Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 140 I really want to kill you [5]

Chapter 140 I really want to kill you [5]

Jin Xi hurriedly stepped forward to hug Xiaobao, but Li Yufeng took out a gun and pressed it against his forehead, and then Li Yufeng's voice sounded, "Why did you betray me! Why!"

"why why."

With her eyes tightly closed, Jin Xi kept shaking her head, her lips were pale, and her face was bloodless.

Huo Xu next to her heard Jin Xi's voice, thought she had woken up, and hurried over.

Seeing her sweating profusely and muttering something, as if she was having a nightmare, Huo Xu quickly stretched out his hand to wake her up.

"Jin Xi, Jin Xi!"

Suddenly, Jin Xi sat up from the bed, and immediately exclaimed, "Ah, it hurts!"

When Jin Xi said this, Huo Xu smiled awkwardly, "It's okay, it's just a slight concussion."

"Slight concussion?!" Jin Xi covered her wound, frowning tightly, "Where is this place? Why am I here?"

Shouldn't she be at Li's house?
Suddenly, all the memories came back to his mind in an instant, and Jin Xi immediately got up from the bed and was about to leave.

"What are you going to do? I won't let you go!" Huo Xu quickly stopped her and carried her back to the bed.

"What are you doing! Let me go! Huo Xu, I want to go back to Li's house!"

"Are you crazy? Now that Li Yufeng already knows that you leaked the list to me, you are going to kill yourself if you go back! Li Yufeng will not let you go easily, don't be stupid!" Huo Xu pulled emotionally Holding Jin Xi's hand, "Trust me, I can protect you!"

"I'm not crazy, I know exactly what I'm going to do." Jin Xi pursed her dry lips, because she was not strong enough for Huo Xu, she could only choose to persuade Huo Xu, "My little treasure is now at Li's house. How could it be possible to be outside alone? Xiaobao is my life. Root! And you also know that now that Li Yufeng has found out, then he can't find me. Naturally, he will vent his anger on Xiaobao. I can't let Xiaobao himself Facing this alone! He's still young!"

"No! Xiaobao is also Li Yufeng's child, how could Li Yufeng attack him!" Huo Xu didn't believe Jin Xi's words at all.

A tiger's poison does not eat its son, how could Li Yufeng attack his son because of a list?
"He will! If Li Yufeng can't find me, he will definitely do something to Xiaobao!" She can't let Xiaobao be in the slightest danger, she can't afford to bet on Xiaobao! "You let me go back, I can't lose Xiaobao! Even if you imprison me, my heart will not be on you."

Hearing Jin Xi's decisive words, Huo Xu's heart was suffocated, and the pain slowly spread.

But he still couldn't let Jin Xi go.

"Well, you can recuperate here, and I'll steal Xiaobao out for you!"

"Are you crazy? Are you going to steal someone from the Li family?" Does he think the headquarters of the Li family is a kindergarten?
"I'm not crazy, I'm working with Fanyu now, and Fanyu will help me." Fanyu is his trump card that allows him to freely enter and leave the headquarters of the Li family.

"Huo Xu, why did you become like this?" She didn't even dare to recognize her anymore.

Where did that innocent and cheerful Huo Xu go?
He actually cooperated with Fanyu!He actually captured himself in a tough way!
"Jin Xi, for you, I can change whatever I want." He felt that he was born for Jin Xi all his life.

4 more. (Poor little Xuxu.)

(End of this chapter)

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