Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 193 Jin Xi Announces Rescue Failure 【4】

Chapter 193 Jin Xi Announces Rescue Failure 【4】

Jin Xi was so frightened that she hid directly behind Rhodes, "Carrot, I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Rhode stroked Jin Xi's hair a few times to calm her down, then looked up at the woman, "I didn't expect you to help me."

"Oh——" the woman chuckled, "I'm not helping you, I'm helping myself! I said I would save you, but I didn't say I would save Jin Xi! Oh no, Jin Xi doesn't need me to save you, Li Yu If Feng finds her, he won't do anything to her."

This, she believed [-]%.

"You want me to drop Jin Xi? That's impossible!" Rhodes directly protected Jin Xi, "Jin Xi is already like this now, don't go too far!"

"How can this be said to be too much? I am your lifesaver." The woman stepped on high heels and took a few steps towards Rhodes, stretched out her hand and straightened Rhodes' collar naturally, "Okay, nonsense Not much to say, hurry up and follow me, Li Yufeng is coming soon."

"Impossible! I won't go with you!" Rhodes shook his head and refused sternly, "I'd rather not have you help me!"

"I want to help." The woman waved to the car behind, and more than a dozen big men got out of it in an instant.

When Rhodes saw it, he quickly pulled Jin Xi and was about to run away.

But the woman was quicker than him, and immediately grabbed Jin Xi's clothes, making it impossible for Rhodes to run away with Jin Xi.

"Don't struggle, you are such an old man, don't you know how to keep the green hills here without worrying about no firewood? I saved you because you kindly helped me once, don't you don't know what is good or bad!" the woman With a cold snort, he winked at the men behind him.

The man immediately stepped forward, grabbed Rhodes and stuffed him into the car.

"Let me go!" Rhodes struggled desperately, but he was no match for the strength of so many people.

Jin Xi was thrown by the river, her little face was covered with stains and tears, and she kept shouting, "Carrot, radish!"

The woman glanced contemptuously, and after confirming that Rhodes had gotten into the car, she moved her red lips slightly, and said to the driver of the car parked at the back, "Kill her by driving, do it cleanly." .”

"It's about the money."

"Am I missing you?"

"That's true!" The driver chuckled, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes, "This is a matter of life and death, do you have to give me some extra reward?"

Seeing her graceful figure, he had no choice but to think about it.

The woman smiled charmingly, "What's the problem? If you do it cleanly, you can say anything."

"OK!" The man made a gesture to put her at ease, "Leave this small matter to me."

————— Li Yufeng Di Dividing Line ————
This time when Jin Xi disappeared, Li Yufeng always felt uneasy.

Why did he have a premonition that something was going to happen?
Sitting down on the sofa, Li Yufeng started to take out his mobile phone to expand the scope of tracking Jin Xi, but a day has passed, and there is still no news from Jin Xi.

Throwing the phone on the table, Li Yufeng scratched his hair irritably.

There was a sense of frustration in my heart that I had never felt before.

"Beep beep-"

The mobile phone on the table rang suddenly, as if telepathically, Li Yufeng grabbed the mobile phone.

It's a missed SMS.

(End of this chapter)

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