Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 138 I really want to kill you [3]

Chapter 138 I really want to kill you [3]

Before he finished speaking, he fainted.

Dongcheng was so frightened that he picked up Li Yufeng on his back and started running towards the hospital. The blood from Li Yufeng's arm even stained Dongcheng's clothes red.

When he ran to the hospital, Li Yufeng's breath became weak.

The doctor took him into the emergency room, which was petrified.

Because Li Yufeng was not just shot in the arm!When cutting off his black suit, they discovered that his white shirt had been stained red and he had an obvious gunshot wound to his left rib!

Even the doctors had to admire his willpower, and he was able to drive the car to the consortium before he fainted.

At this time, Dongcheng was the most troubled.

Because the young master was still in the emergency room, he couldn't leave, but the consortium was in chaos waiting for him to deal with it.

Called Master Fan and turned off the phone, and now I don't even know what happened to Master Fan.

Standing at the door of the emergency room, Dongcheng hesitated for a long time before turning and leaving.

Because he can't let the young master down!The young master would rather tell himself that the Huo family is doing the tricks, and he can't let the young master bleed for nothing.

After returning to the Li family consortium, Dongcheng directly asked the people lurking in the country to take the Huo family's lair directly.

To catch them all to Europe, he wants to see what kind of people can harm the young master.

————Jinxi Dividing Line————

Locked in the master bedroom by Li Yufeng, Jin Xi is a useless person, she can't do anything.

He could only look at the only window where he could see the outside, silently thinking about what to tell Li Yufeng.

What is she going to say about this matter?
To Li Yufeng, she undoubtedly betrayed him, but to her conscience, she owed Huo Xu.

She is in a dilemma.

If she did it, Li Yufeng would hate herself, but if she didn't, it would be impossible for her to watch Huo Xu being killed by Li Yufeng.

Now that Li Yufeng knows everything, he is afraid that he will never forgive himself.

But what Jin Xi is afraid of now is that he will take Xiaobao away too!

Without Xiaobao, Jin Xi felt that she would definitely die!
She can't lose Xiao Bao.

Suddenly, there was a sound at the door.

Jin Xi thought it was Li Yufeng who came back, her hairs immediately stood on end.

The heart also mentioned the throat.

"Papa—" followed by two more.

Jin Xi was puzzled.

Li Yufeng, what are you doing?Doesn't he have the key?Why are you still knocking on the door?
Feeling puzzled, Jin Xi walked to the door and whispered, "Who? Li Yufeng?"

A female voice suddenly came from outside the door. She lowered her voice on purpose, but Jin Xi could still hear it.

It is Fan Yu.

"You open the door, I'm here to take you away!"

"Take me away?" Jin Xi frowned, "What tricks are you going to play?"

She is messed up enough with Li Yufeng, what else is there to do with Fanyu at this time!
"You think I'm willing! Huo Xu asked me to come!"

Hearing Huo Xu's name, Jin Xi was taken aback for a moment, and then asked repeatedly, "Did Huo Xu ask you to come?"

"Yes, hurry up and follow me!"

Fanyu seemed to be in a hurry, her tone was hurried.

But she wants to leave now, but she can't get out!

"The door was locked by Li Yufeng, and I couldn't get out."

"Locked?" Fanyu outside the door pulled the door a few more times and found that it was indeed locked.

2 more. (Recently, has revised its version again. Momo has often updated it but it doesn’t show up~ This, Mo Mo can’t do anything about it.)

(End of this chapter)

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