Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 146 I really want to kill you [11]

Chapter 146 I really want to kill you [11]

She can't carry these burdens all her life, it's heavy and tiring.

Hearing Jin Xi's answer later, Huo Xu was disappointed.

But forgive him, even if Jin Xi stays by his side only because of guilt, Huo Xu doesn't want to let her go.

She is her own robbery.

Can't break free, can't escape.

Huo Xu left, and Jin Xi knew that he must be looking for Xiaobao.

When the door of the room was closed again, Jin Xi collapsed on the bed.

She promised Huo Xu, she really promised Huo Xu.

But why is her heart so uncomfortable?Like being sliced ​​by a knife.

In the end, is he going to cut off all her hearts?
Jin Xi stretched out her hand to cover the heart of her chest, and slowly closed her eyes.

Li Yufeng. Do we have to go this far?

Jin Xi suddenly regretted why she didn't sign it sooner. If that was the case, she would be Li Yufeng's wife now.

Suddenly, a thought flashed into Jin Xi's mind.

Did she think so because she fell in love with Li Yufeng?
This thought startled Jin Xi.

You know, Jin Xi has always refused this question after entangled with Li Yufeng for so long.

She restrained herself from thinking about it.

But the thought just now was obviously because he fell in love with Li Yufeng.


Jin Xi smiled lightly.

Is it a little hypocritical to find my emotions at this time?

————— Li Yufeng Di Dividing Line ————

"What? Jin Xi isn't at Li's house?"

Hearing that Fan Chuang came back and said that Jin Xi was gone, Li Yufeng suddenly sat up from the hospital bed.

The wound was pulled suddenly, and Li Yufeng fell back directly in pain.

In less than half a minute, the tied white gauze seeped blood.

"Feng, are you crazy? Don't you know that the wound on your body cannot be moved?!" Fan Chuang hurriedly turned around and went out to call the doctor.

The doctor quickly came over with gauze and medicine to examine Li Yufeng.

"You, go find it! Get Jin Xi back to me!" Li Yufeng's thoughts were not on his wound at all.

Jin Xi actually ran away?

So is this all premeditated?

So is the peace and warmth during this period of time fake?
She finally chose that Huo Xu!
"Afeng, this matter is already obvious, don't be obsessed with it! I'll go find Jin Xi now, and kill her to avenge you!" Fan Chuang said with righteous indignation, his face full of anger.

Seeing Li Yufeng being hurt like this by a woman, can he not feel sad?
"Don't kill her, bring her back to me." Li Yufeng regained his composure, hatred flashed in his black eyes.

"Afeng, you are still protecting me at this time!"

"Who said I'm taking sides? The most comfortable thing in this world is to die immediately, and the most painful thing is that life is worse than death."

"So you want it?" Fan Chuang understood what Li Yufeng meant.

"Go and catch me if you understand." Li Yufeng was lying on the hospital bed, his handsome face was still a little pale due to excessive blood loss, but his black eyes were strangely fierce, revealing a trace of hostility.

"Okay! I'll go now!" Fan Chuang turned and left.

Li Yufeng looked at the back of Fan Chuang walking out, and the hostility in his black eyes gradually faded.

Jin Xi, you forced me.

Li Yufeng in the hospital couldn't stay still.

As soon as he could move his hands, he began to deal with the affairs of the consortium.

Because of the leak this time, the consortium has been greatly affected, the stock market and so on have plummeted, and the media, as if they smelled something fishy, ​​stared closely at the Li family.

(End of this chapter)

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