Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 180 Meng Qi moved into Li's house [1]

Chapter 180 Meng Qi moved into Li's house [1]

"Enter Li's house?!" Although Fan Chuang knew that Li Yufeng didn't like Fanyu, since Jin Xi suffered from mental illness, he always thought that Fanyu had another chance.

After all, it is his own sister, can Fan Chuang not look forward to it?
But when Li Yufeng said about Meng Qi's request, his heart suddenly became cold.

"Well, she's going to enter Li's house with that child."

"So what are your plans?" This is the crux of the matter.

"Meng Qi doesn't know about Xiaobao yet. If she knows, I'm mainly worried about Xiaobao." It doesn't matter whether he marries or who he marries.

Jin Xi has become like this now, and he doesn't care about love affairs anymore.

"But isn't Meng Qi Jin Xi's biological sister? Meng Qi should treat Xiao Bao kindly." Fan Chuang said something against his will. He didn't want Meng Qi to marry into the Li family at all.

Because of the position of the young mistress of the Li family, except for Jin Xi and the Fan family, he felt that no one was worthy of it.

"I can't trust any woman."

Li Yufeng's words were very direct without any hesitation.

Fan Chuang could also understand Li Yufeng's mood, and sighed at the testimonial, "It's not good to have too many sons."

"Well, hehe." Li Yufeng smiled, and his thin lips moved slightly, "By the way, do you have any girls you like? You are older than me, and you don't have any children yet. Isn't the Fan family in a hurry? "

"Me? I'm used to wandering, what kind of child do I want!" Although Fan Chuang said so, there was a trace of embarrassment on his face.

How could this escape Li Yufeng's eyes.

"Is there someone you like? I can propose a marriage for you in the name of the Li family." With the background of the Li family, which woman doesn't want to marry in with all her might!
"No need!" Fan Chuang waved his hands continuously, "You'd better deal with your affairs first, and don't worry about mine!"

He is used to wandering, even if he has a favorite, he will not plan to get married.

So don't even mention any marriage proposal.

Let's talk about it in five years.

Li Yufeng didn't answer, and looked at the certificate in his hand again.

He was thinking, if Jin Xi is normal now, what will she look like when she sees this testimonial?
Will you hate yourself?
Asking Meng Qi out again, Li Yufeng directly talked about Meng Nianxi's problem straight to the point.

He had no impression of Meng Qi, let alone a good impression, so he felt that there was no need to procrastinate.

"Brother Yufeng, let me just say that this child belongs to us! You still don't believe me, I'm really sad!" Seeing the certificate of appraisal handed over by Li Yufeng, Meng Qi didn't feel surprised at all.

She looked leisurely, and she became more confident.

Li Yufeng smiled secretly, "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Meng Qi was stunned when she heard Li Yufeng's words.

Because she didn't expect Li Yufeng to say such a thing.

After a moment of hesitation, Meng Qi said slowly, "Listen to the bad news first."

She wants to hear how bad the bad news is first.

"The bad news is——" Li Yufeng paused, glanced at Meng Qi's face, and continued, "Jin Xi and I also have a child, and now we are in the Li family, and he is recognized as the young master by the Li family."

When Meng Qi heard Li Yufeng's words, her eyes widened immediately.

But then she regained her composure, "Brother Yufeng, stop joking! How could Jin Xi have a child with you? Are you trying to get rid of me? You don't want Nianxi to enter the Li family to become the young master, do you? That's why you made that statement?"

1 more.

(End of this chapter)

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