It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 346 Then you kiss me once

Chapter 346 Then You Kiss Me

"Don't, how can I try." Su Mu put down his clothes, took Shen Yun's arm, and tried to pull her up.

"I don't want it, I'm so tired, if you really like it, you can buy it all." Shen Yun bowed his hand, reluctant to get up on the sofa.

"That's what you said, hello, wrap these up. And those children's clothes, wrap them all up." Hearing what Shen Yun said, Su Mu seemed to be reassured, and quickly asked the shopping guide to wrap up all the clothes .

"Wait a little longer, I'll see if there are any good-looking clothes, and I'll pack them together later." After Su Mu finished speaking, he went to the women's clothing to see if there were other clothes.

Shen Yun lay on the sofa, looked up at Su Mu, and sighed helplessly, she had no strength to speak to Su Mu, and could only let him get the clothes.

After turning around, Su Mu came back with a bunch of clothes, spring, summer, autumn and winter, clothes for all seasons.

Shen Yun glanced at the shopping guide who was folding clothes, then at Su Mu who was beside him, and asked.

"What do you mean, do you think I have no money to buy clothes? Buy them all at once?"

"I want to make up for you for the three years of absence." Su Mu hugged Shen Yun from behind and put his head on her shoulder.

"Then you don't have to be so anxious, just finish it all at once." Shen Yun shrunk his neck, trying to avoid Su Mu's breathing, it was too itchy.

"Of course it's urgent. I'll buy it again this year." Su Mu let go of Shen Yun, supported her shoulders, turned her to him, and said seriously.

"Heh, so many clothes, take your time, rich man." Shen Yun smiled mischievously at Su Mu, turned and left.

Su Mu turned his head and glanced at the bar, at least ten bags were needed.

"So much, why did I take it late."

Standing outside the door, Shen Yun looked at Su Mu through the glass door, spread his hands and shrugged at him, opened his mouth, and mouthed, "You can figure it out."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yun turned around and left.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun's leaving back, but in desperation, he could only carry it by himself.

"Well, let me help you." The shopping guide looked at Su Mu and offered to help him carry a few bags.

"Thank you then." Su Mu took the remaining bag and nodded with a smile.

Su Mu's heart suddenly seemed to be pinched by hands, and Su Mu couldn't breathe in the pain.

Su Mu stopped what he was doing, and frowned unbearably.

"Sir?" Seeing that Su Mu didn't move, the shopping guide also stopped and called Su Mu.

"Ah? It's okay, let's go." Su Mu slowed down, came back to his senses, and walked out of the mall with a bag.

Su Mu took the shopping guide to send the clothes to the parking lot. He thought that Shen Yunhui would be waiting for him in the car, but there was no one in the car.

"Let's put it away, thank you." Su Mu put the bag beside the car, and also instructed the shopping guide to put the bag on the ground.

"You're welcome, this is what we should do." The shopping guide obediently put the bag on the ground, nodded, and left.

Su Mu leaned on the car, clicked on the location of the mobile phone, and saw where Shen Yun was.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yun was still in the shopping mall, but from the looks of it, he should be coming this way.

Su Mu put down his phone, leaned against the car, and waited for a while.Not long after, Shen Yun came over with big and small bags.

Su Mu hurriedly got up to meet him, took the bag from Shen Yun, and glanced inside, it seemed to be a suit.

Su Mu pursed her lips, trying to hold back her smile, and turned to ask Shen Yun, "Why did you buy so many things?"

"What? You are only allowed to buy so many things with a lot of money, and I am not allowed to squander it for a while." Shen Yun didn't stop, opened the car door, picked up all the bags on the ground and stuffed them in.

"Okay, but you bought too many men's clothes." Su Mu stuffed the bag into the rear compartment, opened the passenger door, and sat in.

"Not many, just three, one for Brother Feng, one for He Yan, and one for Han Chenxi." Shen Yun wrung his fingers and stretched them out in front of Su Mu on purpose, calculating bit by bit.

"Only three?" Su Mu tilted his head and asked Shen Yun.

Shen Yun nodded, and said "um" obediently, not feeling anything wrong at all.

"I clearly see that there are a lot of bags, and why Han Chenxi has them, but I don't." Su Mu refused to accept it, and looked at Shen Yun angrily.

"Yeah, three sets of clothes. There are too many clothes, and the bags definitely won't fit, so I packed a few more bags, and why didn't Han Chenxi have one? He is very kind to me. I want to buy a piece of clothes to thank him." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu innocently, turned his head to look ahead, and drove away with the steering wheel.

Su Mu turned his head to look at Shen Yun angrily, opened his mouth, did not speak, turned his face to the other side angrily, looked out the window, and muttered softly.

"It's not so good to be a grass, and not all grass grows wildly, and the grass of others needs to be cared for carefully."

Shen Yun heard the broken thoughts in Su Mu's mouth, looked at Su Mu through the mirror, raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled silently.

Back in the community, Shen Yun stopped the car and put on the seat belt. Seeing that Su Mu didn't move, he turned to look at Su Mu.

"It's home." Shen Yun called to Su Mu.

Su Mu closed his eyes and pretended not to hear, but silently opened his arms, waiting for Shen Yun to help him unbuckle his seat belt.

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu suspiciously, smiled with the corner of his mouth pressed, and kissed the corner of Su Mu's mouth.

Surprised, Su Mu opened his eyes and looked at Shen Yun. He put one hand on the chair back adjustment switch and the other on Shen Yun's back. He lay down on his back and pressed Shen Yun against him. On the body, all movements are done in one go.

Shen Yun was crushed and bumped into Su Mu's body again, the tip of his nose hit Su Mu's, the tip of his nose became sour, and tears rolled in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Shen Yun raised his hand to cover his nose, complaining to Su Mu.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect to bump into your nose." Su Mu didn't expect to, apologized quickly, and raised his hand to help Shen Yun rub his nose.

"Just because you didn't buy clothes for you, you can't treat me like that." Shen Yun had tears in his eyes, and stared at Su Mu aggrievedly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Su Mu rubbed Shen Yun's nose distressedly, and quickly apologized to Shen Yun.

"Then give me a kiss." Shen Yun put down his hands and looked at Su Mu naked.

"That's what you said." After speaking, Su Mu didn't even give Shen Yun a chance to react, so he pressed Shen Yun's head directly and kissed him.

Lips and lips intertwined, tongues intersected, the sound of breathing was entangled, and for a while, it was not known whose breathing it was.

After a long time, Su Mu let go of Shen Yun panting, and put his forehead against Shen Yun's.

Seeing that Shen Yun was so active, he didn't just care about the three suits that didn't belong to him for the time being.

"The suits are all for you, and all the clothes are for you." Shen Yun folded his hands, lying in front of Su Mu, breathed steadily, and then spoke slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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