Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 192 Jin Xi Announces Rescue Failure 【3】

Chapter 192 Jin Xi Announces Rescue Failure 【3】

Taking a deep breath, he walked over and kicked her hard, "Fanyu, Fanyu, you really let me down! I can't even control you this time, go and beg Afeng to forgive you Let's see if Ah Feng keeps your life!"

After Fan Chuang finished speaking, he gave Fan Yu a hard look.

Fanyu immediately understood what it meant, and rushed to Li Yufeng's feet and cried, "Brother Li, I really knew I was wrong! I was really wrong! I don't dare anymore, just let me go this time Bar!"

"Go away!" Li Yufeng pushed Fanyu down and walked away.

Fan Chuang hurriedly caught up with him, "Ah Feng, what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do!" Li Yufeng shouted hoarsely, "I'm going to find Jin Xi! If Jin Xi can't be found today, you all die!"

"Ah Feng, don't worry, you will definitely find it!" Seeing Li Yufeng's excited look, Fan Chuang was afraid that something would happen to him.

After all, when people are emotional, they like to do stupid things.

"Find it! Find it for me!"

Now Li Yufeng can't listen to any advice.

He just needs to find Jin Xi.

Fan Chuang let out a long breath, and patted Li Yufeng's shoulder, "Don't worry, even if it's to atone for Fan Yu, I will find Jin Xi and bring it back to you."

————Jinxi Dividing Line————
Taking the bus all the way to the suburbs, Jin Xi was in a particularly good mood.

Because Li Yufeng never had the time to take her out, Jin Xi was surprised to see everything outside.

Look here, touch over there, and turn around and say a few childish words to Rhodes from time to time.

As for Rhodes, he was quite at ease, he just followed behind silently, unless Jin Xi spoke to him, otherwise he would just keep following.

Arriving by a small river, Jin Xi was tired and sat on the ground directly.

Rhodes frowned, took off his shirt and placed it under Jin Xi's body, "You will catch a cold like this, especially if you catch a cold next to the water, it won't be good for a while."

"Carrot, how do you know so much? Do you know everything!" Jin Xi looked at Rhodes with envy.

Rhodes shook his head, "I'm not a god, I can only know some common sense, but I can't predict my future."

"The future? What is that?"

"The future is the days to come."

Jin Xi blinked her eyes incomprehensibly, her pretty face was twisted into a ball, "Then is there you in my future?"

"Your future." Rhodes hesitated, his lips moved slightly, "It should be without me."

"Why! Is the carrot going away?"

Just as Jin Xi finished speaking, she suddenly heard the beeping sound of a car horn from behind.

The two turned around at the same time, and saw four cars parked side by side behind them.

Not a luxury car, not even a limousine.

This posture was somewhat unexpected to Rhodes, "Aren't you people who control the wind?"

A woman got out of the first car, she was holding a red leather bag in her hand, and she was stepping on seven-inch high-heeled shoes. If you don't come with me, I think you will die a miserable death."

Jin Xi was so frightened that she hid directly behind Rhodes, "Carrot, I'm afraid."


PS: To the one who made this book so bloody, don’t you think it’s a bit ridiculous to say it’s ugly after reading more than 200 chapters?I trouble you to abandon the text quickly, don't let my text blind your golden eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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