Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 174 Jin Xi suffers from mental illness [2]

Chapter 174 Jin Xi suffers from mental illness [2]

In the dream, everything was Xiaobao's small figure.

The way he laughs at himself, the way he sleeps, the way he drinks milk, the way he is unhappy.
Every look is clearly visible, as if it is right in front of your eyes!
But every time Jin Xi wanted to reach out to touch, all he felt was empty.

Even in a dream, Jin Xi would not reach out to touch it.

Because she subconsciously knew it was unreal.

After Xiao Bao's last smiling face bloomed, Jin Xi fell into a coma completely.

————— Li Yufeng Di Dividing Line ————
"Master Li, Miss Jin Xi. The situation is not optimistic?"

"Why not optimistic?" Li Yufeng, who was looking at the book, raised his head slightly, glanced at the doctor standing opposite, and then turned his gaze back to the book.

"Miss Jin Xi's anemia has never seen any effect, and now she doesn't cooperate with our treatment, and she can't even take in the minimum nutrition normally. She already has to rely on nutritional injections to maintain herself." The doctor said with some hesitation, "I see. Miss Jin Xi may be at any time"

"If Jin Xi is willing to eat now, will he be fine?" Li Yufeng raised his eyebrows, put the books on the desk, and flicked the photos on the side with his slender fingers.

The photo is of Xiaobao, and Li Yufeng personally took him to take the photo when he was a hundred days old.

The doctor bowed his head and thought for a while, but he didn't dare to be [-]% sure, "If Miss Jin Xi is willing to cooperate, her life should not be in danger, but..."

"But what? Say it!" He didn't like others to hesitate to speak in front of him.

The doctor was taken aback by Li Yufeng's yelling, and hurriedly said, "Miss Jin Xi is in a mental hospital, and she will be affected more or less there. I think Miss Jin Xi may have some mental problems now. I have already I have encountered the phenomenon of Miss Jin Xi's sleepwalking several times."

"Sleepwalking?" Li Yufeng seemed interested in this word.

He stood up and walked towards the doctor, "You mean, Jin Xi is mentally ill?"

"Not yet." Now Jin Xi's consciousness is still clear.

Otherwise she would not know to resist treatment.

"Okay, I have my own plan, you go down." Li Yufeng raised his hand, and the doctor hurriedly left Li Yufeng's office.

The office was instantly quiet again.

Li Yufeng wanted to go back to read the book again, but unfortunately his mind had already flown away.

Simply, Li Yufeng dropped the book and walked out of the office.

He went back to Li's house to pick up Xiaobao.

Because Li Yufeng knew that Xiaobao was the crux of Jin Xi's problem, although he was very reluctant to admit it, but Li Yufeng knew it very well.

Jin Xi regards Xiaobao as more important than him.

He got into the car with Xiao Bao in his arms, and was about to start the car when Dong Cheng suddenly ran over from the lobby.

"Master, wait a moment."

Li Yufeng didn't leave, but turned his head and glanced at him, "What's the matter?"

"Master, when you were in the consortium just now, Ms. Meng approached you." Dongcheng hesitated, as if he was hiding something.

Li Yufeng raised his thick eyebrows, "Miss Meng?" After turning around in his mind, he probably knew who it was, "Where is she?"

"It was taken away by Meng Zhongde, but she left her contact information, and she also said—"

(End of this chapter)

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