It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 356 Aren't You Able To Take Care Of Yourself?

Chapter 356 Aren't You Able To Take Care Of Yourself?

"We have tried our best to deal with it here, but there are still some irrational fans who can't control it, so you." Zhu Yiyi stopped talking in the middle of her sentence.

"I know, I'm at home on vacation now, so they can't come to my house." Feeling almost done, Shen Yun pulled back his arm and shook his head at Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled, changed the location, came behind Shen Yun, and helped Shen Yun pinch his shoulders.

"Uh, it's hard to say. After all, you can install a pinhole camera at the entrance of the clinic." Zhu Yiyi wanted to tell Shen Yun that every hotel she stayed in had illegitimate students following her, and so did this one.

In fact, she knows all about those people who are illegitimate, and she usually guards against them, but sometimes she still can't guard against them.

After thinking about it, I decided not to tell Shen Yun, so as to save her from fear and panic.

"It's okay. If they dare to come to the door, I will call the police. Let's see if they are better than the police."

"Hahaha, you can have this." Hearing that Shen Yun didn't want to be affected at all, Zhu Yiyi felt relieved.

The phone rang, and Albert sent over photos of her and Mu Sibai when they were young, several in a row.

Zhu Yiyi raised her eyebrows and clicked on the photo. She didn't expect Mu Sibai to keep so many photos of them.

"Baby, I'm still busy now, so I'll hang up for you first." Zhu Yiyi will post those on the Internet according to Albert's request.

"Okay." Shen Yun responded, hung up the phone, and handed the phone to Su Mu.

"Is your arm still sore?" Su Mu took the phone and put it aside casually, continued to pinch Shen Yun's shoulder, and asked Shen Yun intimately.

"It's not sour, it's only been a while. Xiaobao weighed so much before, I could hold it for a whole day." Shen Yun looked back at Su Mu, smiled and shook his head.

Hearing his name, Xiao Bao looked up at Shen Yun.

Su Mu let go and waved to Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, come here."

Xiao Bao was dazed, dropped the things in his hands, and came to Shen Yun and Su Mu.

"Have you heard, Xiaobao? I want your mother to be better in the future. It's not easy for your mother to take care of you." Su Mu put his hands on Xiaobao's shoulders and said seriously.

Xiaobao nodded ignorantly. Although he could not understand the inner meaning of Su Mu, he could still understand the superficial meaning.

"That's right. You have to protect your mother well in the future."

"Okay." Xiao Bao quickly agreed, and smirked at Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled gently and rubbed Xiao Bao's head.

"Both of you are proud enough. I'm not in my [-]s and [-]s. I'm still able to move, okay?" Shen Yun couldn't listen anymore, and looked at Su Mu in front of him, who seemed to be confessing his funeral, with a speechless expression.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and smiled, and let go of Xiaobao.

"I'm hungry, go cook." Shen Yun kicked Su Mu's foot and directed him.

"Don't you have the ability to take care of yourself?"

"Then I don't want to have one now, can't I?" Shen Yun lay down on the sofa and looked at Su Mu shamelessly.

"Okay, ancestor, I'll cook for you now." Su Mu agreed, then turned to Xiaobao and asked, "Xiaobao, what do you want to eat, I'll make it for you."

"I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs, sweet and sour pork ribs." As soon as eating was mentioned, Xiaobao became excited instantly, jumping back and forth to Su Mu.

"Okay, then I'll make you sweet and sour pork ribs." Su Mu pampered Xiao Bao's head, got up and walked to the kitchen to start cooking.

Shen Yun leaned on the sofa, looked back at Su Mu's back, lowered his head and smiled.

The power of Zhu Yiyi and Mu Sibai was no joke. In less than a day, they suppressed all the enthusiasm and turned the situation around.

Not only that, the fans of the two of them rose instead of falling, and they also gained a lot of CP fans.

Qi Xiwen looked at the phone angrily, damn it, how did things turn around so quickly.

I clicked on Mu Sibai's group, and wanted to continue fanning the flames in it, but suddenly found that I had been kicked out of the group chat, and the fan station had hung her up, and many people blocked her.

Unconvinced, Qi Xiwen turned on the computer and wanted to continue spreading rumors on the forum.At the moment of clicking send, the computer screen went black.

"Hey, what's going on?" Qi Xiwen looked at the computer, wondering what happened.

Suddenly, a flash of animation flashed on the black screen of the computer, and soon, Qi Xiwen wondered if he had read it wrong.

The screen flashed again, too fast to see clearly.However, even so, Qi Xiwen could vaguely see some animation on it.

Qi Xiwen frowned, realizing that things were not that simple, so he moved closer to the computer, trying to see what was on it.

As if sensing her approaching, the screen suddenly brightened, flashed in front of Qi Xiwen's eyes, and quickly retreated.

However, this time she could clearly see the animation on the computer.It was a hand, to be precise, a hand with the middle finger upright.

Not only that, but there is also a sentence under his command, which says be careful with boomerangs.

Qi Xiwen frantically tapped the screen, but couldn't turn it off.

"Damn." Qi Xiwen angrily dropped the mouse, closed the computer and didn't watch the animation on it.

The prank was successful, He Yan proudly turned off the computer.

It is estimated that Qi Xiwen's face must be very smelly now, but it doesn't matter, when she turns on the computer, her face will be even more smelly.

Picking up the computer and getting up, He Yan crossed the living room and was about to go out.

"What are you doing?" Xia Wei was watching TV, when she heard the movement behind her, she turned around and asked He Yan.

"I'll go find Su Mu." He Yan looked at Xia Wei and answered truthfully.

"Why did you go to him? He Yan, do you and Su Mu have any secrets to hide from me? I always feel that there is a secret between the two of you." Xia Wei looked at He Yan carefully.

Seeing He Yan's guilty expression, he knew that there must be a secret between the two of them.

"It's nothing to hide from you, but Su Mu asked me to check the truth behind the Internet public opinion. I just found out and I plan to tell him." He Yan knew that Xia Wei couldn't hide it, so he could only tell her the truth.

"Who is it?" Xia Wei obviously didn't believe it, and asked He Yan.

"Qi Xiwen."

"Qi Xiwen? It's her again, this person must be educated." Xia Wei said angrily, reaching out to He Yan, "Bring your computer, I must teach this Qi Xiwen a lesson."

"No, I've already taught it."

"How did you teach me? Let me hear." Xia Wei lay down on the sofa with an excited face, and asked He Yan.

He Yan walked over, put down the computer, and told Xia Wei exactly what he did just now.

"You're too simple, you can't do it." Xia Wei was dissatisfied with what He Yan had done, turned on the computer, and tapped on it quickly again.

Put your index finger on it and click send, and take back your hand "ok" when you are satisfied

He Yan saw what Xia Wei did, and silently gave her a thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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