Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 159 I really want to kill you [24]

Chapter 159 I really want to kill you [24]

"It's me who should say I'm sorry." Without himself, Huo Xu would not be forced to this point by Li Yufeng.

Both of them fell silent suddenly, even the sound of breathing was so clear.

After a while, Jin Xi pulled the coat on her body, turned her head and said to Huo Xu, "Let's go back, I'm a little sleepy."

"Yeah." Huo Xu nodded, squatted down, "Come up, I'll carry you back."

"No more, such a short road"

"Come on!" Huo Xu patted himself on the back, "Xiao Xi, don't refuse me, okay?"

Jin Xi was stunned for a moment before slowly climbing onto Huo Xu's back.

Huo Xu's back is also very wide, but for some reason, Jin Xi's mind thinks of Li Yufeng's back.

Jin Xi put her face on Huo Xu's back, imagining in her mind that the person behind her was Li Yufeng.

And Huo Xu's handsome face suddenly pulled a wry smile.

He didn't know if after today, he would have a chance to recite Jin Xi in the future.

Maybe this is the last time they will be alone.

After carrying Jin Xi back to the villa, Huo Xu returned to his room.

But it was already three o'clock in the morning, but Jin Xi didn't feel sleepy at all.

She always felt as if something was about to happen, but she felt that she was thinking too much.

Tossing and turning on the bed, many people's faces were dangling in front of my eyes.

First Xiaobao laughed, then Li Yufeng was furious, and then immediately changed to the way Meng Zhongde used to be mean to him.

Every appearance gave Jin Xi a headache.

Thinking about it, tears fell unconsciously.

"Xiaobao, mom misses you very much."

She felt like she was going crazy!If she could, she really wanted to escape, even if she could only see Xiaobao.

Whenever she thinks of Xiaobao inadvertently, Jin Xi's heart feels like there is a vacancy in her heart.

There was so much chaos in her head that Jin Xi couldn't fall asleep, so she had to get up by herself and go out to get some air.

The sky outside is already dawning, and the east is pale.

Jin Xi looked up at the sky, not knowing what it was like.

I don't know how Xiaobao is now, I don't know if Li Yufeng still hates himself so much.
If he saw him again, would he just draw his gun and kill him?

Or he didn't care at all whether he ran or not, he was angry only because he lied to him.

Countless guesses flashed through her mind, and Jin Xi sighed.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound behind him!

Jin Xi subconsciously hid behind the wall, and saw Huo Xu walking out of the villa with heavy steps.

"What is he doing so early?"

With a curious attitude, Jin Xi followed.

Huo Xu walked out of the villa directly, still wearing the uniform of Li's bodyguard from last night.

Suddenly, a thought flashed into Jin Xi's mind.

Huo Xu is going to find Li Yufeng?Is he going to sneak into Li's house?
Jin Xi was startled, and just about to take a step to follow, but found that Huo Xu had locked the door of the villa.

He still couldn't believe himself and dared not open the door.

But how could such a small lock be difficult for Jin Xi?

She didn't want to go out because Huo Xu promised to bring Xiaobao back, but now...she thinks it's time for her to come forward.


1 more!Momo QQ: 906848144
(End of this chapter)

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