Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 173 Jin Xi suffers from mental illness [1]

Chapter 173 Jin Xi suffers from mental illness [1]

"I see that you are very comfortable here." Li Yufeng said, and looked around again, "How is it, the place I found for you is not bad?"

Jin Xi looked at Li Yufeng for ten seconds before slowly speaking, "Seeing me like this, don't you feel the pleasure of revenge?"

Perhaps it was unexpected that Jin Xi would say that, and would speak directly to his heart, Li Yufeng was startled for a moment, but then laughed.

"It's just the beginning now, and my game has just entered the first level." Li Yufeng walked into Jin Xi, leaned down to look at her, and a haze flashed across his handsome face, "Jin Xi, let's play slowly! Oh yes Now, I found a stepmother for Xiaobao, and Xiaobao will be registered under her name in the future, and as he grows up, he will forget about you as a mother, should you thank me?"

"What did you say?" Jin Xi's heart sank, she immediately jumped up from the bed and grabbed Li Yufeng's clothes, "Say it again, what's wrong with Xiaobao?"

"Xiao Bao is fine, he is fine, and gets along well with his new mother." Li Yufeng pushed Jin Xi aside easily, "You are fine here, don't cause trouble for me. "

"Li Yufeng, how can you be so cruel! Xiaobao is your own son!"

Even if he wants to take revenge on himself, he can't use Xiaobao as a tool!
Li Yufeng raised his eyebrows disapprovingly, "I know Xiaobao is my own son, so I was afraid that he would lack maternal love, so I found him a new mother."

"You—you can't do this to me!" This is cruel!

This is crueler than killing her!
Mother and child are separated, and the child may not know her in the future, Jin Xi feels terrible when she thinks about it.

"Jin Xi, when you betray me, you should think about the consequences." Li Yufeng snorted, "Enjoy slowly, I'm busy, I don't have time to accompany you! Next time I come to see you, I may I will bring Xiaobao here, but...should be accompanied by his new mother!"

Leaving behind these sharp words like a knife, Li Yufeng strode out, leaving Jin Xi who was still in shock standing on the ground alone.

After a while, Jin Xi's feet went limp and she collapsed to the ground.

For the next half month, Jin Xi spent in a daze.

Maybe it was really as she thought, in this weird place, there were no normal people who couldn't get out.

On the 18th day after entering the mental hospital, Jin Xi completely fell ill.

Li Yufeng never showed up to see Jin Xi, but Jin Xi knew that Li Yufeng must have known about his illness.

Because he sent several doctors over to see him, they were all familiar faces, so Jin Xi recognized them.

But Jin Xi didn't understand, since Li Yufeng wanted to take revenge on him, why did he save him?

If he died of a serious illness this time, wouldn't that be exactly what he wanted?

Looking back, Jin Xi closed her eyes, her pale and thin face looked a little scary.

There was the ticking sound of the hanging bottle, and from time to time, the shouts of the mentally ill in the next room could be heard, but no matter what the sound was, it was the same to Jin Xi.

She has learned to turn a deaf ear.

To survive here, she can only regard herself as a mental patient.

After an unknown amount of time, Jin Xi actually fell asleep.

In the dream, everything was Xiaobao's small figure.

(End of this chapter)

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