Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 162 With Li Yufeng's Child [3]

Chapter 162 With Li Yufeng's Child [3]

"Afeng, you don't take care of your body! You have to know, what will the Li family do if you collapse?"

"How could I collapse." Li Yufeng hooked his thin lips.

He hasn't seen Huo Xu die yet, how could he collapse?
Fan Chuang frowned helplessly.

He always has nothing to do with Li Yufeng.

"Is that why you came to see me?" Li Yufeng didn't want to keep the topic on this, so he quickly changed the topic.

"No." Fan Chuang glanced at Li Yufeng, "I was too busy talking about the wound with you, I forgot the business!"

"what's up?"

"There is a man named Meng Zhongde in the secret room who said he wanted to find you and tell you a secret."

"Secret?" Li Yufeng raised his eyebrows, "What secret?"

"He refused to say, and insisted on waiting for you to go." Fan Chuang tapped the table a few times and murmured, "How about I use torture to see?"

"There is no need to use torture for this matter." Li Yufeng waved his hand, "If he wants to see him, let him see him."

"just in case--"

"No chance." Li Yufeng said with certainty, "By the way, you go and investigate Meng Zhongde's information, as well as the people around him."


When they arrived at the secret room, Li Yufeng originally went in alone, but Fan Chuang had to follow whatever he said, so Li Yufeng didn't insist anymore.

He knew that Fan Chuang was doing it for his own good. Last time he was shot twice, which frightened Fan Chuang.

Passing through the narrow and long secret road, Li Yufeng saw three people tied to the iron frame.

Because they hadn't showered or tidied up for several days, all three of them looked very embarrassed.

Li Yufeng glanced from left to right, and then sat down firmly on the chair.

"I heard that someone wants to see me?"
"Li Yufeng, what are you doing to Xiaoxu? How did Xiaoxu mess with you! Last time you robbed our Huo family's bride at Xiaoxu's wedding, what are you going to do to Xiaoxu now?" Huo When Zhicheng saw Li Yufeng, he became angry.

He was originally a businessman from City S, and he thought that his relationship with Li Yufeng was not at a deadlock, so why did he bully the Huo family?
"I robbed the marriage?" Li Yufeng raised his eyebrows, and looked back at Fan Chuang, "Is there such a thing?"

Why doesn't he know?
Fan Chuang pulled his lips weakly, "There is such a thing."

"Who did I rob?" Why didn't he have the slightest impression?
Has he ever done such an impulsive thing before?
".It's Jin Xi."

As soon as Fan Chuang's words came out, everyone fell silent, even Li Yufeng didn't speak.

After a long time, Li Yufeng snorted and laughed, "Fan Chuang, go and help me get this ridiculous thing out."

"What are you looking at it for?" Fan Chuang looked unhappy, and had no intention of going at all.

"Go!" Li Yufeng growled suddenly, and Fan Chuang reluctantly walked out.

After Fan Chuang left, Li Yufeng turned his gaze to the three people opposite.

"Let's not talk about the grievances between me and Huo Xu." Li Yufeng cast his eyes on Meng Zhongde, "You are Meng Zhongde? What do you want from me?"

"You lost your memory?" As soon as Meng Zhongde said it, Huo Zhicheng and Huo's mother were stunned.

No wonder he doesn't seem to know anyone anymore, he doesn't know anything about the past.
"Talk about your business, don't talk about it, I don't have much time to chat with you." Li Yufeng's black eyes stared straight at Meng Zhongde, "Could it be that I also robbed your daughter-in-law?"

4 more.

(End of this chapter)

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