Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 163 With Li Yufeng's Child [4]

Chapter 163 With Li Yufeng's Child [4]

"Talk about your business, don't talk about it, I don't have much time to chat with you." Li Yufeng's black eyes stared straight at Meng Zhongde, "Could it be that I also robbed your daughter-in-law?"

"You didn't rob his daughter-in-law, you robbed his daughter!" Huo Zhicheng snorted coldly.

Li Yufeng's thick eyebrows immediately frowned, "Are you Jin Xi's father?"

"I don't have a daughter like Jin Xi!" Meng Zhongde directly denied it.

"Huh?" Li Yufeng narrowed his black eyes, suspicious of Meng Zhongde's attitude.

He stood up from the chair, walked up to Meng Zhongde, and looked at him carefully.

In fact, Jin Xi still somewhat resembles Meng Zhongde.

Especially the nose and eyes.

Li Yufeng looked at Meng Zhongde furiously, "What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, just take a look." Li Yufeng smiled lightly, with the answer in his heart, he turned around and went back to the chair to sit down, "Tell me, what do you want from me."

"Li Yufeng, you've lost your memory, you probably don't know it? Meng Qi has your child, and it's already over a year old!"

Meng Zhongde's words were like a bomb.

Suddenly, everyone held their breath.

If there is media at the scene, there will definitely be excitement.

"Say it again." Li Yufeng frowned fiercely, somewhat disbelieving.

"There's nothing more to say! I don't need to lie to you. My eldest daughter, Meng Qi, indeed has your child." Meng Zhongde glanced at Li Yufeng angrily at this point, "You wanted to make Meng Qi succumb. As for you, you even imprisoned her in the Li family, do you want to erase this history?"

Meng Qi?

Li Yufeng kept recalling the name in his mind.

But found nothing.

He had no memory of the name at all.

"You said Meng Qi had my child, where is that child now?" He still didn't believe Meng Zhongde's words.

Or rather, he didn't want to believe it either.

All he wanted was to have Xiaobao as a son.

"You'll see him soon." Meng Qi should be chasing after him to Europe with her child by now.

Li Yufeng bowed his head and thought for a while, stood up and left the secret room without saying a word.

Before leaving, Huo Zhicheng was still shouting "Don't hurt Xiao Xu!"

But now Li Yufeng is not in the mood to care about those things, he is very interested in this "child" who appeared suddenly.

————Fanyu drop dividing line————
After hanging up the phone, Fanyu was really tempted.

But because Fan Chuang scolded her before, Fan Yu was still a little wary.

Huo Xu's words just now were indeed very tempting, but this time Fanyu had to keep an eye out for herself.

"Didi—" the text message rang.

Fanyu clicked on it and had an idea in his mind.

Mei Mou turned around a few times, Fanyu put the phone back in the bag, put on high heels and walked out of Fanjia.

When he reached the downstairs of the consortium, Fanyu took out his mobile phone and called Fan Chuang.

"Brother! I'm downstairs in the consortium, where are you?"

"What are you doing in the consortium?" Fan Chuang was sorting out the materials Li Yufeng wanted, and he was overwhelmed.

He has always liked to use force, and he really can't do this kind of literary work.

"I want to see Brother Li."

"He's not here!" Fan Chuang replied briefly, as if he didn't want to talk to him.

But how could Fanyu shrink back because of this?

5 more ~ ​​there will be an update later!

(End of this chapter)

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