Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 165 The woman suspected to be Jin Xi [2]

Chapter 165 The woman suspected to be Jin Xi [2]

"Did you forget that I graduated from economics? This kind of tidying up is the best for me! You go to rest, and take me to see brother Li soon, or I'll just wait for you hour!"

She also wanted to have a good chat with Brother Li.

Fan Chuang directly threw the hot potato to Fan Yu, "Then you do it, but you can't make mistakes! And even if you have seen the information, you have to act as if you have never seen it!"

If it wasn't because he really didn't know how to organize these things, he wouldn't let Fan Yu interfere.

"I know bro!"

Fan Yu turned her head and smiled at Fan Chuang, then sat directly on the chair behind the desk and began to carefully organize the materials in front of her.

————— Li Yufeng Di Dividing Line ————
Coming out of the secret room, Li Yufeng felt his head was in a mess.

Another child popped out!
At the beginning, Jin Xi suddenly appeared in her world with a child, but now another woman is coming?

To be honest, knowing the existence of this child made Li Yufeng feel very uncomfortable.

What can I do if I know it?Did you marry this Meng Zhongde's daughter?
Li Yufeng subconsciously rejected this choice in his heart.

He didn't want to get married anymore, never again.

Back at Li's house, Li Yufeng lay alone on the bed where Jin Xi once slept, feeling a little inexplicable in his heart.

When I first knew that Jin Xi was the one who leaked the list, I felt not only deep disappointment, but also endless frustration.

But after pulling out the matter of Huo Xu, this sense of disappointment and frustration turned into hatred.

What now?
How do you feel about Jin Xi's betrayal now?
Li Yufeng stretched out his hand and grabbed his hair a few times, his mind was already numb.

Sitting up suddenly from the bed, Li Yufeng decided to get himself drunk once.

Then get a good night's sleep, and deal with these things tomorrow.

Otherwise, I will drive myself crazy today.

Children, children, countless children!
As long as he thinks of children, Li Yufeng feels his head grows big.

Did I have such a playful heart before I lost my memory?Sow seeds everywhere.
Although Li Yufeng wanted to get himself drunk, he still found a high-end hotel.

Because now he is already a sensation in the media, there is no need to add some more topics.

Walking into the hotel, Li Yufeng, who was wearing sunglasses, kept his face sullen.

The owner of the hotel came out to greet him personally, but Li Yufeng didn't even nod to him.

He is in a bad mood today and has no time to talk to him.

Sitting in the VIP room, Li Yufeng immediately asked the boss to serve three bottles of XO. The boss was so scared that he didn't dare to go up, and said tremblingly, "Mr. Li, although the wine is good, you can't drink too much! Drinking too much will hurt you." Body."

The most important thing is that if Li Yufeng drinks too much and something happens to him, then their hotel will be closed down, and he will be in danger.

But Li Yufeng raised his hand with a cold face, "You can take it if you tell me, don't talk so much nonsense."

He just wants to drink too much today, how can he drink too much if he doesn't drink much?

The boss stood there and didn't dare to take it, and said submissively, "Master Li, it's really not that I don't give it to you, it's because there are not so many bottles of XO."

2 more.

(End of this chapter)

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