Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 143 I really want to kill you [8]

Chapter 143 I really want to kill you [8]

He was shot twice in the body before, didn't he also drive over?
He really doesn't like the feeling of being tied up!
Li Yufeng frowned, making the doctors very helpless.

In the end, the doctor obeyed Li Yufeng's wishes and untied the bandages on his body.

Without restraint, Li Yufeng felt that his breathing was much smoother.

He tried to speak, but his voice was still hoarse.

But Li Yufeng was very afraid that Dongcheng would do something to Jin Xi impulsively, so he could only force himself to find a way to inform Dongcheng.

Don't hurt Jin Xi.

That woman is indeed hateful, but to deal with her, you have to do it yourself.

—————Fan Chuang Di Dividing Line————

When Fan Chuang woke up, it was already the morning of the next day.

Sitting up from the bed, I still have a hangover headache.

Opening his eyes and looking around, Fan Chuang suddenly jumped from the bed to the ground.

This is a strange room, and I don't have the slightest impression of being here!

"Where is this? Why am I here?"

Fan Chuang patted his head a few times, desperately recalling what happened to him before.

He was going back to Li's house, but Fanyu called on the way to say that her foot was broken!Then he planned to send Fanyu to the hospital first, and then
No impression?
He still remembered that his last impression was that he drank a cup of coffee that Fanyu handed over, saying that he would refresh himself just after getting off the plane.

Could it be that he was drugged by Fanyu? !

But why did she stop herself?
A thought suddenly popped into Fan Chuang's mind, and he slapped his thigh.

"It's over, Ah Feng must be in danger!"

Fan Chuang hurried to the consortium, just in time to meet Dongcheng who was going to the hospital.

"Hey! Dongcheng, where's Afeng?" Seeing Dongcheng, Fan Chuang hurried forward and grabbed his clothes.

Seeing that it was Fan Chuang, Dongcheng hurriedly asked, "Why can't I contact you? Something happened to the Li family right now! Young master, he...he's in the hospital!"

"What? What happened to Ah Feng?"

"The young master was shot twice by the enemies, and now he is lying in the hospital. The assassination list was leaked, and all the enemies started to riot and conspire against the Li family. Now the young master can't come out to organize the overall situation, and the Li family is in chaos!" Dongcheng is going crazy right now.

Now that he has to take over everything, Dongcheng deeply feels that it is not so easy to be the heir of the Li family.

"Go, take me to see Ah Feng."


Dong Cheng and Fan Chuang arrived at the hospital together. As soon as they entered the intensive care unit, Dong Cheng found that there was no one on the bed!

No one is empty.

"Where's Ah Feng?" Fan Chuang's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

"Impossible! The whole hospital is guarded by bodyguards from the Li family, the young master will be fine!" Dong Cheng turned and left the intensive care unit, just in time to meet Li Yufeng's attending doctor.

Dong Cheng hurriedly grabbed him and asked, "Where's my young master?"

"Mr. Li! He's out of danger, and now he's transferred to the VIP ward."

Hearing what the attending doctor said, Dongcheng felt relieved.

Although he was sure that the young master would be fine just now, his heart was still raised.

"Take me to see Ah Feng." Fan Chuang on the side was even more anxious.


Dong Cheng hurriedly took Fan Chuang to the VIP ward.

As soon as he entered, Fan Chuang saw Li Yufeng lying on the bed.

Immediately, Fan Chuang's passionate man also shed a few tears!
7 more. (I don’t know why Tencent is not synchronizing~ Worry!)
(End of this chapter)

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