Chapter 343 Let Them Do It

Albert glanced at the makeup artist, didn't say anything directly, but just nodded at Zhu Yiyi.

Zhu Yiyi knew what Albert was thinking about, so she lowered her eyes and didn't speak any more, obediently waiting for the makeup artist to apply her makeup.

After everything was ready and the makeup artist left, Zhu Yiyi looked at Albert again.

"It's a good deal, but it's a good deal, but what Lin Yifan said was a little vague, and I always feel that he is perfunctory." Albert recalled Lin Yifan's words, and always felt something was wrong.

"Perfunctory? Could it be that he doesn't care about Mu Sibai's future?" Zhu Yiyi frowned and asked Lin Yifan.

"I don't know, maybe it's because Mu Sibai is established in the market now, so he doesn't worry about the relationship." Albert shook his head, he didn't know what Lin Yifan was thinking.

"Heh, I'm a dignified actress who didn't say anything about gaining a foothold in the entertainment industry. He will put money on himself when the time comes." Zhu Yiyi snorted coldly with disdain. Mu Sibai is just a popular traffic, why should he say more noble than yourself.

"Maybe she's not just popular, she's top-notch, and your popularity is indeed not as great as hers." Albert looked at Zhu Yiyi and told the truth silently.

Zhu Yiyi choked for a moment, glared at Albert, raised her hand and slapped him on the back.

After speaking, Zhu Yiyi pushed Albert away and got out of the car.

"What are you doing?" Albert turned away, looked at Zhu Yiyi's leaving back, and asked.

"Let's settle the score with Chu Keren, am I not as popular as Mu Sibai, or as Chu Keren's connection?" Zhu Yiyi left a sentence and entered the set.

Albert looked at Zhu Yiyi's back helplessly, and started to follow her. In case something happened, he could still walk behind her.

"Yiyi, are you alright?" Lin Yiyin saw Zhu Yiyi's figure and rushed to meet her.

"What can I do? I should eat and drink. Life is so uncomfortable." Zhu Yiyi looked at Lin Yiyin and replied with a smile.

"It's fine." Hearing what Zhu Yiyi said, Lin Yiyin felt relieved.

"Don't worry, I'm very strong, and thank you for helping me talk that day." Zhu Yiyi raised her hand and patted Lin Yiyin's shoulder. She is no longer a child, and she will see who treats her well and who treats her badly. Clearly.

Lin Yiyin was in a dilemma, Zhu Yiyi opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, she didn't know whether she should make it clear to Zhu Yiyi that the microblog was not actually posted by her.

"I'm sorry, actually, I didn't post that Weibo, it was Han Chenxi." Lin Yiyin lowered her head, like a child who made a mistake, hesitated for a long time, but she still made it clear to Zhu Yiyi.

"Han Chenxi posted your Weibo?" Zhu Yiyi's focus is different from others, she doesn't care who posted this Weibo at all, it seems that why Han Chenxi posted her Weibo made her more interested .

Recalling the appearance of the previous few days, Lin Yiyin blushed, lowered her head, and made an excuse for that time, "Because, because he is my boss, then he can get my Weibo and post a clarification."

"Oh~" Zhu Yiyi nodded knowingly, but judging by her expression, it was obvious that she didn't believe it.

Seeing the two people chatting happily in front of them, Chu Keren deliberately walked over and passed by them pretending nothing happened. When passing by, he even gave Zhu Yiyi a provocative look.

Zhu Yiyi looked at Chu Keren, curled the corners of her mouth, smiled wickedly, and looked at Chu Keren, "Gui Fang, have you finished filming yet?"

A name that had not been mentioned for a long time was mentioned again, and it was mentioned in front of so many people. Chu Keren looked around in a panic, lowered his head, and pretended not to hear who was shouting.

"Who is Guifang?" Lin Yiyin looked around and asked Zhu Yiyi in a daze.

Zhu Yiyi looked at Chu Keren's leaving back, smiled triumphantly, and lifted her chin from her back.

Lin Yiyin immediately understood who Zhu Yiyi was talking about, lowered her head, and smiled.

Qi Xiwen has been reading about Zhu Yiyi's news on the Internet, the wind is about to change, and the scandal about Chu Keren has not yet been released.

If she can't post it again, she can't wait. She will be busy with the art exhibition next time, so she can't focus on dealing with Shen Yun anymore.

Qi Xiwen stared at the photo on the computer interface, secretly clenched the mouse.

Su Mu, you can't afford me now.

Qi Xiwen picked up the phone and sent a message to Chu Keren, asking her why she didn't distribute the things as soon as possible, maybe she didn't want to defeat Zhu Yiyi?
When receiving the message from Qi Xiwen, Chu Keren hid in the corner by herself, staring at Zhu Yiyi angrily.

Seeing Qi Xiwen's news, he looked up at Zhu Yiyi again.

Zhu Yiyi, don't blame me for being unkind, just wait until the next time you come to beg me.

Zhu Yiyi turned her head with a smile, saw Chu Keren staring at her gloomy eyes, and smiled brightly at her.

Chu Keren was taken aback, quickly lowered his head, picked up his phone, and started contacting the marketing account and reporters.

The explosive power of the Internet is very strong. In the blink of an eye, the scandal between Zhu Yiyi and Mu Sibai has swept the entire Internet.

"It's out." Lin Yifan saw the news on the Internet and looked back at Mu Sibai.

"Are you really sure you want to do this?" Lin Yifan still asked Mu Sibai worriedly, making the final confirmation.

"Of course, don't worry about it, let them post it." Mu Sibai lay leisurely on the bed, with Zhu Yiyi's movie still playing on his phone.

"Finally it's out." Qi Xiwen looked at the news on the Internet and smiled triumphantly.

First, I clicked into Zhu Yiyi's fan group, and some of the fans in it were already crazy, and they couldn't believe it.

Qi Xiwen smiled, changed his account and went to Mu Sibai's fan group, every time he was much calmer than Zhu Yiyi's, there were even some crazier fans who were cursing Zhu Yiyi.

Very well, this is the result she wanted, the messier the better.

Qi Xiwen put his hands on the keyboard and started typing.

"I heard that Zhu Yiyi and brother met because Zhu Yiyi's friend introduced him, the same person who filmed the MV with brother before."

Qi Xiwen's words aroused heated discussions among the group, and many irrational fans believed it.

"Really, isn't it the one from the previous two days?"

"That person named Shen Yun, hasn't she always been Zhu Yiyi's good friend? She visited Zhu Yiyi's class several times before."

"Could it be that Zhu Yiyi has been chasing after my brother and let that Shen Yun match?"

Of course, there are some rational people among them who hold doubts about Qi Xiwen's words.

"Who are you? You speak as if you know the inside story."

When Qi Xiwen saw the news, her eyes sank, and she knew that some people didn't believe it. It seemed that she had to add fuel to the flames.

"Of course I know, I go to the same university as that Shen Yun, and I understand somewhat the grievances and hatred between them."

(End of this chapter)

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