Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 184 Meng Qi moved into Li's house [5]

Chapter 184 Meng Qi moved into Li's house [5]

Passing through a corridor, Li Yufeng saw Meng Nianxi who was squatting on the ground crying.

Seeing Li Yufeng, Meng Nianxi quickly stood up and ran towards him, shouting while running, "Daddy, Daddy! Mommy is in a bad mood, she ignores me and doesn't play games with me!"

not in a good mood?

Li Yufeng raised his eyebrows, and said in a cold voice, "Then you go and play with the servant."

There are so many servants in the Li family, is there no one to play with him?

"But Nianxi wants Daddy to accompany him!" Meng Nianxi said every word very seriously.

Li Yufeng glanced down, did not continue to speak, but walked into the side room.

As soon as he entered, Li Yufeng saw Meng Qi who was sitting on the bed with red eyes.

"Why don't you accompany the child." Li Yufeng's voice was still cold, without any warmth at all.

Meng Qi glanced at Li Yufeng, her small face tensed, "Brother Yufeng, is this how you treat me? You let Jin Xi's child live with you in the main building of Li's house, but arranged for us Being here, is this discriminating against Nianxi? Nianxi is your eldest son!"

Arranged in order, what Jin Xi's children get now should all belong to Meng Nianxi!
Could it be that Nian Xi should be treated like this because Jin Xi's child was by his side first?

Meng Qi didn't understand!
"Don't ask too much in front of me." He didn't have time to answer.

Moreover, he doesn't like quiet women.

Not satisfied.

"Am I asking too much? Is it too much?" When Li Yufeng said this, Meng Qi became even more angry, "Tell me, how am I worse than Jin Xi?"

"You are much less important than Jin Xi in my heart." Li Yufeng's reason is absolutely sufficient, "You always try to compare with Jin Xi, do you think you can compare?"

Jin Xi used to be the woman he really wanted to marry into the Li family, and she was the one who forcibly entered the Li family.

The difference is here.

Li Yufeng's words completely chilled Meng Qi's heart.

"Brother Yufeng, you are so cruel to me like this! I love you, I know you first, we are together first, you said you would marry me, but why have you changed your mind now?" Meng Meng Seeing that she couldn't do it by force, Qi quickly changed her routine.

Tenderness offensive.

Digging out the past to evoke Li Yufeng's memory of himself.

"There is no first-come-first-served here." Li Yufeng glanced at Meng Qi coldly, "Be good for me, don't try to play tricks in Li's house, if you want to be an adult and a child, your father will be safe If anything, be honest."

When Meng Qi heard this, she simply let her go, "Then let me go now! Since no matter what I do, I can't keep up with Jin Xi's weight, then let me go! My child and I will not bother you again."

"It's late." The Li family doesn't just come in and leave whenever they want.

"What do you mean?"

"You brought it up yourself." You can't blame others.

After Li Yufeng finished speaking, he walked out of Meng Qi's room.

Seeing that Li Yufeng was about to leave, Meng Qi quickly caught up and grabbed Li Yufeng's clothes.

"Wait! You can't treat us like this! Nianxi needs the sunshine outside!"

Li Yufeng stopped in his tracks, stared at Meng Qi's face with black eyes for a while, and said in a low voice, "The garden can be moved."

Walking out of Meng Qi's place, Li Yufeng did not go back to the study, but went back to the master bedroom of Li's house alone.

(End of this chapter)

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