Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 158 I really want to kill you [23]

Chapter 158 I really want to kill you [23]

Huo Xu frowned and thought for a while, "I think this matter should be done according to your heart. If you want to live together, you can live together. If you don't want to be together, no one will say anything to you. As long as you think you have done something If you don’t regret this decision, then you choose this path.”

Jin Xi pursed her lips, looked at the boundless sea, and sighed deeply, "Why is my life always full of choices?"

How much did she want to let herself go?
Huo Xu patted Jin Xi on the shoulder, "Not only is your life full of choices, but everyone's life is full of choices! It can even be said that we are faced with countless choices all the time! So, sometimes, let's go It’s okay to make a wrong step, I’m just afraid that if you choose the wrong question, but you are misled, it will be miserable if you choose all the questions in the future.”

Jin Xi looked at Huo Xu half understanding, "Then you choose me, do you regret it?"

With so many tribulations, so many setbacks, even if his heart is not on him, he still pays for himself as always. In fact, Jin Xi has long wanted to ask.

Has he ever regretted it?

"I don't regret it." Huo Xu shook his head firmly, "I never regret what I do! Moreover, I think every minute and every second of the time with you is the happiest day! Is it just chasing a happy life? Then I have pursued it, so what should I regret?"

"What to do, Huo Xu, I feel worthless for you." She is really not a person worthy of being loved like this.

"I think it's worth it! I don't care what others think!" Huo Xu's idea is to live himself.

Besides, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Jin Xi.

Jin Xi is perfect in his eyes.

Huo Xu didn't know when he became so paranoid, but such stubbornness made Huo Xu feel good.

Life is full of purpose.

"I also want to be like you." Jin Xi's biggest problem is that she is always entangled in various things, unable to let go and shake off.

"What's the problem? As long as you are willing, as long as you are willing."

"But I can't do it." She couldn't let go of her bondage.

After Jin Xi finished speaking, Huo Xu sighed.

"I'm still here to enlighten you, I don't even know what I should choose tomorrow."

Li Yufeng is going to kill someone tomorrow, and his plan hasn't taken shape yet.

"Huo Xu. Actually, you don't have to do this at all! If you let me go, I can ask Li Yufeng, maybe he can let us live for Xiaobao's sake!" If Huo Xu's parents really Jin Xi would never forgive herself if she was killed by Li Yufeng.

"You know I won't let you go to Li Yufeng's side again! If you go back now, it's no different from a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. You will not end well if you go back to Li Yufeng's side!" Li Yufeng is such a vengeful person , how could Jin Xi be easily let go?

"But we still have a child after all." Jin Xi bit her lower lip, "It's good for everyone to choose now."

"After all, you still want to go back to Li Yufeng's place!" Huo Xu growled slightly annoyed, but immediately apologized to Jin Xi, "I'm sorry, I got a little emotional."

"It's me who should say I'm sorry." Without himself, Huo Xu would not be forced to this point by Li Yufeng.

10 more!Silently give your strength, and you should also give your strength!

(End of this chapter)

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