in shock, and asked Mu Sibai stammeringly.

"When did I ever play a joke on you?" Mu Sibai looked at Lin Yifan seriously, without seeming to be joking at all.

"No, you want to make it public. Okay, I have no objection, but, have you asked Zhu Yiyi?" Lin Yifan swallowed, stabilized his body, and asked Mu Sibai.

"Not yet, she definitely won't agree." Mu Sibai shook his head, based on what he knew about Zhu Yiyi, if he told Zhu Yiyi that he wanted to make it public, Zhu Yiyi would definitely feel that he was sick.

"Then why are you talking about this?" Lin Yifan breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't control Mu Sibai's ancestor. Fortunately, Zhu Yiyi was more sensible between the two of them.

"So, I want you to help me. This is to leave the matter alone, not only to leave it alone, but also to add fuel to the flames."

"Are you sure? If Zhu Yiyi finds out, she will definitely tear you apart." Lin Yifan looked at Mu Sibai incredulously. With Zhu Yiyi's temperament, if he knew that all of this was fueled by Mu Sibai secretly, he would definitely make trouble Quiet.

"So, I want you to be slightly." Mu Sibai looked confident, and looked at Lin Yifan with certainty.

"Okay, I get it." Lin Yifan nodded knowingly, although he promised Mu Sibai to do such a sneaky thing, he still had to make a formality with Albert on the other side.

"Have you agreed?" Zhu Yiyi was putting on makeup, when she saw Albert coming in, she turned to ask him.

(End of this chapter)

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