Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 167 Hey, I'm Jinxi [1]

Chapter 167 Hey, I'm Jinxi [1]

Unknowingly, Jin Xi walked to the door of this restaurant, but she saw Fan Chuang at a glance!

Subconsciously, Jin Xi ran forward in a hurry.

But in the end, Li Yufeng caught a back.

But fortunately, Li Yufeng drank too much, no one believed his words, so Jin Xi escaped this time.

The car carrying Li Yufeng left, Jin Xi flashed out from the corner of the street, and kept looking at the car until it disappeared from her sight.

Between myself and Li Yufeng, how long will it take for the dispute to calm down?

Sighing alone, Jin Xi walked forward slowly step by step.

For herself, the feeling of looking at Li Yufeng in front of her, but she wanted to dodge desperately, made her feel that her life had failed for the first time.

It can even be said to be a tragedy.

Sighing again, Jin Xi stepped forward, but her arms were suddenly clamped.

Her heartbeat stopped suddenly, and Jin Xi froze.

Until a familiar voice came from behind, "Xiaoxi? Why are you here?"

Turning back slowly, Jin Xi saw Huo Xu looking at her with a puzzled expression.

Jin Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately not
"Why did you come out by yourself?" Huo Xu asked again.

Jin Xi pursed her lips, "I'm always locked up by you, have I lost even the most basic freedom?"

"Xiao Xi, I didn't intend to imprison you, let alone lock you up! Otherwise, do you think you might be standing here today?" If he intentionally trapped Jin Xi in the villa, there are many ways.

But Huo Xu didn't do it.

He felt that in that case, Jin Xi would hate himself.

Huo Xu didn't want the relationship between the two of them to go to that point.

"Forget it, is it interesting to argue between us?" Jin Xi raised her head and glanced at Huo Xu, "Why are you here?"

"Because Li Yufeng is here." Huo Xu curled his lips bitterly, "Fanyu told me, so I chased after him, but unfortunately I didn't catch up with Li Yufeng when he was alone in the hotel. By then, Fan Chuang had already arrived."

"You want to control the wind?!" Jin Xi frowned and asked in surprise.

"I have no choice." Huo Xu lowered his face, his handsome face was full of exhaustion, "He arrested my parents, I just want to save my parents, and even if I won't do anything to him."

"What did he do to your parents?" Jin Xi's heart sank.

She has seen Li Yufeng's ruthlessness, so she should not know Li Yufeng.
"It's not going well for now, but it might be dangerous in the future." He couldn't predict it, and didn't dare to think too much.

"Huo Xu, in your heart, I am more important, or your parents?" Jin Xi has always wanted to ask this question.

It's not to prove how important she is to Huo Xu's heart, she just wants to know why Huo Xu chose this way.

"You are all equally important!"

"Then why don't you trade me with Li Yufeng? You know that the only person Li Yufeng wants to take revenge on is me. If you do this, you will only get your parents involved, and you will even die in vain!" Jin Xi gritted her teeth, Taking a deep breath, "Huo Xu, I don't appreciate you at all when you do this."

She knew that Huo Xu was afraid that Li Yufeng would retaliate against her, but she didn't think it was a good way to hide herself.

On the contrary, it may arouse Li Yufeng's anger more.

Poor Mo Mo’s relatives, Ang, Mo Mo’s body will definitely be better~ I love you, thank you for always supporting Mo Mo! 
I recommend Wei Yang's finished article "It's so desolate: often cheated by a black-bellied husband". It is humorous and warm, and the male protagonist is gentle and black-bellied.

(End of this chapter)

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