It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 357 No Girl Can Escape From Her Boyfriend's Cell Phone

Chapter 357 No Girl Can Escape From Her Boyfriend's Cell Phone

Not long after, when Qi Xiwen thought that the computer was fine, and turned on the computer again, and wanted to check it again, another picture suddenly popped up on the screen.

No, it's an animation, or an animation that minors should not watch.

Qi Xiwen's face turned red, and she shut the computer abruptly.Who the hell is teasing her like that.

Xia Wei and He Yan came to Shen Yun's house together. As soon as they arrived at home, Su Mu and He Yan went into the study to discuss things.

They happened to be at home during the holidays, so Shen Yun and Su Mu decided to clean the room today.

Neither He Yan nor Xia Weilai told them in advance that when they arrived at Shen Yun's house, Su Mu knelt on the ground to clean up the garbage under the sofa.

After He Yan arrived, he said something to Su Mu, and Su Mu left the broom and He Yan entered the study.

Shen Yun straightened up and took a look at the study room, then continued to clean it himself, as if he was not at all curious about what they were discussing inside.

Xia Wei was lying on the sofa, holding an apple in her hand, looking at Shen Yun who was busy up and down in front of her, took a bite, and said, "Xiaoyun, you feel more and more like a housewife."

Shen Yun glared at Xia Wei, put down the rag in his hand, and said to Xia Wei angrily, "What are you doing here? Little Treasure knows how to help clean the room. When you arrive, lie down on the bed."

"Hey." Xiao Bao, who was changing the clothes of the Barbie doll, raised his head and smiled at Xia Wei and Shen Yun when he heard his name.

"She's obviously playing with toys, not cleaning the room." Xia Wei pointed at Xiaobao, and looked at Shen Yun unwillingly.

"You really have the nerve to compare with children, how old is she?" Shen Yun knocked off Xia Wei's hand, talking about her.

Xia Wei smiled and rubbed her hands, approached Shen Yun and asked, "Don't you wonder what the two of them are doing in the study?"

"Not curious." Shen Yun gave Xia Wei a blank look, lowered his head and continued to wipe the table.

"You're really not curious. I want to say that you're the one they're talking about?" Xia Wei asked Shen Yun again with disbelief written all over her face.

"Oh." Shen Yun continued to wipe the table without any reaction.

"You're really not curious." Seeing that Shen Yun really didn't react at all, Xia Wei believed that she was really not curious.

Thinking about it, after being together for so many years, Xiao Yun has always believed in Su Mu.

"I'm just curious, Xiaoyun, have you checked Su Mu's phone?" Xia Wei asked Shen Yun again, lying on the edge of the sofa.

Shen Yun glanced at Xia Wei and shook his head at her.

"You never checked? Others say that no one can get out of a boyfriend's phone."

"Then have you seen He Yan's phone?" Shen Yun smiled and asked Xia Wei back.

"He dares, I know all the passwords in his mobile phone, he dare not hide it from me." Xia Wei opened her eyes and glanced at the study.

Shen Yun shook his head with a smile, and said in a deep and deep voice, "Those who don't want to do bad things can do whatever they want; those who really want to do bad things can't be stopped."

"It makes sense!" Xia Wei seemed to have benefited a lot, and even forgot to eat the apple.

"Okay, you don't need to worry about this. Besides, He Yan doesn't know how to do this." Shen Yun smiled, walked into the bathroom while talking, and washed the rag.

"That's right, even if He Yan is given a hundred guts, He Yan won't dare to find other women behind my back." Xia Wei nodded, she still had such confidence in He Yan.

Shen Yun looked at Xia Wei's back, smiled and said nothing.

After Xia Wei finished eating the apple, she threw it into the trash can, leaned over and took out the wet towel, wiped her hands clean, and threw it into the trash can as well.

Then he got up from the sofa, picked up the broom that Su Mu left behind, and continued the work that Su Mu had not finished.

"Hey, what's under your sofa? Why are there stinky socks?" Xia Wei pinched the socks on the ground with two fingers in disgust, then loosened her fingers and threw them on the ground again.

Looking at Xiao Bao who was playing with toys, he picked up his socks again and walked towards Xiao Bao.

"Xiaobao, is this stinky sock yours? It's still under the sofa." Xia Wei handed the sock to Xiaobao, and Xiaobao immediately ran to the other side holding his nose in disgust.

"Still running, you really lost it." Xia Wei dropped her socks, pointed at Xiaobao, and chased after her.

Shen Yun looked at the two people fighting at the side, sighed silently, and cleaned up the garbage under the sofa by himself.

Perhaps the living room was cleaned too clean, Xiaobao slipped on the soles of his feet, and sat on the ground with his buttocks, his body fell backwards, and there was a "bang".

"Ah." Xiaobao sat on the ground, rubbed his head with one hand, and burst into tears.

"Ah, baby." Seeing this, Xia Wei hurriedly chased after her and picked up Xiaobao.

"Mom." Xiao Bao looked at Shen Yun, crying and pushing Xia Wei away.

Shen Yun quickly dropped the broom, took Xiaobao from Xia Wei's hand, rubbed Xiaobao's head, and coaxed her.

"What's wrong?" Hearing the crying, Su Mu and He Yan hurried out of the study and asked them.

"I fell to the ground." Xia Wei lowered her head guiltily, looking at Su Mu and He Yan.

"Ah, fell on the ground? Let me have a look." Su Mu was startled, and He Yan hurried to Shen Yun's side to check Xiaobao's head.

"It's okay, don't all surround her, she's not that delicate." Shen Yun sat on the sofa with Xiaobao in his arms, and said to He Yan and Su Mu.

Xiao Bao put his arms around Shen Yun's neck and twitched in her arms, but his crying had gradually calmed down.

He Yan and Su Mu looked at each other, and stepped aside obediently.

"Xiaobao, don't cry, Ang, can the godmother treat you to dinner?" Xia Wei came to Xiaobao and leaned over to ask her.

The corner of Xiaobao's mouth twitched, he tilted his head to look at Xia Wei, and said intermittently, "Okay."

Hearing Xiaobao's promise, everyone present roared with laughter.

"Snack guy, you cry so much, you still don't forget to eat." Xia Wei raised her hand and pinched Xiao Bao's nose, and said.

In order to express their guilt, Xia Wei and He Yan personally cleaned Shen Yun's house before going to eat.

"Here, order what you want." Xia Wei handed the menu to Xiaobao, letting her choose by herself.

"What are you two secretly talking about in the study today?" Xia Wei put her hands on her chin and asked He Yan and Su Mu gossipingly.

He Yan looked at Su Mu in embarrassment. He could neither betray Su Mu nor hide Xia Wei. For a while, he didn't know how to speak.

Su Mu was extremely calm, and replied Xia Wei's words, "I asked him to help me investigate the J bombing case."

Upon hearing J Da, Shen Yun suddenly raised his head and looked at He Yan, "Is there a curtain?"

He Yan looked at Shen Yun and shook his head at her, "This matter is not easy to handle. After all, this matter has been concealed too deeply, so it's not black at all."

Shen Yun lowered his eyes in disappointment, and the back of his hand on the table became hot.

Shen Yun raised his head, followed his arm, and looked at Su Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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