Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 137 I really want to kill you [2]

Chapter 137 I really want to kill you [2]

The rest of the servants were stunned, and some even screamed a few times when they saw the corpse.

The butler hurried out with the medicine box in his hand but did not see Li Yufeng.

"What about the young master?"

"The young master has already left." The servant replied tremblingly.

"Let's go? The young master is already injured, how can we let him leave?!"

As soon as the steward's words came out, he himself was shocked to realize how ridiculous he had said.

If the young master wants to leave, how could these people be able to stop him.

————Fanyu drop dividing line————

In the huge villa, all the curtains were drawn.

The room was so quiet that only the breathing of two people could be heard.

Suddenly, the phone on the table rang again, but no one answered.

Let it ring again and again, and finally. Because there is no electricity, it will automatically shut down.

The bed was very tidy, and a man lay flat on it, sleeping soundly, with no intention of waking up at all.

Under the bed, Fanyu was looking at the mobile phone on the table in a daze.

That's right, the one on the bed is Fan Chuang.

Fanyu fed him sleeping pills, so now he has no consciousness at all.

Not to mention answering the phone.

This is what Huo Xu asked her to cooperate with. Huo Xu promised that he would take Jin Xi away.

As long as Jin Xi is gone, Li Yufeng will be hers sooner or later.

Silently standing up from the ground, Fanyu walked out slowly, turned off all the things that could make sound in the room, and even unplugged the battery of the clock.

"Brother, you should sleep well. Brother Li's safety this time doesn't need to be protected by you, so you should take a rest."

Walking out of the room, Fanyu originally wanted to call Huo Xu, but just as she dialed, a call came in.

Fanyu quickly picked it up and heard Huo Xu's anxious voice.

"You, hurry up to Li's house and bring Jin Xi out!"

"Why? What's the matter?" Hearing Huo Xu's voice, Fanyu felt that something was wrong.

Didn't he say that as long as Fan Chuang is stunned, he can take Jin Xi away from Li's house?Why let yourself go now?

"Don't ask so many questions, hurry up! Otherwise, it will be too late when Li Yufeng finds out about all this!"

Just as Huo Xu over there finished speaking, the line was cut off.

Fanyu called again and was prompted to turn off the phone.

After being stunned for three seconds, Fanyu picked up the bag and ran out quickly.

Although she didn't know what Huo Xu wanted to do, she couldn't let the plan fail.

This is her last fight, and she cannot allow any mistakes.

Leaving the villa in a hurry, Fanyu went directly to the headquarters of the Li family.

————— Li Yufeng Di Dividing Line ————

When Li Yufeng drove to the consortium, he was a little unconscious due to excessive bleeding, but he still pushed himself in.

Dong Cheng, who was about to come out to call the young master, saw Li Yufeng covered in blood, and was so startled that he hurried forward to support him.

"Master, are you all right, master?"

Li Yufeng waved his hand, "It's okay."

Although Li Yufeng said he was fine, his lips were already pale, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

Dongcheng didn't dare to delay, so he quickly called the doctor.

Li Yufeng grabbed Dongcheng's hand, and finally said, "It's the Huo family, the Huo family in S City"

Before he finished speaking, he fainted.

1 more.


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(End of this chapter)

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