Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 147 I really want to kill you [12]

Chapter 147 I really want to kill you [12]

Because of the leak this time, the consortium has been greatly affected, the stock market and so on have plummeted, and the media, as if they smelled something fishy, ​​stared closely at the Li family.

Now the Li family is walking on the tip of the knife, and even one wrong step can cause huge losses.

This situation is the first time in the history of the Li family.

All of this is thanks to Jin Xi.

"Jin Xi, how do you think I should make you pay?"

Xiao Bao's face suddenly appeared in Li Yufeng's mind.

Li Yufeng narrowed his eyes and frowned with thick eyebrows.

Xiaobao is undoubtedly the person Jin Xi cares about the most. If something happens to Xiaobao
Suddenly, Li Yufeng seemed to wake up from a dream.

He quickly rubbed his face to wake himself up.

Xiaobao is not only Jin Xi's child, but also his own!

He also has his own blood in him, how could he use Xiaobao to take revenge on Jin Xi!
This terrible idea was quickly rejected by Li Yufeng.

Li Yufeng wanted to torture a person, but he didn't want to use his own child.

—————Fan Chuang Di Dividing Line————

It's actually not easy to find Jin Xi, especially when the Li family is in such a chaotic situation.

But Fan Chuang has a good way.

He can find Fanyu.

Since she once cooperated with Huo Xu to harm herself, she must know where Jin Xi is now.

Thinking of this, Fan Chuang took out his mobile phone and called Fan Yu.

The phone rang several times but no one answered.

Fan Chuang knew that Fan Yu must have seen her call, but she dared not answer it, she was afraid that she would scold her.

From childhood to adulthood, Fanyu has always had this character, and he dare not come forward when he gets into trouble.

Fan Chuang did not call again, but sent her a message.

[Fanyu, I don't blame you, you answer the phone quickly, something happened to Afeng. 】

As soon as the message was sent, Fan Chuang's phone rang immediately.

"This girl" really made Fan Chuang a little speechless.

As long as Li Yufeng is involved, she is more active than anyone else.

After picking up the phone, I heard Fanyu's urgent voice, "Brother, what's wrong with Brother Li? What happened to him?"

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone, come to my villa." Fan Chuang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

He doesn't need to talk to Fanyu, he knows that Fanyu must be more anxious than himself.

Sure enough, within half an hour, there was a knock on the door.

Fan Chuang walked over to open the door, and as soon as the door opened, Fan Yu rushed in.

"Tell me what's wrong with Brother Li? What happened to him? Brother, don't be fooled!"

"Are you in a hurry now?" Fan Chuang raised his eyebrows, "It's not all because of you that Ah Feng became like this."

"I did it?" Fanyu pointed at herself in surprise. "How could I be so good brother?"

She just cooperated with Huo Xu and asked him to take Jin Xi away from Li's house.
"Yes, it was you who caused it! Ah Feng is in the hospital now and just out of danger. It's all because you delayed my time to protect Ah Feng!"

As soon as Fan Chuang's words came out, Fan Yu was stunned.

"Brother Li is out of danger?"

That must be a very serious injury, so we can talk about the dangerous period.

"Ah Feng was shot twice, both by that Huo Xu and Jin Xi! And you——the one who indirectly caused all of this! If you didn't cooperate with Huo Xu, Ah Feng would never be like this! "The more Fan Chuang said, the angrier he became, and he wished he could step forward and slap Fan Yu across the face.

(End of this chapter)

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