Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 185 Jin Xi's Psychiatrist [1]

Chapter 185 Jin Xi's Psychiatrist [1]

Walking out of Meng Qi's place, Li Yufeng did not go back to the study, but went back to the master bedroom of Li's house alone.

Lying on the bed, I suddenly felt sore all over my body.

After these few days of hard work, Li Yufeng's body has reached the edge of the load, and Li Yufeng doesn't know how long it will take him to take a good rest.

He is now not only tired physically, but also mentally.

People are most afraid of mental fatigue, like a ship without a harbour.

Closing his eyes, Li Yufeng originally wanted to take a nap, but the things in his mind kept turning around, disturbing him so much that he couldn't fall asleep at all.

Sitting up from the bed, Li Yufeng rubbed his forehead.

Forget it, he couldn't fall asleep even if he was lying down, so he might as well go and stay with Jin Xi again.

He walked to the study room, and when he opened the door, Li Yufeng found that Jin Xi was not there?
Li Yufeng quickly grabbed the servant at the door, "Where's Jin Xi?"

"Master, Miss Jin Xi has gone to the garden." The servant was startled and said tremblingly.

"What? The garden?!" Li Yufeng let go of the servant and strode towards the garden.

As soon as he arrived at the garden, the scene that Li Yufeng didn't want to see happened.

Meng Qi took the child, and Jin Xi, the three of them stood in the small pavilion in the garden.

With a sinking heart, Li Yufeng hurried over.

As soon as he arrived at the pavilion, Li Yufeng heard Meng Qi's voice, "Unexpectedly, Li Yufeng is protecting a fool!"

Li Yufeng's heart tightened, and then he heard Jin Xi's retort, "You are the fool, and your whole family are fools! I am not a fool!"

Seeing Jin Xi's serious look, Li Yufeng frowned, walked over a few steps, and protected Jin Xi behind him.

"Meng Qi, don't overdo it." Now that Jin Xi is mentally ill, if Meng Qi bullies her, Jin Xi doesn't know how to resist.

Seeing Li Yufeng protecting Jin Xi, Meng Qi smiled instead of anger.

"Brother Yufeng, I thought you liked Jin Xi why, so you like her crazy appearance!"

"Meng Qi, remember what I said." Li Yufeng's eyes turned cold, revealing anger.

Meng Qi froze, realizing that she was too emotional.

She quickly laughed, "Jin Xi is my younger sister, what can I do to her? If it wasn't for Brother Yufeng, maybe we would still be good sisters!"

Li Yufeng glanced at Meng Qi, did not speak, but turned his head and stroked Jin Xi's hair.

"Go back with me."

"No! I want to play for a while!" Jin Xi grinned, her black and white eyes narrowed, the corners of her mouth curved into a crescent, "You can accompany me!"


Before Li Yufeng could speak, Meng Qi couldn't help laughing.

She really didn't expect Jin Xi to end up like this in the end!

Actually got mental illness!
God helped her!
"If you don't want to stay in this villa forever, get out now!" Li Yufeng growled suddenly.

Jin Xi was so frightened that she rushed into his arms.

Meng Qi was also taken aback by Li Yufeng's aura, and quickly ran back to the villa with Meng Nianxi in her arms.

Jin Xi in Li Yufeng's arms suddenly burst into tears.

"Bad guy, you yell at me! You are bad!"

"I'm not talking about you!" Li Yufeng quickly comforted Jin Xi.

"You're bad, you're bad! I won't be with you!" Jin Xi ran back into the house after finishing speaking.

Li Yufeng behind him sighed, and followed up helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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