Chapter 172 Worse than death [2]

"Afeng." Fan Chuang suddenly seemed to understand something, "Do you want the Huo family to go to Africa to beg for food? They have no assets, and they can't survive in a place like Africa." !"

"I only promised to give them a way to survive, but I didn't promise to let them live in peace. Whether they live or die in Africa has nothing to do with me." Even if he was starved to death, he would not blink.

"Oh." Fan Chuang came to his senses and gave Li Yufeng a thumbs up, "It's better to win with wits like you!"

In fact, there is no thrill of victory in a brutal killing like him.

"Go ahead and do it when you understand." Li Yufeng raised his hands and turned to leave.

Fan Chuang stopped him suddenly, "You haven't told me what the second thing is!"

"The second thing is - to send Jin Xi to a place that is more uncomfortable than death."

———Jinxi Dividing Line———

Jin Xi never dreamed that Li Yufeng sent herself to a mental hospital when her injury was still not healed? !
"I want to see Li Yufeng." Jin Xi sat on the hospital bed, refusing to leave no matter what.

You know, it's a mental hospital!

Even if you are not mentally ill, you will become neurotic after staying for a long time.

"Mr. Li said he's not free." The two bodyguards in black stood side by side in front of Jin Xi, without any intention of negotiating.
The intention of Li Yufeng to ask others to come is to be sure that Jin Xi will definitely find him.

He just wanted to let Jin Xi know that he had completely given up on her, so he didn't want her to have any more hope.

"Impossible! Tell Li Yufeng to come over!" Jin Xi looked like she would never go if Li Yufeng didn't come.

But the two bodyguards didn't care if Jin Xi wanted to go or not, they just cared about their mission.

The two took Jin Xi's arm with each hand, and lifted her up directly.

"What are you going to do! Let me go!" Because the bodyguards were so strong, Jin Xi's arm was pinched to death.

"It was the young master's order, and we just carried it out."

Jin Xi struggled desperately, but could not escape after all.
In the end, Jin Xi was forcibly taken to a mental hospital located halfway up the mountain.

When she first came in, Jin Xi was still struggling. She even ignored the wound on her head and looked for opportunities to jump out.

But the walls here are all over four meters high, even if Jin Xi brought stools and chairs, she couldn't jump out.

The dean seemed to know something, she didn't care about Jin Xi, every time she watched Jin Xi desperately trying to escape, but failed every time.

Later, Jin Xi even suspected that the dean came to see a play.

People who have stayed in mental hospitals for a long time will always have some ideas that are different from ordinary people.

In this way, after Jin Xi stayed here for a week, Li Yufeng came to see her for the first time.

When Jin Xi was lying in the room and Li Yufeng stepped in, Jin Xi was stunned.

She thought she had been here for a long time and had hallucinations.

But when she heard Li Yufeng's low and somewhat mocking voice, Jin Xi really believed——
Li Yufeng is here.

"I see that you are very comfortable here." Li Yufeng said, and looked around again, "How is it, the place I found for you is not bad?"

5 more.

PS: Friends who like thrillers, you can go and see Wushuang's "The Millennium Immortal Jade-faced Beauty"!Also, everyone should collect this book, otherwise when there is an update or the name of the book is changed silently, I’m afraid you won’t be able to find it!

(End of this chapter)

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