Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 194 Jin Xi Announces Rescue Failure 【5】

Chapter 194 Jin Xi Announces Rescue Failure 【5】

It's a missed SMS.

Slender fingers slid across the screen, and a bloody photo appeared in front of Li Yufeng's eyes.

He has seen countless car accident scenes, but he has never been flustered like this one.

Staring at the photo on the screen with black eyes, Li Yufeng almost lost his mind.

Because the person who was hit in the photo was Jin Xi.

Li Yufeng rushed out like crazy, startling Dong Cheng and Fan Chuang in the living room.

Hurrying to follow, Fan Chuang kept asking what happened to Li Yufeng.

Li Yufeng showed Fan Chuang the photo on his phone, and Fan Chuang was stunned, "This must be a fake picture, right? They have no reason to take revenge on Jin Xi!"

"I don't care whether there is a reason or no reason! I want to find Jin Xi, find her quickly!"

"Hey, young master, isn't this a shallow river bend?" Dongcheng tilted his head and thought for a while, the scene in the photo really made him feel familiar.

"Shallow River Bend? Where is that?" Li Yufeng seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, pulling Dongcheng to get into the car, "Hurry up, take me away! Take me here!"

"Ah Feng, don't get excited—"

"Go away!" Li Yufeng roared in a low voice, his mood was very hysterical, "That's Jin Xi! Why don't you make me excited!"

If something happened to Jin Xi, he really couldn't convince himself that he could calm down!
He can't calm down at all!
"Afeng, let's go, let's go together!" Seeing Li Yufeng's distraught appearance all day long, Fan Chuang couldn't take it anymore, he pulled Li Yufeng into the driver's seat, and sat in by himself, "Let me drive, your mood Excited, prone to accidents."

"Well, please trouble Master Fan!" Dong Cheng looked helpless and powerless as he looked at his young master.

This Jin Xi is the young master's life.

When he arrived at the shallow river bend, Li Yufeng got out of the car and ran out along the river.

Dongcheng behind took a look, and was about to chase after him, but Fanyu stretched out his hand to hold him, "Tell me how long this river is first?"

"It doesn't take long, and you can walk to the end in about 10 minutes." This is just an abandoned river in the suburbs. If he hadn't passed by some time ago, it might have been completely forgotten by people.

"Then let him find it alone."

Dongcheng didn't understand what Fan Chuang meant, and looked at him suspiciously.

Let the young master find it by himself?
"Don't look at me that way. Don't you know what your young master needs most now? If he can't find Jin Xi this time, he can calm down by the way. Only when he is alone It's easy to calm down, so we don't want to bother you too much! If we find Jin Xi, it's not too late for us to go there! It's not like you don't know your young master's temper, once the result disappoints him, he will lose control. "

"But... can you really leave the young master alone?" Although Dong Cheng felt that what Young Master Fan said was reasonable, after all, the young master had just been stimulated, and it would be too dangerous for him to speak alone.

"Li Yufeng won't commit suicide, so what are you afraid of?" Fan Chuang looked in Li Yufeng's direction, with a wry smile on his lips, "I'm afraid they are the couple who have experienced the most hardships."

"The young master really loves Miss Jin Xi." Even his elm-headed man who had never been in love could tell.

(End of this chapter)

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