Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 144 I really want to kill you [9]

Chapter 144 I really want to kill you [9]

Immediately, Fan Chuang's passionate man also shed a few tears!
"Afeng, I'm so sorry!" Fan Chuang didn't know what to say!
If he could not fall into Fanyu's trap, then Li Yufeng would definitely not become like this!Not to lie here!
It's all because he trusts his sister too much!

Li Yufeng opened his eyes and glanced at Fan Chuang, then said in a hoarse voice, "Where's Jin Xi?"

"Jin Xi? Where's Jin Xi?!" Fan Chuang didn't know what happened, so he quickly turned his head to ask Dong Cheng.

Dong Cheng's eyes were filled with hatred instantly, "It's all that woman! I really want to kill her!"

"Don't kill her." Li Yufeng frowned and shook his head, struggling to sit up from the bed.

Seeing this, Fan Chuang hurried over to put a pillow behind Li Yufeng's back.

But the action of getting up like this still hurt the wound, Li Yufeng frowned, but didn't hum.

"Master, you are still protecting her at this time!" Dong Cheng was always obedient, but this time he was furious.

"What do you mean? What's the matter with Jinxi?" Fan Chuang still didn't know anything, and looked at Dongcheng blankly.

Dong Cheng was about to speak, but was stopped by Li Yufeng.

"It's nothing, just take care of the consortium's affairs, Dongcheng, don't worry about it too much."

"Master, this—"

"Listen to me." Li Yufeng coughed twice, and then said to Dongcheng, "There are a lot of things to do with the consortium, so go and do it first, I have something to say with Fan Chuang."

"Master." Dongcheng didn't want to leave.

He wanted to tell Master Fan everything, so that Master Fan could persuade him not to be obsessed with that woman anymore.

"Let's go!" Li Yufeng frowned, his handsome face was clearly displeased.

Dongcheng didn't dare to make Li Yufeng angry, so he left the ward resentfully.

As soon as Dong Cheng left, Fan Chuang hurriedly asked, "What's going on? What happened to Jin Xi?"

"It's nothing." Li Yufeng shook his head, "You will go to the headquarters of the Li family and bring Jin Xi here, I have something to say to her."

"Jin Xi?" Fan Chuang didn't understand what Li Yufeng meant, "What are you going to do?"

"Do you think the Li family will collapse?" Li Yufeng didn't answer Fan Chuang's question, but said his own.

Fan Chuang quickly shook his head, "How is this possible! The Li family has a great career, how can this little turmoil bring it down?"

Li Yufeng didn't speak, but closed his eyes.

After a while, Li Yufeng said in a hoarse voice, "Go and call Jin Xi over now."

".Okay, I'll go now."

————Jinxi Dividing Line————

Huo Xu imprisoned Jin Xi, no matter how much Jin Xi shouted, no one paid attention to her.

This is a suburb, no one will pass by at all, and even the window is just a vast ocean.

She wanted to call for help, but it was impossible for anyone to answer her.

Sitting back on the bed slumped, Jin Xi was like a walking dead.

At this moment, she really regretted it.

She didn't know why she took this step, why she wanted to make waves in her life that had just calmed down.

Suddenly, the door of the room rang a few times.

Jin Xi immediately stood up from the bed and walked to the door.


"It's me, Xiaoxi."

Huo Xu's voice was still as gentle as before, but Jin Xi sounded like a demon now.

"When will you let me go?" Jin Xi waited until Huo Xu walked in, grabbed his clothes and asked directly.

(End of this chapter)

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