It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 355 Am I familiar with you?

Chapter 355 Am I familiar with you?

Zhu Yiyi and Mu Sibai had finished eating the hot pot before Lin Yifan came out of the study.Of course, Zhu Yiyi ate most of it alone.

"Now the heat has subsided, and I have contacted the fans about some things, but some crazy fans can't control it." Lin Yifan came to the dinner table and sat down, and said to Zhu Yiyi and Mu Sibai.

"Those crazy fans won't trouble Baby, right?" Zhu Yiyi put down her chopsticks and asked Lin Yifan anxiously.

"It's really not good, let those fans come to me, I'm used to crazy fans, baby, no, she's not from the entertainment industry."

Mu Sibai also put down his chopsticks and looked at Lin Yifan sharply.

Lin Yifan glanced at Mu Sibai, swallowed, and comforted Zhu Yiyi, "Don't worry, I can control those crazy fans. If I can't control it, please ask Miss Shen Yun to call the police."

Zhu Yiyi became anxious when she heard it, and stood up as soon as she slapped the table, "Are you talking nonsense? You haven't taken any practical actions for a long time."

"Yiyi, don't worry, Lin Yifan will definitely find other ways." Mu Sibai looked at Zhu Yiyi and said.

"Yiyi, what Yiyi, do I know you very well? If it wasn't for you, would my baby have so many things?" Zhu Yiyi didn't show Mu Sibai any mercy, and yelled at Mu Sibai angrily.

Seeing him acting as if nothing had happened and getting angry, it was obviously all his fault, and he persuaded her to calm down with a generous look.

It's a joke, it's not his friend who hurts, of course he can calm down.

Mu Sibai pursed his lips, obediently lowered his head and did not speak.

"Forget it, it's useless to ask you, I'd better find Albert to deal with it myself." Zhu Yiyi didn't want to say anything more to Mu Sibai, she turned and left.

"Aren't you going after him?" Lin Yifan looked at the closed door and asked Mu Sibai.

Mu Sibai glared at Lin Yifan, "If you're not hungry, go up and continue dealing with things."

Lin Yifan didn't speak for a moment, and obediently picked up the chopsticks and began to rinse the little meat and the leftover vegetables.

Zhu Yiyi returned to the hotel and went directly to Albert's room.

Albert was sitting on the bed, with a computer on his lap, and his hands were still typing on the keyboard.Hearing the sound of the door opening, he looked up at Zhu Yiyi.

"Pfft, son of a bitch, have you not slept all night? Why is the beard coming out?" Zhu Yiyi looked at the green stubble on Albert's chin, couldn't help laughing, came to Albert, and touched it flirtatiously one time.

Albert turned his head away and looked at Zhu Yiyi with disgust, "You still have the nerve to laugh, it's not all because of you."

Zhu Yiyi withdrew her hand indifferently, got up and sat on the sofa, looked at Albert, "Didn't Lin Yifan say that the temperature has dropped?"

"It's dropped, but do you know how many endorsements you lost because of this incident?"

"I don't know, but if you lose the endorsement, you will lose it. As long as I am still here, there will still be opportunities for cooperation." Zhu Yiyi said nonchalantly, the endorsement is not important, as long as Shen Yun is fine.

It's no wonder that Zhu Yiyi doesn't know about these things, usually resources are all done by Albert himself.

As for those resources, she likes to be in charge of nodding or shaking her head, and leave everything else to Albert.

"Oh, by the way, you can post a statement online now. I've written the content for you. You can read it." Albert took out his mobile phone and sent the prepared content to Zhu Yiyi.

"Let me take a look." Zhu Yiyi took out her mobile phone and looked at the draft sent by Albert.

The draft is quite complete, and the matter about Mu Sibai is clearly stated, and of course the important relationship is also clearly concealed.

Also, the matter about Shen Yun is also very clear. It is very clear that Shen Yun is her friend, and she hopes that others will not disturb her life too much.

"Have you agreed with Mu Sibai?" Zhu Yiyi put down her phone and asked Albert.

"Sure, this is what I discussed with Lin Yifan." Albert nodded, as if he suddenly remembered something, and said, "In order to show the truth of the matter, you can post a photo of the two of you when you were young."

"There is no group photo." Zhu Yiyi turned her face away, and said awkwardly, "When I went abroad, I cut all the group photos in a fit of anger."

"Ah? Then you can ask if Murong Bai is there." Albert turned his head and asked Zhu Yiyi. Although the matter was serious, he was still very happy.

"I don't want to ask." Zhu Yiyi looked at Albert in embarrassment. She had just come back from a quarrel with Mousse, and now she is asking him for a photo of her childhood, which does not fit her current personality at all.

No, definitely not.

"Then I'll ask Lin Yifan to see if he has any photos of you when you were young." Albert didn't force Zhu Yiyi, after all, he wished that the two of them had no contact.

"Then you ask quickly, send it to me after asking, I'll go back and call baby first, and ask her how she is doing." Zhu Yiyi got up, went back to her room, took out her mobile phone, and called Shen Yun.

Shen Yun's legs were already numb from squatting, and he sat on the ground with his chin propped on one hand and looked at the person in front of him, while Su Mu grabbed the other hand.

The whole room was very quiet, when suddenly Su Mu's cell phone rang, Shen Yun was startled, worried that he would wake up Su Mu, Shen Yun got up and touched Su Mu's pocket.

But the phone was in Su Mu's inner pocket, and Su Mu's hand was still holding it, and it was not easy to get the phone with the other hand.

It took Shen Yun a long time to take out the phone from Su Mu's pocket, but it was too late, and Su Mu had already been woken up.

Opening his eyes and seeing Shen Yun, he let go of Shen Yun's hand.

Shen Yun shook his sore arm, looked at the call from Zhu Yiyi, and was about to answer it when he was hung up.

After a while, Zhu Yiyi's phone was turned on again.

Shen Yun answered the call this time.

"Baby, are you okay? Why can't you get through your number?" Zhu Yiyi still thought that something happened to Shen Yun, so she asked her anxiously.

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry. You hung up the phone just now when you wanted to answer it." Shen Yun smiled.

Su Mu sat up and raised his hand to help Shen Yun rub his arm.

"It's fine, I thought something happened to you." Zhu Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief and said to Shen Yun.

"I'm fine, don't worry, I'm fine. Don't worry, they won't do anything to me." Shen Yun knew why Zhu Yiyi called him, and comforted her.

"Where are you now, are you still in the clinic?" Zhu Yiyi asked Shen Yun.

"No, I'm at home. Brother Feng gave me a few days off."

"I'm sorry, baby. You and Xiaobao are involved again." Zhu Yiyi lowered her head guiltily. Although Shen Yun couldn't see her, she still felt guilty in her heart.

"You don't need to apologize to me. You've done a good job, and it's only after this time that I understand your usual pain and why Lin Yiyin is like this." Because she couldn't bear this, not to mention they were insulted all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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