Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 161 With Li Yufeng's Child [2]

Chapter 161 With Li Yufeng's Child [2]

He didn't expect that Fanyu could help him at this time. With some Fanyu mixed in, Huo Xu's chances of winning were much higher.

After tugging at the clothes on his body, Huo Xu was going to visit the Li Family Consortium again.

While walking, he sent a message to Fanyu, feeling that everything was under control, and Huo Xu still showed a little smile on his nervous face.

"Li Yufeng, it's not a good thing to have a woman who likes her wholeheartedly."

This time, thanks to Fanyu!
The more Huo Xu thought about it, the more confident he became, so that he didn't realize that there was a person behind him.

Jin Xi followed behind Huo Xu, careful not to let him find out.

But after following for a while, Huo Xu got into the car, and Jin Xi couldn't keep up!

After running with the car for a while, Jin Xi couldn't move anymore!
Helpless, Jin Xi had no choice but to give up and walked back slowly by herself.

————— Li Yufeng Di Dividing Line ————
In the early morning, Li Yufeng was woken up very early by the doctor who came to apply the medicine because of the inflammation of the wound.

Since Jin Xi left, Li Yufeng sleeps very lightly every time, and even a little movement will wake him up.

"Young Master, your wound has suppurative symptoms. We suggest you go to the hospital for another examination! It may be caused by the growth of bacteria." The doctor said to Li Yufeng respectfully after changing the medicine.

Li Yufeng waved his hands, "It's okay, you can go down after changing the medicine."

"Master Fan, let us take good care of you, otherwise"

The doctor broke out in a cold sweat.

Because before leaving, Fan Chuang confessed that if something happened to Li Yufeng, the doctor and his family would pay the price.

Li Yufeng raised his eyes and glanced at the doctor, "It's okay, let's go down."

Because he just woke up, Li Yufeng was a little sleepy, he didn't want to stay in the same space with others.

The doctor saw what Li Yufeng said, so he dared to leave the room with peace of mind.

Li Yufeng got off the bed and walked to the sun.

Although there is sunshine in the morning, it is still very cold.

Li Yufeng pulled the clothes on his body, because the wound was inflamed and the blood loss had not been repaired, so Li Yufeng's face was still a little pale.

Looking down from the balcony on the second floor, there is a green lawn just below, with some strange flower species planted on it.

Li Yufeng stood on the balcony and watched for a while, knowing that Fan Chuang came to look for him, so he turned around and walked back to the bedroom from the balcony.

"What's the matter? Come here so early."

"I heard from the doctor that you haven't gone to the hospital because your wound is festering?" Fan Chuang said anxiously, "Ah Feng, don't be self-willed, hurry up and listen to the doctor!"

"I said Fan Chuang, when did you become my nanny?" Li Yufeng smiled lightly, "It's just a wound, and festering is normal, so why make such a fuss, besides, I don't like the hospital."

Although I live in a VIP ward, it is a hospital after all, a place where life and death alternate, and Li Yufeng subconsciously doesn't want to go there.

"Then I'll let people move those messy things in the hospital here?" Although Li Yufeng didn't want to go to the hospital, he still had other ways.
Li Yufeng shook his head, "What are you doing? It's not serious!"

He glanced at it while changing the dressing, but there was a little problem with the wound healing.

"Afeng, you don't take care of your body! You have to know, what will the Li family do if you collapse?"


3 more.

(End of this chapter)

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