Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 166 The woman suspected to be Jin Xi [3]

Chapter 166 The woman suspected to be Jin Xi [3]

The boss stood there and didn't dare to take it, and said submissively, "Master Li, it's really not that I don't give it to you, it's because there are not so many bottles of XO."

The owner of the hotel really couldn't think of a way out, so he gave such a cowardly reason.

Li Yufeng frowned, reached out and took off his eyes, his black eyes were full of anger, "I'll count to three, don't make me angry."



"I'll get it, I'll get it!" The boss ran away quickly.

After a while, the wine was brought up, Li Yufeng opened it and took a sip.

The spicy taste is a bit pungent, which makes Li Yufeng, who rarely drinks alcohol, somewhat uncomfortable.

Li Yufeng was about to put the wine bottle back on the table, when the door of the VIP room opened suddenly.

Li Yufeng took a closer look, it was actually Fan Chuang? !

"Ah Feng, you don't want your body anymore?! I heard Dongcheng said that you came to the bar, do you know that I am so anxious to death! If I were your father, I would definitely punch you a few times!"

Fan Chuang was so angry that he stepped forward and pulled Li Yufeng's sleeve to pull it out.

"Let me go!" Li Yufeng raised his hand, and directly waved Fan Chuang's hand away, "What do you know? If I don't drink, I'm going to drive myself crazy, drive me crazy!"

"What's crazy, isn't it a woman? If you love Jin Xi so much, I'll find it for you!"

"I can't find it! I can't find it, do you understand?" Li Yufeng is a little delirious now, feeling like he is stepping on cotton, but he can still keep the name in his mind.

Jin Xi, this woman who betrayed herself for another man.

"Why can't I find it? If you didn't say to stop looking for Jin Xi first and catch Huo Xu first, I would definitely have found Jin Xi!" Such a big Li family can't find a little woman?

"What are you looking for? Don't look for it. Don't look for it."

"I think you drank too much! Hurry up and go back!"

Fan Chuang saw that Li Yufeng was in a state of confusion, so he raised his hand to let the bodyguards behind him carry a stretcher.

He expected that Li Yufeng would drink too much.

He carried Li Yufeng out and was about to get into the car.

Li Yufeng suddenly sat up from the stretcher, pointed to an empty street corner ahead and said, "Jin Xi, that's Jin Xi!"

Fan Chuang looked in the direction Li Yufeng pointed, but there was no one.

Shaking his head helplessly, "You drank too much, that's not Jin Xi, there's no one there!"

"Yes, it's Jin Xi, it's Jin Xi."


Li Yufeng fell back into the stretcher again and lost all consciousness.

Seeing Li Yufeng torture himself so much, Fan Chuang sighed helplessly.

When will his life be peaceful?

———Jinxi Dividing Line———
In fact, that person is really Jin Xi.

She walked back for a while, and suddenly felt that she shouldn't sit still like this.

As for Li Yufeng, she will have to face it sooner or later, and it is not a solution to always hide like this.

But when Jin Xi walked to the urban area, she was already half dead from exhaustion.

She didn't have the strength to go any further, so she could only give up and plan to find a hotel to rest.

Unknowingly, Jin Xi walked to the door of this restaurant, but she saw Fan Chuang at a glance!

Silently, the stitches were removed from the wound today, and I can’t sit still, please forgive me~
(End of this chapter)

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