Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 139 I really want to kill you [4]

Chapter 139 I really want to kill you [4]

"Locked?" Fanyu outside the door pulled the door a few more times and found that it was indeed locked.

She turned immediately to find reinforcements.

And Jin Xi in the room was about to collapse.

She has never experienced these, like the plot in the movie.

Thrilled with panic.

But she didn't like it at all.

After about 10 minutes, Fanyu came back again.

This time she seemed to bring someone else, because Jin Xi in the room heard two voices outside the door, one from Fanyu, and another male voice that Jin Xi was not familiar with.

But soon, the bedroom door was opened.

When Jin Xi walked out, the man who spoke just now was gone, Fan Yu was standing at the door, looking at herself with complicated eyes.

"Come with me!" Fan Yu stretched out his hand and pulled Jin Xi to leave.

But Jin Xi stood there without moving. "I can't go!"

"What are you going to do?"

"I can't leave Xiaobao behind, I have to take him away." Xiaobao is her life, no matter where she goes, she must take him with her.

"I really convinced you!" Fanyu turned sideways impatiently, "If it wasn't for my not wanting to be a stepmother, I would really be too lazy to pay attention to your request."

Fanyu wanted to see that child taken away by Jin Xi, so she was willing to help Jin Xi.

Jin Xi hesitated for a moment, then hurried to Xiaobao's room.

But when she opened the door, Jin Xi was dumbfounded.

There was no one in the room, let alone Xiaobao!

Turning around and coming out, just as Jin Xi was about to speak to Fanyu, she felt that she was hit hard on the back of the head. After that, Jin Xi felt that her eyes went dark, and she didn't know anything.

Fan Yu, who was standing aside, pursed her lips, a little frightened, "Didn't you say you like Jin Xi? Why did you hit her so hard! What if you broke her!"

"It can't be broken, I don't use force, how can she faint?" If she didn't faint, she would not agree to take her away. "It would be the best if she can lose her memory."

Huo Xu smiled, and his thin lips curled up slightly.

Then she can forget the past and start over with herself.

"What did you say?" Fan Yu didn't hear the words behind him clearly.

"It's nothing, let's go quickly, Li Yufeng must have sent someone to arrest us."

"What? Why did Brother Li arrest me?" When we talked about the cooperation before, Huo Xu didn't tell himself that there was still this danger!

"Don't talk so much now, hurry up and get out!" Huo Xu's eyes darkened, and he felt his hand was a little wet. He raised his hand and found that the back of Jin Xi's head was bleeding from his blow!
Huo Xu was a little flustered, but he still kept himself as calm as possible, and took advantage of the chaos to escape from Li's house with Fanyu.

Jin Xi felt that she had a long, long dream. She dreamed of Jin Ling, Meng Zhongde, and even Meng Qi!

She dreamed that their family was having dinner happily, and she was sitting on a chair eating with them. The picture was very warm.

Just when Jin Xi was intoxicated, the outside door was suddenly kicked open, and it was Li Yufeng who walked in with Xiaobao!

Jin Xi hurriedly stepped forward to hug Xiaobao, but Li Yufeng took out a gun and pressed it against his forehead, and then Li Yufeng's voice sounded, "Why did you betray me! Why!"

3 more. (Ten more today, what~ I will update when I wake up silently!)

(End of this chapter)

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