It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 347 Bravery is True Bravery

Chapter 347 Bravery is True Bravery

Su Mu was overjoyed, and hugged Shen Yun even more excitedly, not letting her move.

Suddenly there was a knock on the window outside the car, Su Mu was startled, and quickly let go of Shen Yun.

Shen Yun also quickly got up from Su Mu and looked out the window.

He Yan's big face was printed on the window, and he looked inside.

Shen Yun was speechless, put down the window, and looked at He Yan.

"Tsk tsk, you guys are a little too impatient." Seeing Shen Yun, He Yan got up and took a step back, tsk tsk.

"I think you think your life is so beautiful now, don't you?" Su Mu sat up, glanced at He Yan, and said warningly.

"Hehe, it's not good. I still have a baby with my Xia Wei. Also, take your baby away quickly, so as not to delay my baby." He Yan raised his hand and knocked on the car window, bringing Xiaobao to the window.

"Mom." Xiao Bao shouted excitedly at Shen Yun with his hands on the window.

"Xiaobao." Seeing Xiaobao, Shen Yun quickly opened the car door, went around from the front and hugged Xiaobao.

"Mom, I miss you." Xiao Bao also hugged Xiao Bao, tightly hugging Shen Yun's neck.

"Mom misses Xiaobao too." Shen Yun raised his hand to touch Xiaobao's head, held Xiaobao's hand and stood up, looking at He Yan.

Su Mu put on his seat belt, opened the car door, got out of the car, and yelled at Xiaobao.

"Little treasure."

"Uncle." Hearing the voice, Xiaobao looked back at Su Mu, let go of Shen Yun's hand, and rushed to hug Su Mu's thigh.

Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao's figure and smiled, then looked up behind him, and asked He Yan, "Where's Xiaowei?"

"I was waiting at your door. You said let us come today, but when we arrived, there was no one in your house." He Yan glanced at Shen Yun and Su Mu, and silently rolled his eyes.

"It's just in time for you to come, help us get our things." Shen Yun ignored He Yan's complaints, walked around to the back of the car, opened the trunk, took out the bag from inside and handed it to He Yan.

Su Mu put down Xiaobao and started to take the bag. Xiaobao followed behind Su Mu and took out two bags from inside, one in each hand.

Coincidentally, Xiao Bao was carrying thick clothes, carrying two bags at the same time, walking a little staggeringly.Su Mu took the bag from Xiaobao, and changed her into two lighter clothes for her to carry.

"I'll go, so many, what did you all buy?" He Yan was forced to take the bag and glanced inside, it was full of clothes.

"Why do you buy so many clothes? And down jackets. What's the season? You can wear short sleeves soon. Why do you still buy down jackets?" He Yan complained all the way, looking at the loving family of three in front of him, seriously suspicious Those two people are sick.

"Why are you asking so many questions, and I won't let you wear them?" Su Mu looked back at He Yan, and said to him.

"You wear it for me and I don't wear it. Who wears a down jacket on a hot day? I'm not out of my mind." Bao looked back at He Yan.

Xia Wei was tired of standing at the door, so she simply leaned against the door and squatted down to wait for Shen Yun and Su Mu.

Hearing the sound of the elevator, Xia Wei didn't even have the strength to stand up, and looked at the figure appearing at the elevator entrance helplessly.

"You two came really fast, open the door for me, my back hurts from standing."

"Here we come." Shen Yun laughed, walked over and opened the door.

Opening the door, Shen Yun stared at the familiar yet unfamiliar room, and froze in place.

Xia Wei stood aside, looking at the room inside, blinking her eyes in disbelief.

"How is it? It's not bad." Su Mu was not surprised at all. He opened the door on his own, walked in, put the bag in his hand on the table, and asked Shen Yun and Xia Wei proudly.

"You made this?" Shen Yun walked in, looked around the room, almost all the things inside were changed.

It is estimated that if there is not enough time, Su Mu can redecorate this place.

"Yes, those sofas of yours are all old, so I thought about replacing them all for you. Look, mine look so good-looking, and I have been choosing them for several days." Su Mu came to the sofa and asked excitedly. Shen Yun introduced.

Shen Yun shook hands, squeezed the bag in his hand, without saying a word, directly threw the bag on the table, making a dull sound.

He Yan and Xia Wei stood at the door without daring to breathe. They looked at Su Mu and Shen Yun, but neither of them spoke.

Little Treasure, who was excited to see the new room, turned his clever little eyes around when he saw Shen Yun like this, and he didn't look at any big movements.

Su Mu didn't think he felt it, so he waved to Xiaobao and asked her to come over.

Xiaobao raised his eyes to look at Shen Yun and then at Su Mu, as if he was struggling to go or not.

Shen Yun didn't seem to feel the weird atmosphere in the room, walked around the living room to the kitchen, and looked at the room step by step.

"Xiaobao, come here, uncle will show you cartoons." Su Mu clapped his hands at Xiaobao again and asked her to come over.

Xiaobao glanced in Shen Yun's direction again, and seeing that Shen Yun didn't look back, he hurriedly ran towards Su Mu.

Su Mu sat on the sofa and picked up Xiaobao, carried her to the sofa and sat down, and turned on the TV.

"Look, isn't the TV uncle bought bigger and better-looking than before?" Su Mu didn't seem to feel the danger behind him at all, and was still helping Xiaobao adjust the TV.

"You said, did he really not feel it or was he just pretending?" He Yan approached Xia Wei and asked her in a low voice, but forgot that he was still holding the bag in his hand, and his lower part hit Xia Wei's leg.

Xia Wei turned her head and stared at He Yan.Seeing Xia Wei's eyes, He Yan quickly put the bag on the table.

"I think Su Mu is just pretending. He is so smart, how could he not know what those furniture mean to Xiaoyun? It's like pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth." Xia Wei leaned back, With his back close to He Yan's chest, he raised his head and approached He Yan, and whispered.

"Tsk tsk, brave is really brave." He Yan glanced at Su Mu again and shook his head.

While the two were talking, Shen Yun came out of the kitchen with a stack of fruits, saw He Yan and Xia Wei still standing at the door, and said to them, "Why are you still standing, sit down quickly."

"Ah, oh." He Yan and Xia Wei were taken aback for a moment, glanced at each other, and hurriedly left to sit down on the sofa.

"You guys eat some fruit first, and I'll cook first." Shen Yun put the fruit on the tea table, and said to He Yan and Xia Wei.

After finishing speaking, he looked down at Su Mu, saw that he was still sitting on the sofa, raised his hand and hit him, "Why are you still sitting, get up and cook."

"Here we come." Su Mu looked up at Shen Yun, responded, and quickly got up and followed Shen Yun to the kitchen.

Caught off guard by the change in the atmosphere, He Yan and Xia Wei turned their heads to look at the back of the two of them cooking together through the kitchen door at the same time, and turned their heads to look at each other at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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