Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 164 The woman suspected to be Jin Xi [1]

Chapter 164 The woman suspected to be Jin Xi [1]

But how could Fanyu shrink back because of this?

She hasn't seen Brother Li for a long time, and Huo Xu said that now is the best chance to get close to Brother Li.

He was injured, and he just took advantage of it!If Brother Li could see that he was kind to him, he would naturally fall in love with him!
"Brother, can you take me there to see Brother Li?"

"Fanyu, how many times have I told you that Afeng doesn't like you, so it's useless for you to post it." Fan Chuang's tone was full of helplessness.

Fan Chuang couldn't be blamed for this, because Fan Yu was really a pain in the ass.

"But do you just want Brother Li and Jin Xi to be together? Jin Xi will still hurt Brother Li! If I were with Brother Li, I would never hurt Brother Li! I will protect him with all my strength! "

"." Fan Chuang was speechless.

Li Yufeng protected with Fanyu?That was a big joke.

But what Fan Yu said was not unreasonable.

After thinking about it, Fan Chuang confirmed again, "Are you sure you won't cause trouble for Ah Feng this time?"

"I'm sure!" Fan Yu was so happy that he let go of Fan Chuang's mouth, "Brother, I knew you were the best for me! Don't worry, no matter what I do in the future, I will think twice, absolutely I will never let Brother Li get hurt again!"

"Then you promise me that as long as Ah Feng tells you to leave, you will leave as soon as possible, and you are not allowed to pester Ah Feng!" This is what he is most worried about.

Because Fanyu is indeed difficult to deal with and cannot be shaken off.

Even his elder brother was very helpless to her.

"Brother" was so unbearable by Fan Chuang, Fan Yu couldn't hold back his face.

"If you promise, I will take you there."

"I promise!" Fanyu said immediately.

He was afraid that Fan Chuang would not take him to see Li Yufeng.

Fan Chuang was helpless, so he had to sigh, "Come up, I'll let Dongcheng pick you up, and by the way, help me sort out the materials, I'm getting dizzy!"

"Okay! Thank you brother!"

After hanging up the phone, Fan Chuang had nothing but helplessness.

This girl always left him speechless, and felt silly and cute.
After standing downstairs in the consortium for 5 minutes, Fan Yu saw Dong Cheng who came down to pick her up.

Seeing Fan Yu, Dong Cheng bent over, "Miss Fan, Master Fan is already waiting up there."

"Take me there!"

Fanyu was urging almost all the way, as if he could see Li Yufeng as soon as he went up.

Arriving at Fan Chuang's office, Fan Yu threw himself on Fan Chuang, "Brother!"

"Quick, help me get rid of these messy things!" Fan Chuang was on the verge of collapse.

Fanyu glanced at it, and asked puzzledly, "What are these?"

"Ah Feng asked me to sort out the information! Dongcheng is busy with stock matters, so I don't have time to sort it out for me, so I have to do it myself!" Fan Chuang rolled his eyes weakly, "Your brother, I'm going to die of exhaustion soon!"

"Brother Li, what materials do you want?" Fan Yu said and took one.

The appearance of Jin Xi's name on it disgusted Fanyu.

But in front of Fan Chuang, Jin Xi still couldn't show disgust.

She patted her chest.

"Brother, leave this trivial matter to me! Go and rest!"

"Are you really good?" Fan Chuang looked at Fan Yu suspiciously.

"Did you forget that I graduated from economics? This kind of tidying up is the best for me! You go to rest, and take me to see brother Li soon, or I'll just wait for you hour!"

1 update~ (Your long comments and favorites are awesome, silently hurry up and let Li Yufeng meet Jin Xi, otherwise, hum~)

(End of this chapter)

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