Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 181 Meng Qi moved into Li's house [2]

Chapter 181 Meng Qi moved into Li's house [2]

But then she regained her composure, "Brother Yufeng, stop joking! How could Jin Xi have a child with you? Are you trying to get rid of me? You don't want Nianxi to enter the Li family to become the young master, do you? That's why you made that statement?"

Meng Qi comforted herself in this way, but Li Yufeng's words did not seem to be false.

Li Yufeng snorted, "This is the good news I want to tell you."


"I agree with you and that child entering Li's house, but he has no title, and neither do you."

This is his decision.

"What?! Brother Yufeng, are you kidding me? You really have a relationship with Jin Xi." Meng Qi was so surprised that she couldn't continue.

Li Yufeng curled his lips, thinking of Xiaobao, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "His name is Li Yechen, and he will be the successor of my Li family in the future."

"." Meng Qi still looked at Li Yufeng in surprise, trying to see a trace of lies in his eyes.

But no.

Li Yufeng's smile can't fool anyone.

After a moment of paralysis, Meng Qi did not forget to say, "Then Nianxi is also your child, why do you have to treat him differently!"

"I don't treat him differently, I will also give him a superior life." How could he ignore someone with the blood of the Li family.

"It's just a superior life?" Jin Xi's child will get the whole family!

Why does her child only have a superior life?

"Don't push yourself too far." Li Yufeng coughed a few times in displeasure, "I didn't want to admit this child at first, I just blame him for not being favored!"

Li Yufeng is the most cold-faced.

Don't talk about a child!
Meng Qi's biggest mistake was trying to threaten him with a child.

As everyone knows, Li Yufeng can handle relationships rationally, but also can be cold-faced and unfeeling.

He gave Meng Qi enough patience.

"Then do you still want to go to Li's house?" Li Yufeng glanced at her, "You can choose freely, but I have to take the child away."

After all, it is the blood of the Li family, so he can't let her wander outside.

"You want to separate the child from me?!" Meng Qi didn't expect Li Yufeng to say that.

"I didn't say, you can go to Li's house, or you don't have to, but you don't have a title, you can figure it out yourself."

After finishing speaking, Li Yufeng ignored Meng Qi, stood up and left the hotel.

Meng Qi, who was behind her, slowed down for more than ten minutes before recovering.

She rolled her eyes and took out her mobile phone from her bag.

Li Yufeng, don't blame me for being ruthless.

For the sake of the child, she has nothing to do.

————Jinxi Dividing Line————

Jin Xi's condition is still coming and going, but as Li Yufeng spends a lot of time with her these days, her condition is actually getting better!
At least when she heard Xiaobao's cry, she would reach out and want to hug him!
Li Yufeng was very happy with Jin Xi's improvement, and ordered Dongcheng to do more with the financial management group, and he wanted to help the doctor to make Jin Xi recover soon.

Seeing Xiao Bao sleeping next to Jin Xi, Li Yufeng's heart throbbed with pain.

Did he really do something wrong?

But because of his deep feelings for her, he couldn't tolerate her helping other men.

Is there something wrong with this?

Slowly taking off his shoes, Li Yufeng unbuttoned his shirt, and got into Jin Xi's bed.

Putting one hand on Jin Xi's waist, he found that Jin Xi's hand was always holding Xiao Bao's little feet.

2 more.

(End of this chapter)

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