Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 141 I really want to kill you [6]

Chapter 141 I really want to kill you [6]

"Jin Xi, for you, I can change whatever I want." He felt that he was born for Jin Xi all his life.

Jin Xi didn't speak, nor raised her eyes to look at Huo Xu, she just said quietly, "Let me go, I don't want to be here."

"I've already promised to help you steal Xiaobao back, why are you leaving?" He didn't understand.

"Huo Xu, why don't you understand? Li Yufeng will not let us go! If you take me like this, not only will you be implicated, but we may not be able to escape alone!" Jin Xi growled sharply, emotionally A little hysterical.

She is really broken.

Jin Xi never dreamed that one day it would explode, and one day things would turn out like this.

Now there is no news from Li Yufeng, and even less from Xiaobao, Jin Xi feels that she is going crazy.

How could she force herself into this dead corner?
"Jin Xi, I'm not afraid." Huo Xu's gentle voice came from his ear again. After thinking for a long time, he stretched out his hand to hold Jin Xi's hand, "As long as we are together, I will not be afraid of Li Yufeng! Even if it is death Yes, I also know that I have won once."

Win Li Yufeng once, that's enough.

"Huo Xu, you are too stubborn!" Jin Xi was completely unmoved, she withdrew her hand coldly, "Send me back, I don't want to stay by your side! You have changed, I don't know you now."

Jin Xi's words dealt Huo Xu a complete blow.

He even had the thought of giving up for an instant.

But soon, Huo Xu put his thoughts back.

He stood up and glanced at Jin Xi.

"I can't let you go. Since you don't want to stay with me, I'll go! But you can't go."

"Huo Xu, you want to imprison me?!" Jin Xi looked at Huo Xu with astonishment.

"Probably." Huo Xu smiled bleakly.

Where did he imprison Jin Xi, it was clear that Jin Xi built a high wall for him, making it impossible for him to find a way out.

"Huo Xu, let me go!" Jin Xi calmed down and discussed with Huo Xu.

But Huo Xu didn't waver at all. He walked towards the door, opened it and walked out.

Didn't even look back.

Jin Xi got up from the bed to chase Huo Xu, but she was a step too late.


Jin Xi heard the sound of Huo Xu locking the door.

She quickly slammed on the door and shouted, "Huo Xu, let me out! Let me out!"

Unfortunately, there was no echo outside the door.

Jin Xi didn't know if Huo Xu was standing outside the door.
————— Li Yufeng Di Dividing Line ————

After nearly half a day of rescue, Li Yufeng was finally out of danger temporarily.

But he still has to live in the intensive care unit, because the gunshot wound on his body has not completely stopped the bleeding, and he may get sick at any time.

When Dongcheng put on the isolation suit to see Li Yufeng, the big man Dongcheng couldn't help but shed tears.

"Master, how did you become like this?"

Seeing that the young master who is usually high-spirited and well-planned, was actually harmed by a woman today!How could this not make Dongcheng uncomfortable?

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have asked the young master to find Jin Xi back!

But it's too late to say anything now!The young master is lying here, whether he can fully recover or not is another matter.

Dong Cheng really wanted to take a gun and kill Jin Xi!
5 more.

(End of this chapter)

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