Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 191 Jin Xi Announces Rescue Failure 【2】

Chapter 191 Jin Xi Announces Rescue Failure 【2】

With a low growl, it seemed that Li Yufeng had exhausted all his strength.

His face was flushed from too much force.

"Ah Feng, calm down first—" Fan Chuang knew Li Yufeng's temper well, so he hurriedly tried to calm him down.
"Calm down? Huh? I gave your sister many chances, and now—no more!" Li Yufeng is now a wounded leopard, at its most furious period.

With his eyes narrowed, Li Yufeng directly dragged Fanyu out of the office.

Fanyu's head was bumped several times because of his rude actions.

"Brother, save me! Save me!" Fan Yu was terrified, she saw that Li Yufeng had no intention of letting her go, so she could only ask Fan Chuang for help.

"Ah Feng." Fan Chuang wanted to speak, but when he saw Li Yufeng's appearance, he couldn't stop him, so he waved his hand, "Fanyu, it's all because of you who caused this trouble today! You bear it yourself, brother has nothing to say!"

"Brother! Don't! I'll beat him to death!" Fanyu struggled desperately under Li Yufeng's hands, shouting while struggling, "Brother, I'll tell you all, it's not my intention! I was being used of!"

"Use it?" Fan Chuang's mind flashed, and he hurried over to stop Li Yufeng, "Ah Feng, we want to punish Fanyu, why don't we listen to her explain the ins and outs first?"

Li Yufeng's eyes were bloodthirsty, and Fan Chuang was not sure if he would kill Fanyu.

Although she is really hateful, there is always a relationship of blood.

Li Yufeng thought for a while, and suddenly let go of Fanyu's hand.

Fanyu stumbled and sat on the ground.

"Say! If I find out that you are deceiving people with half a punctuation mark, I will kill you right now!" After speaking, Li Yufeng pulled out a gun from his waist.

Seeing Li Yufeng take out his gun, both Fan Chuang and Fan Yu were terrified.

Fan Chuang didn't dare to stop Li Yufeng, so he could only sternly say to Fanyu, "Say it soon? Do you really want to blow your mind!"

"I said I said it, I said it all!" Fanyu shouted hoarsely, shaking his head vigorously, "I was really used, he said that as long as I listened to him, he would make me a serious Mistress of the house! Brother, you trust me!"

"Who is that person who used you?" Fan Chuang narrowed his eyes, feeling that there were too many strange things in Fan Yu's words.

The person who used Fanyu knew the weakness of Fanyu and the affairs of the Li family, so it seemed that he had come prepared.

Li Yufeng's eyes narrowed, and he asked sharply, "Is it Huo Xu?"

"That's right, that's him! He's the one who ordered me!" Fanyu corrected him like crazy when she heard Huo Xu's name.

"You lie to me again?" Li Yufeng frowned, his eyes flashed violently, "He is already dead, burned to death! How could he order you?"

"What?!" Fanyu stared wide-eyed, looking surprised, "Impossible! How could Huo Xu die?"

As soon as Fan Chuang saw Fanyu's appearance, he knew that she must have been deceived by others.

Taking a deep breath, he walked over and kicked her hard, "Fanyu, Fanyu, you really let me down! I can't even control you this time, go and beg Afeng to forgive you Let's see if Ah Feng keeps your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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